Ok so, I have recently noticed since on my new plan which I am loving. that when I eat I eat to like DEVOUR my food, Be it snack or full meal. and I dont know why I do this...Before I started eating healthy I would eat pure junk foods like: Hot cheetos, candy bars, ice cream, chips with dip, burritos, pizza u name it! if it was greasy I loved it. and even then, I ate fast. I live right next to a little store and after I would buy one candy bar. I would make several trips back to buy like 3more or one bag of hot cheetos for 2 more. u get it. well anyways. I WAS wondering if other ppl out there might be the same way? I am tryin now to take time to distract myself from just DEVOURING DOWN whatever it is I am eating. u know so you can allow your body to feel full.

I AM EATING: 1 kellogs meal bar
1 tuna fish sandwich: which is half gone. AND WOULD BE GONE IF I WASNT TYPING THIS POST
and yea so thanks to this post I am taking my time instead of just SHOVELING IT ALL IN :)


  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    Yes I do! when I was little my dad was so impatient he would tell me and my sister no hurry on your eating I will just be waiting with the car running. so we had to eat fast. well living that way from 4 years old to 15 years old it was ingrained I still eat to fast. that is a lot of my problem too. I don't slow down when I eat and let it digest but do as you do devour it. glad to know I am not alone. maybe we can help each other on slowing down on the eating. we are so much alike it seems. you are probably my fitness twin.
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Yes I do! when I was little my dad was so impatient he would tell me and my sister no hurry on your eating I will just be waiting with the car running. so we had to eat fast. well living that way from 4 years old to 15 years old it was ingrained I still eat to fast. that is a lot of my problem too. I don't slow down when I eat and let it digest but do as you do devour it. glad to know I am not alone. maybe we can help each other on slowing down on the eating. we are so much alike it seems. you are probably my fitness twin.

    thank goodness i am not alone on this one!! fitness twin it is then :)
    Um, well everytime I eat, I think I will just be on MFP so that way it def. will slow it down for a lil bit. Infact almost done eating but I didnt devour it this time, Tho I sure would have if I wasnt reading threads or posting...NOTE TO SELF: NEW TIP EAT WHILE ON MFP IT HELPS sloooow things down :)
  • gldnlark
    gldnlark Posts: 53
    Guilty! Most of my life I've always been in a hurry and my eating habits reflected it. While it had no noticeable effect on my weight, I think it aggravated my digestive problems and probably still does.
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    Oh yes! I'm a fast eater...I pretty much inhale my food...but I'm working on trying to chew more, and sip water in between bites so I slow down...I don't want to over stuff my stomach!
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    So bad about that too! It's almost embarrassing how fast I eat my food, especially when I am done with my meal way before the guys I'm eating with. I never think about it until the food is almost gone, too, which is super annoying. The only thing that slows me down a little is jumping on the computer or app to record my food. But even then, it's eat fast, pause, eat fast, pause...haha can never actually slow the eating part down
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    Definitely. It's really bad when I'm in a restaurant with friends and family. I'm usually the first one finished because I don't chit-chat between bites.
  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    I do this too and I don't know why! I'm sure if I slowed down and enjoyed my food more, I would be ultra-skinny.

    I'm self-conscious about it so usually when someone makes a comment about how I'm done already, I say "Prison will do that to you!"
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    So bad about that too! It's almost embarrassing how fast I eat my food, especially when I am done with my meal way before the guys I'm eating with. I never think about it until the food is almost gone, too, which is super annoying. The only thing that slows me down a little is jumping on the computer or app to record my food. But even then, it's eat fast, pause, eat fast, pause...haha can never actually slow the eating part down

    OMG I was at a friend's house yesterday and there were 4 of us eating - of course I was the first one done (depsite the ...shovel shovel-pause- shovelshovel-pause..)

    I don't think anyone noticed, but I did and was slightly embarrassed :(
  • mellyexoh
    mellyexoh Posts: 6 Member
    Im usually good if I am out with someone eating. But if Im alone or at home eating dinner Ill at way too fast! Im usually finished before my boyfriend!! But he's naturally a slow eater. Im trying to start distracting myself, but watching a bit of tv betwen bites (I know it ot good to watch tv whil eating dinner) but its helping a bit. We arent allowed to talk at dinner cause my mums show is usually on haha! Im trying to wait until ive chewed all my food before starting to cut my eat r scoops up something.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I used to eat quite fast, but I've learned to pace it out. I always enter my food in my diary before I eat so I see how many calories are involved and then start eating slowly enough to ration it out, 100 calories per 5 minutes. Yes, you do have to be a clock watcher for a while, and some foods/meals will take longer to adjust to the new speed, but I'm definitely getting that full feeling signal at 20 minutes, and for a 500 calorie meal, that's coming before it's finished. Definitely helps with weight loss. Also notice I'm snacking less.
  • PunkRockDad
    Definitely. It's really bad when I'm in a restaurant with friends and family. I'm usually the first one finished because I don't chit-chat between bites.

    hahaha, I hear ya. I used to order the biggest meal out of everyone and then be the first one done. I wouldn't even notice I was doing that until a few bites were left.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    Chew slowly and completely. Savor the flavor. Take a sip of water between bites. Put your fork down between bites. Count to 10 between bites. Do what you need to do to space out those bites and you will learn to eat more slowly which will definitely improve both your health and your enjoyment of food.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Yep. I don't even try not to anymore.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Yep. I don't even try not to anymore.
    This. (sorry for chasing you around the boards, but you're always right... grr!)
  • chipaddict
    Definitely. It's really bad when I'm in a restaurant with friends and family. I'm usually the first one finished because I don't chit-chat between bites.

    ^This. When I'm eating I'm all about the food!
  • PunkRockDad
    My wife eats much faster than me. Especially an ice cream cone or something like that. She will be done with the whole thing when I am just getting to the cone part of the ice cream cone.

    ....don't tell her I said that.:laugh:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I'm just the opposite. I eat really slowly and enjoy my food most of the time. My dad was very strict with manners at the dinner table when I was a kid and he used to make me chew my food 20 times before I swallowed it. I couldn't stand him for it back then, but as i've gotten older i've really been grateful that he made it second nature for me to slow down and enjoy my food. My family has been known to linger over dinner for two hours or more, just slowly eating, enjoying ourselves and chatting. I think in some other countries they really savor their meals and the company they have during mealtimes, it is a beautiful thing. I think in Italy they call it, 'Mangia bene'-literally translated to "eat well".
  • ensoleille
    I do but I've been trying to eat slower by counting to twenty whilst chewing each mouthful.
    It makes the food last longer and also make you feel more full :)
  • ralombard
    I used to do the exact same thing! Before MFP, that is. I had so much trouble stopping!
  • PunkRockDad
    Chew slowly and completely. Savor the flavor. Take a sip of water between bites. Put your fork down between bites. Count to 10 between bites. Do what you need to do to space out those bites and you will learn to eat more slowly which will definitely improve both your health and your enjoyment of food.

    Heck with that, you put a slice of pizza infront of me, and it is gone. No counting to 10 I see what your saying though.