100+ Pounds to lose Labor Day Challenge beg 7/6



  • bettame32
    bettame32 Posts: 17
    just wanted to check in. I have lost all motivation!!!!!!!!!! I don't know whats wrong with me. I do know my iron is very low (dr. said so). I have little to no energy. After working 8 hrs and coming home cooking dinner I have no will to do much more than to get in bed. And far as food goes, if its not junk food cakes and candy it doesnt taste right. Good healthy food makes my stomach upset. And my tasting buds arent having it. What do i do? I'm not giving up!!!! I am sooooooooo determined to have my skinny on the outside where it belong. Can I get some feed back on some sample diets and execrise work outs you all do? Thanks for listening!!!!!!!!
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    It must be the day or something because all I want is junk food right now. I have tried to fill myself up with water and good food but it is just not doing it:( I find that even if I am unmotivated if I can at least make it to the gym then I have won the battle because it is good from there. I am very concerned about lack of motivation and not making it to the gym when I go back to work in a couple of weeks:(

    Bettame32...if your iron is low you need to eat some foods that will help get that back up...make sure to take a multi-vitamin as well. I was not very good about taking my vitamin but since I have started working out and eating healthier I have been taking it to make sure I am not slacking in any of my vitamins and minerals. If all else fails put on some music you love and just dance...gets you moving:) Hope you start feeling better soon:)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :happy: I'm having the same kind of day ... I've been super motivated and happy with my weight loss and effort this week - but then today I am doing nothing but thinking about food. My son and I went to the new Harry Potter movie (which I enjoyed - he thought it was kind of long and slow, but he is 8) ... One of the previews was the 'Partly Cloudy with Meatballs' movie that showed food falling from the sky ... and that made me hungry! and then I kept thinking about food through the whole movie!
    I ended up eating homemade french fries and fried fish for dinner ... and am still not satisfied.:grumble: Back on track tomorrow!
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello all...sorry to see people are feeling down. I was actually not feeling well this afternoon. Felt very nauseaus (spelling???). So I didnt want to eat, I made my self have a nature valley bar and I was able to eat my planned dinner. Grilled chicken,baked potatoe and a salad. I was hungry and felt good after eating.

    I have been finding reasons to walk. I live within 5 miles of most of the places we need to go, so I am walking for a purpose. Tonight we needed to pick up some football cleats from a friend of ours. I could have drove there in a few minutes but we walked instead. In total it turned out to be a 90 minute walk there and back. It was a nice walk and a good time with my babies.

    I am looking for some meal ideas too
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    It must be the day or something because all I want is junk food right now. I have tried to fill myself up with water and good food but it is just not doing it:( I find that even if I am unmotivated if I can at least make it to the gym then I have won the battle because it is good from there. I am very concerned about lack of motivation and not making it to the gym when I go back to work in a couple of weeks:(

    Bettame32...if your iron is low you need to eat some foods that will help get that back up...make sure to take a multi-vitamin as well. I was not very good about taking my vitamin but since I have started working out and eating healthier I have been taking it to make sure I am not slacking in any of my vitamins and minerals. If all else fails put on some music you love and just dance...gets you moving:) Hope you start feeling better soon:)

    Hey there,
    I have been very tight mouthed about what I am doing. I have not spoke to anyone except my Husband and Doctor about my food and activity. I have had my gallbladder removed several years ago and I have had stomach problems since. I am using this as my cover for the change in my eating habits. I dont want to hear anyone's ideas, advice, talk about how they need to lose (when they are a size 6). I have had people in the past purposfully temp me with sweets...so annoying. I dont get any of that when they hear " It really will make me sick to eat a #4 value meal, but thanks anyway". They really cant continue after that. Just wanted to share how I am dealing with the work folks. Hope this helps
  • chellebelle
    Hello Lovelies!! I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Weigh in on Monday and I'm dreading it. It's been a long week with 3 days meetings with sweet treat breaks twice a day. My back still isn't 100% and I'm thinking I may need to see my doctor about some physical therapy. The muscle that wraps around my right hip is really tight. I miss pain free walking, sitting, and standing.

    Have a great week!! I'll be back Monday with the way in.

