Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • I'm here to TRY to post our Chart for WEEK ONE! Not everyone has come in today with a weigh-in, but they are all welcome---I can always update the chart! If I made a mistake in your entry, or unintentionally left you off....please let me know....I have been known to make mistakes....:wink:

  • FIREDRAGON.......if you'll let me know what your goal is for the week....I'll get it updated! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    sorry i've been out for most of the day! my weight today was 129! my goal for the end of the week is 128!!! So i'm down 1 pound!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, ladies!

    Just had to finish out my food diary for the day and check in on this thread to see what I missed tonight. I ALMOST went on a binge, and here's why, bear with me.

    Got new cell phone carrier last month. Got first bill today. First of all, we thought we signed up for 2000 mins a month - they show we signed up for 1000 mins a month. Second of all, lovely DD (dear daughter) went over our allowed minutes by almost 1000 minutes. YES, YOU READ RIGHT - she went OVER by 1000 minutes. Oh, and that doesn't count the dozens of pic messages she sent and received, and don't have free pic messaging - those were 0.25 each.

    Good thing she wasn't home at the time. The bill was almost $700. I hyperventilated first, then exploded, then hyperventilated again, then called the cell phone company. After much being nice, and then wheedling, then just downright telling them that as soon as our contract was up we'd be leaving, and in the meantime telling anyone who would listen NOT to go over to them, they basically apologized and said there was nothing they could do except change our contract (up the mins) back to 7/16, the start of the next billing cycle.

    That still left us with a $700 bill to pay. So I hung up and hyperventilated again, and five mins later the home phone rang, and hubby didn't answer it cuz we didn't recognize the number, and then it stopped ringing and then my cell phone rang - and it was the girl at the cell phone company. She said it just was not right, and she went to her boss and asked if they would consider removing all the overage minutes - and HER BOSS SAID YES. She didn't think they would do it, but they did - they took over $500 off the bill. Still have to pay the pic messaging fees, but I can handle that.

    DH quit smoking a week ago. He wanted to go get smokes and I said no. I wanted to go to Dairy Queen, and he said no. So, neither one of us cheated.......... but I still want that damn DQ! At least he has his nicotine lozenges - I GOT NOTHIN. Well, I guess I could have an Atkins shake......... aw hell, I think I'll just go to bed.

    DD was supposed to be staying at a friend's house - I called her and told her to come right home. She lost the phone for a month, and is grounded to the house, no friends, nothing, for two weeks. And I swore before all that is holy, if this happens again, she won't have a phone until she's old enough to get a job and get it herself....... She'll probably drive me nutso before that two weeks is up, but I'm not givin in on this one......

    So there you have it - I seriously could have done some emotional eating this evening. I just didn't want to kick myself outta ketosis!!!!! And I knew I could come on here and vent to you guys.....

    All right, all this emotion has worn me out. I'm headin to bed! Cya tmrw!:yawn:
  • CMSTIEF......Got you updated...thanks!
  • RESALYN.....GOOD JOB Staying on track in spite of all those emotions and chaos!!! WHEW! I would have blown my cool in a BIG way!!!! :explode: :mad: :explode: WOW! After reading your story, I am quite happy with myself for making my teenagers pay their own cell phone bills with their own paychecks. LOL!! Even still.... I do NOT allow them to get a carrier with 'plans'....they pay $42.00/month for unlimited texting and calls...but it is LOCAL only...and it's automatically shut off on the 15th of each month unless they go in and pay the company. Good deal for teens who don't always think. :wink: Glad you got it handled...and VERY PROUD of you for keeping away from DQ!! You'll be SO happy you didn't hit up DQ!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    I was with Resalyn tonight, didn't have the phone overage but almost had emo eating. I brushed my teeth and that did the trick! Who wants to mess up a clean mouth with ice cream!?! I DO!!!! That is why I told DH to keep me in the bed and NOT let me out!!!! Good night ladies.
  • slimisgd
    slimisgd Posts: 24
    Wow Res!!!!

    I was hyperventilating right there with you!! I read $700, took a huge gasped (choked a little from taking such a huge gasp) and gasped some more. Then I laughed because I was rading it really fast and was wondering....I wonder if Res was verbally telling us the story, would she be speaking as fast as I'm reading???

