Got Kicked Out Of the Gym Today & Im Pissed Off!



  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    They told her that she is not allowed to work with an outside trainer.

    That's pretty standard for any gym, actually. I'm sorry it bothered you so much.

    I never heard of that, but I would be mad too.
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    Talk to the manager. If you aren't paying the other member, you are just working out with a buddy. If they argue it, I'd ask for your money back...if they argue that, get their boss' phone and address! Good luck to you!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    id be pissed! definitely chat with the manager about it
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Initially he said because he cant "train" us, then he later said that other clients were asking thier 24hr trainers to do some of the same exercises. A friend helping another friend. Isnt one of the most talked about support systems is to workout with a friend to keep each other motivated? Not at 24hr fitness, they want you to only pay and workout with thier staff. Yes my friend is in good shape, I mean he does TaeKwon Do and Kickboxing there at the gym as well. I'm wondering if they would have said anything if he were out of shape and overweight?
  • i agree with all what has been said, if mgmt chooses to stand by their employee and not support their customers...maybe take it higher to head office, or to local media...
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    that gym would NOT be getting anymore of my business!
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks guys. I think I am going to go talk to the manager. Each one of us is a member there. We pay our monthly fees. We are there to support each other and make sure we are doing everything in proper form. Isnt that another big mistake people make? Improper form? I am deffinately no expert in fitness but I see how the trainers work there. They target the fresh " I want to start my new years resolution" people to train. Of course they are going to be sore after the first session. Thats when they get them to buy the bigger expensive packages. What about people like me, who have been workingout for 2 years? I have lost 71lbs on my own. I need something more. I need you to push me to the limit. Dont be afraid to yell at me. Kick my butt!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm just curious, but when they kicked you out, did they specifically tell you that it was due to this trainer/trainee relationship?
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Talk to the manager, and if that doesn't work go above him! Seriously, thats wrong. Your membership is like a contract, they can't just break their end without the facts. If you have to go to Corporate, threaten to speak to your lawyer about it because 24hr fitness was actually in a lawsuit not too long ago, I am sure they don't need more bad publicity.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm just curious, but when they kicked you out, did they specifically tell you that it was due to this trainer/trainee relationship?
    yes they did. and we clarified to them that we were just friends working out together.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Talk to the manager, and if that doesn't work go above him! Seriously, thats wrong. Your membership is like a contract, they can't just break their end without the facts. If you have to go to Corporate, threaten to speak to your lawyer about it because 24hr fitness was actually in a lawsuit not too long ago, I am sure they don't need more bad publicity.
    oh wow I didnt know that.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    They told her that she is not allowed to work with an outside trainer.

    That's pretty standard for any gym, actually. I'm sorry it bothered you so much.

    Right, it is standard. However, he is not a trainer. She is not paying him.
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Good news, I just found out that the manager of that franchise or facility is my friends' friend uncle ( i hope i didnt confuse anyone). She said she would talk to her uncle about it.
  • Damn! Boooo! That is S^itty! Seriously Though.
  • foot2wood
    foot2wood Posts: 149 Member
    What a heaping pile of spit. That sounds like the place i don't want any part of. You might as well start looking for a REAL gym now, cause its not gonna get better.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    that gym would NOT be getting anymore of my business!

    thats what im screaming. i dont give a damn what their reasoning was. how embarrasing. bye bye 24 hour.
  • RANT TIME********
    So my long time friend ( of over 12ys) and I always work out togather at the local 24hr fitness location here in our side of town. We both did the personal trainng packages. We did the cycling class along with the BodyPump etc.... Of course after several weeks of the same routine we both hit a plateau. Another friend who also works out at that gym offered to workout with us and show us what he does. He taught us about proper form and how to incorporate HIIT training. Well after 6 weeks, my friend and I start losing inches all over. Our conditioning and endurance is better than ever. I feel good after everyworkout. Then today, A freaking trainer comes over and tells us we cant be training there and we have to leave! WTF???? we each pay our monthly dues just like everyone else in this damn gym does, and how I choose to workout and with who is none of ya'lls damn concern or business What happened to gym staff being supportive? My friend went to talk to him, and basically other members were asking if he was a trainer there because they wanted to train like him. I mean i would be drenched in sweat! So now 24hr trainers are feeling threatened by what my friend has taught us. I read their policy and all it says is that " No member can train another member for compensation".............I have never paid a single dime to this friend. He is there for the sme reasons as I am. To be fit and healthy! 24hr fitness only wants money, they dont care about you!

    Oh heck no.. that's very unfair.. So your friend has more common sense and knowledge then there trainers? Oh well. He was just helping you guys free at that.. I'd raise heck.. Demand to speak to management.
  • kaatielove
    kaatielove Posts: 113
    I would threaten them with a lawsuit to get out of your contract & go somewhere else.. =(
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Good news, I just found out that the manager of that franchise or facility is my friends' friend uncle ( i hope i didnt confuse anyone). She said she would talk to her uncle about it.
    wow - small world there lol
    good luck :)
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    My fiance considers himself a trainer, and is always training me at my gym. a 24hr as well. The trainers in the gym are actually very supportive, and just want to see people get healthy. The trainer there is actually quiet supportive of this, and so is managment. We pay our fees, and antthing we do beyond that is our decision. Hey and I pay my fiance (j/k) lol!!!!!!
    I think it is your gym, and they don't sound like they care about health.
    I'd express your concern to management, and find another gym if they are going to kick you out!