20 th July new group

patty09 Posts: 105
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Who is going to join me with a start on next monday.
I read so many good stories.
I also would like my succes story to be here but first have to make a start
Ha ha
Who will join me !!!!


  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36
    Hi Patty,

    I will join you. I went to the doctor today and have put on 11 pounds since April. I am so frustrated, however am willing to keep trying. Count me in, however I am going to need some motivation.


  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    I actually started this week, but a support group would be great.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Jhee Hi La Donna
    Oh I also need a lot of motivation.
    Please share your difficult moments with me, it might help me.
    I dont see my ticker, lets look at that
    Shall we write our results down on my site or where?
    Every monday morning
    I stay in Malaysia so my timing might be different with yours
    Happy to get some support
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi I have an office job and took carrots along for my coffee break.
    Hmm nice but my staff all looked when I started chewing
    Yes I said, I have started again, please no more cakes in the office
    What do you eat at coffee time?
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    I will be among the group that will start on Monday. I have been attempting to start over for the past three weeks and have not had the motivation to do so. Hurrah for Monday!!!!!!!!!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    So what are you guys thowing out of the cubboard,
    and what will be in yor next shopping trolly
    For me:
    peanuts out -celery in
    gouda cheeseout -laughingcow cheese in
    Cheezels out -pretzels in

    I have 3 kids, I should keep some for them but I guess not the first few weeks then the temptation would be smaller for me.

    more to come!
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi, i started already but new to the site for support encouragement,still have 12 lbs to lose,may i still join this team.one thing i did different is by fat-free and low fat foods.and drink plenty of water.hunibun(holly)
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    Preparations for monday.

    I think I have to buy a new food-scale. I have such an old one and I think that my thinking of what the weight of everything is is way out. So that will be on my shopping list as-well with
    - celery and peanut-butter
    - brown rice
    - tomatoes/ fruits
    - lots of vegetables
    - mushrooms ( Oh I love them)

    But as of today, I start with rule no 1
    NO more eating after 8 pm

    Can you help me with the list for monday???

    Good luck to all of you!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I want to know if you are going to do daily challenges and month long challenges?see i do daily challenges now and i'm doing month long challenge.see i workout everyday and eat lots of veggies and fruit.And 2 days or 3 it's vegetarian only i'm not much of a meat person i don't eat red meat i don't like it never did since i was a kid.my daughter its this way also she's 12 she doesn't like red meat either.Try to by organic fruits i try as much as possible but i live in RIPON WISCONSIN and we don't have as much here but it's getting better,i did found a organic farm now only 20 mins away ya,i'm happy about that.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    I am new to this so what do you mean by daily and monthly challanges.
    I record my daily food intake and exersize is that it or what we place on this site?
    Well done that you are working out every day.
    I am not so into sports so I have to make a big effort.
    I did yesterday 30 min on my cross-trainer 200 cal. That was a good start for me!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    well for daily challenges,you come on tell us a challenge like tomorrow we all should try to do 20 sit-ups,tricep kick backs, bicep cruls,and pusch ups.and then it gets to more and more.like today i did 50 of each,plus 45 mins on the treadmill runningand some walking.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    sounds good but i am a biginner and cant do any push ups.
    maybe you can help me with that
    A great idea by the way
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    it,s ok if you can't do push-ups then do som jumping jacks.so is monday going to be your weigh in day.just want to know cuz i weigh in on fri.it's better cuz it's before the weekend.but it doesn't matter.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105

    Tomorrow is the day.
    hunibun, sandif1, rsabey, La Donna are we all in!!!
    Anyone else please join.
    I have been trying to work out a little but have to build up my stamina it/s very low. After 2o min on the cross trainer I am tired.
    My Old pair of jeans is hanging in my bedroom. This is the first time I get my kids involved, I told them what i want to achieve. My second son (8) says he wants to be my coach, so sweet.
    I asked my hubby's support to do the measuring for me, ha ha. Yes he really thought that was funny.
    I have changed my weight to lbs since all of you are using that.

    GOOD LUCk to all of you and don't forget to weigh in tomorrow morning.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi patty,i'm with you on the train to weight loss but most imporantly healthy life style,which i'm during well with in this journey.
  • debzdogz
    debzdogz Posts: 1 Member
    All i can do is try!!!! (again!) So i will also join in!

    i too, went to the doctor last week and i really have to get rid of some pounds (okay---MANY pounds!):noway:

  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member

    I'm excited to do this with all of you,and getting to know you all.I live in Wisconsin.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi (8.30 am lokal time in the office )

    A very good morning to all of you.
    Today is the beginning of a new me (ha ha)
    I feel lots of new energy to give me a good start.
    My weight as of today is 169.3 lb
    My goal is 145 lb
    So I would like to lose 24 lb

    Eating right
    Talking to all of you

    I took all measuraments over the weekend.
    Bought carrots, mushrooms, celery, whole grain rice, lots of fruits
    Bought a digital kitchen scale

    Started this morning with my ab roller (after I cleaned it with lots of dust and covered with clothes).
    I did 50. For a girl with no stamina its a good start, I think .
    I will do 50 again tonight and do it every other day.
    My cross trainer stands in my kids studyroom.
    When they do their homework i will go on it for 30 min./40 if possible.

    I had a apple/carrot/celery juice for breakfast and have crackers for coffee time.
    That's it for now.

    Who is joining me! :smile:
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
This discussion has been closed.