    Glad that it was taken care of!!! Glad you didn't get DQ, and glad you stayed on target!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    BTW Sassy.,.....love the chart!!!! Can hardly wait until next Monday :smile: .
  • BAMABABY.....Believe it or not, in a couple or few weeks.....Hubby won't have to lock you up anymore....you will not even have the cravings, and even if you do, you can get past them very easily. Just takes time! Hang in there! :wink: Oh, and yeah I know...you have known me for over 2 years and NEVER thought you'd hear that from me, huh? :wink:
  • Wow Resalyn , that is crazy and that was certainly nice of the lady to call you back and to cut it by $500.00 I am glad she did that !!! So who is your carrier?
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    My goal for this week is 3 lbs.
  • Got ya updated FireDragon...thanks!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Resalyn - good for you! Holy crap, you just made me terrified of my son growing up and being a teenager. :noway: You and hubby handled it great though. We don't need food (even ice cream) to get through tough times! :drinker:

    Sassy that chart looks phenomenal! Can't wait to weigh in next week... :love:

    I am now banning myself from MFP until tomorrow at least. :laugh:

    *Ban lifted for this quick edit because you just reminded me Sassy! I met my goal today. Absolutely, 100% no powdered sugar today! And I stayed within my carb limit and burned 510 cals with exercise today. All in all - a great day!
  • awwww Hannah....don't ban yourself from MFP! I've been on here as much as you today....probably more! :tongue:

    OK....last post of the day....DAY ONE of our Challenge to Choose Change is DOWN! I met ALL of my goals for the day...100 oz of water (and then some), exercised, stayed totally on plan with 15 carbs. Trying not to go over 20....and I am not subtracting for fiber content (at least not at this point). So...good day!!

    Thanks to all of you for your support! This is going to be a great group!! :bigsmile:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'm at 201 today.
    Goal 2 pounds.
    Yesterday my daughter asked me for a ride to the airport today at 4:30AM. I'm embarrassed to say that when I agreed to do that, I made a silent promise to "reward" myself with a donut on the ride back home. 4:30AM is early!!! I totally intended to do it, too. But then I forced myself to think about MFP and all of the support we give each other and that helped me drive by the donut shop with the thought..."I want to be healthy and fit, more than I want that donut". I amazed myself because it worked!!! I'm so grateful to be a part of this great group. :happy:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm at 201 today.
    Goal 2 pounds.
    Yesterday my daughter asked me for a ride to the airport today at 4:30AM. I'm embarrassed to say that when I agreed to do that, I made a silent promise to "reward" myself with a donut on the ride back home. 4:30AM is early!!! I totally intended to do it, too. But then I forced myself to think about MFP and all of the support we give each other and that helped me drive by the donut shop with the thought..."I want to be healthy and fit, more than I want that donut". I amazed myself because it worked!!! I'm so grateful to be a part of this great group. :happy:

    That is great!!! Support is one of the best things to get you through those humps!!!

    Congrats for sticking with it!!!
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    I love the chart sassy its wonderful <3
    I started out with great day but went to a bbq and didnt do so good so I got extra work outs to do tomorrow. Plus My oldest stayed the night at their Grandma's So I cant get in a couple of work out videos. Good night All and I hope your night went better than mine. <3
    <3 Andrea
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Wow Res!!!!

    I was hyperventilating right there with you!! I read $700, took a huge gasped (choked a little from taking such a huge gasp) and gasped some more. Then I laughed because I was rading it really fast and was wondering....I wonder if Res was verbally telling us the story, would she be speaking as fast as I'm reading???

    Glad that it was taken care of!!! Glad you didn't get DQ, and glad you stayed on target!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

    BTW Sassy.,.....love the chart!!!! Can hardly wait until next Monday :smile: .

    You're darn tootin I'd be talking that fast - I was on a major rush of adrenalin, ma'am! LOL!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    MAGNIFICENTMAMA: My carrier is iwireless - it's a big carrier in the midwest.... After all that, I have to say they give great service!
  • sl8on
    sl8on Posts: 22
    :explode: ARRRRGH!!! i AM GOING THE WRONG WAY.:angry:
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