    BTW....does anyone know if there is website, geared towards weight loss/health/nutrition similar to MySpace as far as the social networking side of it. I wish there was a place here to have status updates on our profiles and have them be more user friendly all together. Like I wish I could just 'squish' them together. :smile:
  • miracle
    miracle Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to join this group...I currently weigh 277 lbs.....If I coud lose 8 lbs by Labor day, i would be thrilled......I am weighing in every Sunday morning from now on......
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome Miracle! This is a great group, you'll enjoy it :)

    Btw, just had to share an amusing story that kind of tickled me yesterday. Was at the theater and went to the rest room. When I pulled my pants down, they were a bit tight so I figured I didn't unzip all the way.....come to find out, I hadn't unbuttoned or unzipped! They came right down! Made me feel good cuz these jeans used to be somewhat tight:) Good day!

  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome Miracle! This is a great group, you'll enjoy it :)

    Btw, just had to share an amusing story that kind of tickled me yesterday. Was at the theater and went to the rest room. When I pulled my pants down, they were a bit tight so I figured I didn't unzip all the way.....come to find out, I hadn't unbuttoned or unzipped! They came right down! Made me feel good cuz these jeans used to be somewhat tight:) Good day!

    Kamcat you rock...I am pulling out my old clothes too. I refuse to buy any clothes. I will make do with what I have untill I go on my mini vaca in Oct.
  • miracle
    miracle Posts: 12 Member
    To me....getting in some old pants would be the ultimate high!!! Good job....I really look forward to that moment.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    Can I join?

    When this thread started I weighed 280 and needed to lose 115 lbs. :noway: To tell the truth, when I get down around 180 I start looking emaciated, so I'll see about losing that last 15 when I get there.

    I had my weight creep up, had a break up, joined a gym, lost a ton of weight, got in a new relationship, got pregnant, broke up again, and now I weight almost as much as I did at the end of my pregnancy! Good lord!

    Recently I have discovered that going to the gym is helping me shrink myself - I went from a (loose) size 32 to a (tight) 18 in about 2 months. But only lost 15 pounds. Then I got sick, stopped going to the gym, and gained it all back. Didn't plump up so bad - I'm currently a loose size 26.

    I think if I pay more attention to what I'm eating, watch the calorie counts, which I have actually never done in my life because committing to exercise always did it for me before, maybe that will be the trick. But I'm not holding my breath.

    I will say for sure that since I started going to the gym again I can keep up with my son better. I try to go to the gym everyday, but weekends are tough, so I usually go 5 days a week. I only work out for a half hour. I could do more, but it's keeping me moving. And when I don't go to the gym I'm off with my son. For example, yesterday I went to a festival and walked around for 2.5 hours. Seriously, in the humidity, 6 months ago I wouldn't have been able to do that.

    But that still doesn't mean I'm anything close to healthy.

    I don't weigh myself daily or I'd go mad. I'm not about to do it today because yesterday at the festival, the one I've gone to every years since I was a kid, and I ate like a kid! On the one hand, so worth it to be in the moment and help all those charities! On the other hand, I don't think I've eaten that much fried food all year! Supposedly I burned most of the calories off walking around, but I don't really believe it. So maybe tomorrow I'll weigh myself and see if there has been any change, which I doubt. I've really all but given up on the numbers moving. Almost, but not quite, or I wouldn't be trying this site out, huh?
  • cdwinters
    cdwinters Posts: 48 Member
    Grats Kamcat:) That is awesome.

    Welcome ck2d...this is a great group!
  • weightoffmom
    weightoffmom Posts: 61 Member
    Can I join?

    When this thread started I weighed 280 and needed to lose 115 lbs. :noway: To tell the truth, when I get down around 180 I start looking emaciated, so I'll see about losing that last 15 when I get there.

    I had my weight creep up, had a break up, joined a gym, lost a ton of weight, got in a new relationship, got pregnant, broke up again, and now I weight almost as much as I did at the end of my pregnancy! Good lord!

    Recently I have discovered that going to the gym is helping me shrink myself - I went from a (loose) size 32 to a (tight) 18 in about 2 months. But only lost 15 pounds. Then I got sick, stopped going to the gym, and gained it all back. Didn't plump up so bad - I'm currently a loose size 26.

    I think if I pay more attention to what I'm eating, watch the calorie counts, which I have actually never done in my life because committing to exercise always did it for me before, maybe that will be the trick. But I'm not holding my breath.

    I will say for sure that since I started going to the gym again I can keep up with my son better. I try to go to the gym everyday, but weekends are tough, so I usually go 5 days a week. I only work out for a half hour. I could do more, but it's keeping me moving. And when I don't go to the gym I'm off with my son. For example, yesterday I went to a festival and walked around for 2.5 hours. Seriously, in the humidity, 6 months ago I wouldn't have been able to do that.

    But that still doesn't mean I'm anything close to healthy.

