Girls in tbe gym: question



  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    I guess you'd want to be careful.... I'm not sure how many women at the gym are like me and leave their wedding rings home because deadlifting with rings on pinches horribly and I don't want to scratch them up completely. So you might not want to jump in too fast asking for coffee dates.

    But as for just casual talking? Sure - I've been there enough times now that I sort of recognize the regulars and we exchange the occasional "hey"... and if I was doing something really really wrong I would hope one of them would speak up.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I talk to people at the gym all the time. but it's always in a friendly non threatening way, I don't like gym creepers. I guess back in the day I did go on a couple dates with girls I met at the gym. I would make innocent comments or just random compliments that cannot be taken as creepy and then they would come talk to me after whatever workout they were doing. I made a lot of gym friends and some that I starting hanging out after.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    So maybe I'm weird. I have never tried talking to someone in the gym. maybe its cause it's the last place I think I look decent. Or it's just outa my comfort zone. But I have never tried taking to a female in the gym.

    I mean even when we make that weird eye contact a few times I'm like meh. Shrug it off and continue. Guess having more gym friends would be cool buutt I think the gym is pretty much "creep only when your feeling extra douchy" zone.... But maybe I'm wrong

    Opinions experiences?

    I would like it if someone cute asked me out from my gym. Starting as friends is a good way to go about it, if you see someone several times that you find intriguing.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    When I'm at the gym, I seriously expect to be left the F alone.
    Unless it looks like I'm about to kill myself and I don't have a spotter, or you need a quick spot, you probably want to just keep doing your thing and let me do mine.

    I'm with this guy. Except for the spotter part...i'm sooo not that advanced. lol. Seriously though I don't want to be noticed, I just want to get my stuff done and go home.

    ETA: I do talk to some of the older (like elderly pretty much) people that need help with their equipment but that's it.
  • I don't think girls are in the mood to be flirty.. we are sweating like pigs and don't feel pretty. But hey it WOULD be a cool place to meet someone. Idk. And if its a bad 'impression' its just gonna be so awkward from then on.. try it when shes leaving and has cooled down
  • The only people I talk to at the gym are the people I already know.... or random ladies in the locker room who like to make small talk the second the headphones come out of my ears. I walk in with music playing and walk out with it playing, it only goes off long enough to strip down and suit back up. I guess I'm kinda antisocial, but I don't burn as much when I'm without music.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I take the initiative and introduce myself to other members - male or female - after we have done the obligatory weeks of nodding, waving, hi - how are you? kind of stuff. I often find that the only reason they don't approach me first is because they are too shy to do it. I now have a group of gym friends that help me stay accountable, and we all notice if one of us misses several days in a row because we are all there to support each other. Just like my MFP friends!
  • VLaaber
    VLaaber Posts: 30
    I got to the gym quite often with a gf ans shes the one creeping on guys, generally I have head phones in and I am in the zone. Only time I talk to someone is if I need advice with weight lifting or if I'm doing a group exercise program.
  • Changing__Christina
    Changing__Christina Posts: 245 Member
    I have my fair share of "eye candy" at the gym, but would not hit on anyone. Its a bit creepy!!! I just think most people are uninterested in being bothered. I'm always friendly and social, but I'm like that everywhere I go!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    just ask her to marry you, worst case.... she says no.
  • meagolas
    meagolas Posts: 19 Member
    It always feels good to be hit on...if it's not in a creepy hovering over you the entire workout at the gym kinda way. A friendly hello, how ya doin is cool and if the person adds more to the convo then you know they're in the mood or are interested to talk to you. If not, then just leave em' alone. No biggie!
  • meagolas
    meagolas Posts: 19 Member
    or like dinosnopro said..just freakin' pop the big question. then ask her her name. haha.
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    I wouldn't mind if a guy said hi or asked how I was doing, and I'd be flattered to get "hit on." I'm a social person and like to meet people--but for some reason I get intimidated at the gym. So the guy would definitely have to come up to me first.
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    I'm a pretty social person but have to admit, not so much at the gym. With that said, I see nothing wrong with attempting a conversation at the gym. Don't be creepy about it, if it's busy pick a machine next to or if not busy one over. Then just make small comment, maybe something on the news or about the weather, whatever. If they are wanting to talk more they will, if not you'll know as well then go from there. MAYBE, next time they will come talk to you. You never know.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Just don't interrupt the workout...maybe wait til we're done and walk out at the same time...? I dunno, I only get hit on by creepers at the gym (the ones who leer at you or the ones who won't go away when you're on the treadmill). That's part of why I eventually got my own setup at home (so I only go to the gym if I'm traveling for work). Oh, and one more thing: if we're in a rush, keep it to a quick "hi" at first. It's hard enough to squeeze in gym time as it is, so if we're not 100% receptive, it might not just be you but the fact that we've got to pick up a kid, make a deadline, get to class/work/etc, and the time we spend trying to be polite from you takes away from time we really need for our workout.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I wear ear buds and ignore the rest of the world when I'm at the gym.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    When I'm at the gym, I seriously expect to be left the F alone.
    Unless it looks like I'm about to kill myself and I don't have a spotter, or you need a quick spot, you probably want to just keep doing your thing and let me do mine.

    Sounds like me ^^
  • Well you pretty much got a 50/50 split, some ppl love it some ppl hate it. So don't be a creep, be polite and friendly and keep in mind what's the worst that could happen? I've never seen a girl carry pepper spray into the gym.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Oh man... I got shot by cupid and have been crushing on a guy at the gym. My gym is small (it's not a popular one) so usually it's just him and I.

    We talked for the 1st time tonight and I'm actually hoping he'll hit on me soon. :blushing: We smile, blush, acknowledge each other throughout our workouts.

    I'm there to work out but hey, if I'm into him, I wouldn't mind him talking to me at all.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Okay, perfect place to tell about the african american guy at my gym. He looks great! He's about my height and I've run into him a few times at the water fountain. Each time he says "You first Beautiful" or "Have a nice day Beautiful!" Its soo cute but weird at the same time! He is obviously comfortable in his nice bod, and he is cute but there's a difference when the social norm doesn't find tacking "beautiful" on the end of every sentence normal so I am not sure how to respond!

    Either way, why not? Just don't go as far as this guy does!