How much cardio?



  • BriskaPacojame
    BriskaPacojame Posts: 195 Member
    I put a towel over the time :) 30 minutes flies by, even when I'm walking on an incline, at a fast pace. BUT if I watch it, 10 minutes seems like an uphill battle!! Just a little tip, it really helps to not watch the time.
  • You all have given me such great advice! I love MFP! Theres always someone out there to answer your questions, and to help you!

    I do have an anxiety disorder and this plays a BIG part in my lack of exercise, meaning I get anxious about being out of breath, and having my heart race, and getting tired while working out, which in return, makes me want to stop because I feel exhausted, and makes my anxiety that much worse.
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    look up couch to 5k
  • depends on what your goal is. Do you want to be healthier than yes do cardio - I keep hearing that 30 minutes a day is key but you can separate that 30 minutes into 3 10 minute shots if youd like. If your looking to loose weight (fat) cardio is only essential in keeping your net calories at your goal. You should mix cardio with strength training and eating right for optimal gains in all departments.

    As for cardio training - do what you can in a week and pick one day to be your push day. Try and keep your heart rate at a manageable pace (i.e. 55%-65% of HRM) - let's just say easy numbers around 120. Then on that push day try and get yourself to go 130 heart rate or increase your time of workout more. Once you succeed that's your new bench mark and move forward from there

    Yeah, Im definitely trying to lose weight, so I know I have to do cardio. The 3 10 minute shots sound more doable then just the 30 minutes all at once. Thanks for the advice! :)
  • I have been told by trainers to do 30-45 minutes ever other day. No more than that because your body could get used to your cardio level and plateau and then youll end up having to do 2 hours of cardio for the same effect after a while.
  • look up couch to 5k

    Thanks, I will! :)
  • 10 minutes is better than none at all. Just try to go a little longer each time. You'll see it gets easier the more you do.

    I sure hope so!!
  • ebonyjbyrd
    ebonyjbyrd Posts: 1 Member
    Invest in a strict personal trainer. It maybe costly, however, trainers have a way of motivating you and pushing you past your comfort zone. Plus they will ensure you are using the proper body form and technique, which is extremely important. You don't won't to injure your knees or other joints. Also, be sure to get a STRICT trainer, you don't want someone too nice that will let you quit to early on - you won't acheive results.

    If it is indeed too costly, join a fitness class at the gym. In the beginning you won't be able to keep up, however, you'll notice that aftre 2 weeks you'll improve a lot.
  • twinkul
    twinkul Posts: 2
    i started off small, 10 minutes on a cross trainer, then 12, then 15 ,so small baby steps now I can take bigger steps, like increasing by 10 minutes a time. Now I'm up to an hour on a cross trainer followed by some muscle workout afterwards (as my legs are tired!!) I use an MP3 player too, so I'm in my own little world of weight loss and calorie burning! Quick tunes work better than slower ones I have found. I haven't done any gym equipment I don't enjoy, so I can't jog on a treadmill or cycle, so no reason to get off after 5 minutes! I also read online which made SO much sense I thought 'Of Course How Obvious!' To maximise calorie burning you have to move the large muscle groups against gravity ie your legs and bottom NOT suspended ie on a saddle so running, cross training, swimming, those kind of activities will burn the most! :D Hope that helped someone :)
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 252 Member
    I switched from gym to Jillian Michaels work outs and my energy is 100% better I do 60-90 minutes of exercise a day and i weigh 215 now If I can do this anyone can Its my mind set I refuse to fail
  • I HATE EXERCISE especially the cardio. Like what most are aying...just add a bit more a day. I try for at least 30 m a day, and then hit the weights. But we are all different, so just be HONEST with yourself most of all and do what you can. You can do it..and you will be so surprised at JUST WHAT YOU CAN DO! Go for it!
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 252 Member
    Invest in a strict personal trainer. It maybe costly, however, trainers have a way of motivating you and pushing you past your comfort zone. Plus they will ensure you are using the proper body form and technique, which is extremely important. You don't won't to injure your knees or other joints. Also, be sure to get a STRICT trainer, you don't want someone too nice that will let you quit to early on - you won't acheive results.