    I don't weigh myself daily or I'd go mad. I'm not about to do it today because yesterday at the festival, the one I've gone to every years since I was a kid, and I ate like a kid! On the one hand, so worth it to be in the moment and help all those charities! On the other hand, I don't think I've eaten that much fried food all year! Supposedly I burned most of the calories off walking around, but I don't really believe it. So maybe tomorrow I'll weigh myself and see if there has been any change, which I doubt. I've really all but given up on the numbers moving. Almost, but not quite, or I wouldn't be trying this site out, huh?
    MFP sure has mad me VERY aware of what I am putting in my body. My husband I wanted to go out to lunch yesterday..we looked up some of our old favorites and about had a heart attack. I gave myself permission to eat what I wanted but I really was discussed with my previous choices.

    :cry: So sad that I have done this to myself. I made those bad choices..no one made me do it. We ended up at Burger King, not the best of course...had a grilled chicken sandw(no mayo) and a small onion rings(no onion ring sauce) and could only eat half the sandw. I have had no fried food in about three weeks. I have had my gallbladder removed so I paid for those onion rings dearly.

    Another lesson learned, my meal was not as good as I thought it was going to be.
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    Hi to all my big, beautiful ladies!!! Sorry to have been absent from the board for so long. I had a funeral to attend and a couple of youth outings with my church. I will say that being absent from MFP has caused me to not be very conscious of my eating habits. I know I have gone over my calories some days and I have not been working out like I should. I would not even be suprised to see the scale go up a few pounds this week. The only thing I can do now is go back to basics and doing what I know. Stay in my calories, drink water, get in exercise whenever I can and pray!! I saw a couple of posts back that people were feeling low. Add me to the list. I think I'm coming up on that TOM because I feel disgusting.:sad:
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Well it's Monday and I'm checking in. I figure I'm going to stick with my Thursday weigh-in so I only have to do it once a week.

    Weigh-in on Thursday was 269.5 - up from my 267 after being sick, but that's ok.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Here is my weigh-in this week

    Last week - 269.8
    This week - 267.9
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I go to the gym 5 nights a week (they must be sure I have no life! or no cable!) On the weekend I'm running around with my kid. Still, not much to show for it as far as the scale goes, but my stamina has improved greatly.
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    When I go to the gym, I do the 5k loop on the treadmill about 3 miles. Sometimes I'll do an aerobics class like step or Zumba. When I feel like staying home, I'll do an aerobics video (Jillian Michaels or Taebo) or I'll ride my exercise bike. When I want to workout outside, I go to the local track and walk. When I'm feeling super tired or lazy, I'll do the Wii fit or go swimming. As long as I get some activity in. Hope this helps.:bigsmile:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    What do you do for exercise? I go to the gym 5 nights a week (they must be sure I have no life! or no cable!) On the weekend I'm running around with my kid. Still, not much to show for it as far as the scale goes, but my stamina has improved greatly.

    :smile: I go to the YMCA 3 days a week and do a step class, and 2 of those days I also do a weight lifting class. I find that I don't push myself nearly enough if I'm just doing the treadmill or something on my own - I'm way more motivated in a class with other people, and it's become a nice social thing for me too as I've become friends with several people in my classes. I have a harder time on the other days - I try to walk (with a friend is best - because again it helps motivate me), or I ride my recumbant bike and watch TV - I don't think that is the best workout but is at least something.

    I would highly recommend a heart rate monitor if you are working out but not seeing results on the scale. I got one last March (polar F11), and it was an eye opener to realize how much I wasn't pushing myself on the treadmill or walking...the only time I was ever getting into a 'fat burning zone' was in step class. The HR monitor that I have tracks weekly workouts and other stuff - so it has been really motivating to get 'credit' for my workout time.

    :flowerforyou: Hang in there ... you will see progress on the scale if you keep working out and watching your calorie intake. Slow and steady is best anyhow. I bet you have lost inches if you measure yourself!
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    I'm scared of the "fat burning range!" Seriously, I think I'd have a heart attack. I go to the gym to watch Larry King Live - when he's really pressing someone I don't even notice that I'm working out! I'm sure that's what I should be aiming for, getting to the point of not noticing it, but that is a huge improvement.

    My overall strategy is not to try to lose weight. It's to gradually improve my lifestyle and to become healthy and then the weight should come off on it's own. Does that make any sense? Yes, I'm annoyed at how I look, but that would never be enough motivation. I'm more annoyed when I can't do something I want to just because my body won't cooperate.