Looking for friends 100+ pounds to lose



  • ksw28
    ksw28 Posts: 1
    Hi there! :happy:

    I too have a goal of 100 pounds to loose and I would love to buddy up with you and others, maybe together we can help each other out on this weight loss journey... I begin in September of 2010 and have lost 78 pounds to date.. In September I kinda hit a bump in the road and just stayed there.. I am working out with a trainer now as well as by myself in hopes to shed these extra pounds....

    I can also be found on Face book. I'm there often.....

    I'm on a mission and would love to take as many with me as possible........ :love:
  • Im trying hard to loose weight too, right here with you. add me and well do it together!
  • JaniceReaume
    JaniceReaume Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to this site also, I have found it very helpful so far. I have about 110 to lose, I only set a small amt first. i would love to be a support buddy for you. Having lots of support makes this seem doable!!!
  • ChristineW82
    ChristineW82 Posts: 116 Member
    Feel free to add me!

    I'm currently looking to lose about 80lbs, but I'm pretty sure I'll revise this to lose more once I reach that goal.
  • mrsajivy
    mrsajivy Posts: 1
    Hi, My name is Chelsey and I also have 100+ to lose. I just started this yesterday. It is really opening my eyes to what I shouldn't be eating. I would love to have some friends to do this with. My sister and my mom started with me yesterday, but they do not have as much to lose as I do. I would like to lose 120 pounds. I was just put on high blood pressure bills and I would like to manage this myself. I am also going to a resort with my husband in January and I would like to feel good about myself. I feel I would do a lot better and stay on track if I had some great people along side me. I am here to be support for anyone who would have it. WE CAN and WILL do this! :)
  • Looking to lose around 70-80 pounds... feel free to add me if you'd like :):happy:
  • cmccoy0901
    cmccoy0901 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi my name is Cassie. I have about 150 to loose. Feel free to add me!
  • I am in the process of making a life change and getting myself healthy and to loose weight. I am 314lbs and my goal weight is 140. I have a 174 lbs to loose. Wanting to see if anyone would like to add me as friend that way we can support each other on our weight loss journey to get fit and healthy.:smile:
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    welcome! I'm a 36yo single mom :) I had 100+ to lose when I started (I started at 298), but I've made a huge dent!

    I'd love to share in your journey!
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    You can add me - about halfway to go to that goal.
  • sadams08
    sadams08 Posts: 8
    I have 100+ to lose and can use all the motivation I can get. Add me!
  • Jane1320
    Jane1320 Posts: 20 Member

    Wow it sounds like you're off to a great start! This is about my third time around using MFP. I have become desperate which is actually a good thing for me. I tend to be defiant (really?) and have the "oh well" attitude amongst many other defeating thought patterns. I am 100+ lbs overweight. I am 5' 4.5" and weigh 258lbs. I am 51, married, with one 12 year old son. You and I have something in common....computers. I've been teaching computers to elementary students for the past 17 years. Presently, I teach grades 6 & 7. I hope to start my Masters this summer in Education with a concentration in" Integrating technology in the classroom". What area do you hope to work in with your computer degree?

    Today is the first day in I can't tell you how long, I haven't had refined sugar, except for maybe a few trace amounts in a protein powder I use for shakes. I started the "Simple Diet". I had been reading about it and tried it once before, but this time I was determined to follow it correctly. Another issue of mine is that I can't seem to decide which food plan to follow. I circle round and round in my head and end up not following any. I decided that I just need to try a plan and stick to it for awhile, if I'm not losing ( of course I have to be honest that I'm following it correctly) try something else. I feel I need the structure of a plan, if not it's all just a big free for all for me. So I using the Simple Diet as my Plan and MFP to track my food to make sure i'm staying within my calories.

    So you're on day 10 and I'm on Day 1. I'm trying not to think about the future too much and I have not told anyone I'm on the "Simple Diet" and don't plan to . Whenever I tell someone I am on a diet, I feel like I give my power away. MFP members don't count...at least I don't think they do. I can really use support so please friend me if you're able. Lots of luck to you with your weight and career endeavors!

    Jane B.
  • Ive lost 91 lbs as of today and I still have about 30 to go. It can be done if you just stick with it. Long and slow wins the race. I have been using the herbalife products and swear by them! Now I sell the products myself and help others to reach their goals.
  • liveonlocation
    liveonlocation Posts: 90 Member
    You can add me.
  • galededras
    galededras Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I'm on the path to losing 120+ pounds. Add me!