    If it is indeed too costly, join a fitness class at the gym. In the beginning you won't be able to keep up, however, you'll notice that aftre 2 weeks you'll improve a lot.
    YES this is why Im following JM video She makes me keep going
  • makkc02
    makkc02 Posts: 5 Member
    I have severe anxiety too. I CONSTANTLY check my heart rate when working out. My dr told me that if I get my heart pumping for 60 minutes that I won't die. Ha ha. It's all a mind game with me. I am good now when I see my heart rate go up. If it were to drop really fast then I would panic. I am now up to 60 minutes of high intensity walking at a 10.5 incline.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    My trainer recommends at least 2 hours of cardio a week.... I typically do over 5 hours of cardio a week BUT when I started, after 30 minutes I was dying..... Now i can go for hours and I'm good. Just stick with it.... push yourself though. If youre tired at 10 minutes, do 5 more, and then stop... don't just stop when you get tired. Before you know it you'll be doing more than you thought you could.

    I'm a gym rat now!

    sw 303.4 (1/1/11)
    cw 198.4 (down 105lbs)
    gw 160
    29 y/o 5'6''
  • Do what you can...everyone is different...
    but each time try and push yourself a little harder and a little further
    it will get easier each time...I promise :)

    THIS!! DEFINITELY!! :bigsmile: As long as you make a commitment to keep moving, you'll progress and your body will respond. It's amazing what we can REALLY do when we set out minds and attitudes to do it!! :smile:

    Set a goal, make a commitment to complete it. Then tomorrow, set another goal, (maybe add some time on your treadmill, or try some planks or lunges (I've read lunges burn more calories :bigsmile: ) Be gentle with yourself. Experiment.... You'll find what works best for you.

    Wishing you the best of luck!! Have a great day!! :happy:
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Assuming that the weather is getting nicer where you are, walk outside. It's easier on the mind because the scenery changes and you have to pay attention to your surroundings. Walk for 8 minutes then turn around to go home. unless you choose to sleep in the street, you can't give up before you walk all the way back home.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    You don't have to do anything strenuous in the beginning. Just doing 10-20 minutes of something that gets your heart rate up (like walking), is beneficial, and will help you build your endurance. Plus it's low-impact, and you can do that anywhere. :)
  • clickmaster
    clickmaster Posts: 54 Member
    how much should I do? Like how many minutes,
    We can't tell you how many minutes and you've not said what resources you have. However, the conventional wisdom suggests that elevating your heart rate to 80% of max for 20 minutes three times per week is nominal.
    and what type of cardio should I do? I walk on my treadmill, but after about 9-10 minutes, Im tired, because I NEVER work out.
    Walking is okay but it's not as good as training for strength. It's a myth that steady-state aerobic exercise enhances cardio-vascular fitness and, in fact, what we call "cardio" is a very poor way to a healthy heart. The best way to train for both anaerobics (strength training) and aerobics ("cardio") is to do body-wide strength training slowly working up to high intensity. Aerobics will after time result in bodily wear and tear while the much safer strength training will add muscle which will elevate your BMR, prolong your "afterburn", make it easier to burn fat over glycogen, provide for more robust systemic and organic health, make you more immune to injury, create better bone mineral density and stave off osteoporosis, and much, much more.

    Muscle is the best metabolic investment we can make.

    Good luck and good health!!

  • elarvor
    elarvor Posts: 12 Member
    I have hired a personal trainer who comes to my house and I raised the same question. He advised me to start with 20 minutes cardio.

    I do 10 minute warm up (which you could call cardio to be honest) then followed by 2 10 minute cardio work outs then I go onto core and strength exercises. I've been doing 3 1hr workouts a week for almost 2 weeks and it's getting easier to do so when I see Gordon this week I'll have to ask for more cardio exercises that challenge me.

    One handy trick Gordon showed me was to measure my own heart rate and to work out what my fat burning zone was. Its important that the cardio work you do is pushing you enough and you're hitting your fat burning zone to see a difference in terms of weight loss.

    Simple calculations:
    1. Take 220 and deduct your age (for me that works out at 192). Whatever the figure that is the max your heart rate should ideally be reaching when working out, if it's exceeding that slow down a little.
    2. Take that figure you got for step 1 (for me 192) and work out what 70% of that is (for me 135). Whatever figure you get is the heart rate that indicates that you're within your fat burning zone. You can go a little below and above.

    Try exercises then measuring your heart rate to see how you're doing.
  • triplejay1
    triplejay1 Posts: 84 Member
    I put a towel over the time :) 30 minutes flies by, even when I'm walking on an incline, at a fast pace. BUT if I watch it, 10 minutes seems like an uphill battle!! Just a little tip, it really helps to not watch the time.

    YES!! I have to cover the time or focus on something else, if i watch it, it seems like forever LOL!!