You forgot the milk...



  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    Arguments can start anywhere on here!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154

    Please don't use someone else's thread as a soapbox for your habits and beliefs. If you think drinking cow milk is wrong, no matter the reason why, that's fine. But making a long post about why cow milk is for cows and cows only while, stupidly, adding in "I'm not telling you to not drink milk" is pretty well off-topic. If you wanna discuss the morality and general logic of humans consuming another animal's milk then make your own thread or go find a site with others who believe the same thing and are willing to discuss it.

    It's a long-standing fact humans will do what they want regardless of who or what it harms or how unnatural it is.

    Right back at ya sweetie...

    This would fall under the aforementioned mockery.
    You were warned.

    I'm sorry you think I was mocking you, my intent was to tell you that you were off-topic and basically being unnecessary with the extent of your content. You have every right to believe what you want and to want to share it with others, but you did a poor job of it on the latter because it had nothing to do with the topic of people logging or not logging milk when they add it to certain food items.

    As I said, either create your own topic to discuss human's consumption of milk or find a site with like-minded individuals where you can freely discuss it and not have to actually put an end note on your posts about people who are, naturally, going to disagree with you to some degree. The tone implied in your response to me is not going to help others take you any more seriously and considering the depth of your original post I would say you would want others to take you seriously, to believe you've done your research and have credible sources to cite, and are not just someone who is against something and must shout it from the rooftops. That being said I am aware of the problems when it comes to humans consuming cow milk and the issues it has had on cows in the past from the methods to extract the milk so I'm not in any way insulting you for your stance. You just basically chose the wrong way of going about expressing it. You can educate without all of that, you know?

    I was mocking you...

    Ah. Well I already covered that subject, so have a nice day.
  • Darrknys
    Darrknys Posts: 91
    I make my oatmeal without milk... says you can use water or milk. Adding milk just adds calories when I can put something else in my oatmeal like fruit.
    We usually don't drink that much milk anyways if I buy a gallon it goes bad before we finish it sometimes. I'd rather get my calcium from cheese anyway.
    I also have my coffee black and my tea plain, sometimes with honey.
  • Darrknys
    Darrknys Posts: 91

    Nothing beats a freshly squeezed glass of boobie juice. :noway:

    ^^ that

  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Who has " one bowl of cereal" without milk?! Very few.
    My husband and I both do this frequently. I don't get why there are so many people who can't grasp this concept.
  • I always add the milk when I have it, but I make protein shakes and oatmeal with water most of the time and sometimes even just have cereal dry.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    If it passes my lips, I log it.
    Like others... I prefer my oatmeal with water and just a pat of butter. I make my shakeology usually with coconut water...only this week I used milk because I forgot to buy coconut water at the store...

    I'm like a lot of others... if I eat cereal, I'm almost a kid at heart and will eat it dry.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I make my porridge with water, and i mix it with yogurt. No milk involved and i do log the yogurt.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I find it very strange that you would make that kind of assumption. It would never occur to me to assume someone just didn't log something only because it's not the same way I eat a food.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    I don't drink milk. Ever.
  • girlwapp
    girlwapp Posts: 136 Member
    lactose intolerant here. If I eat milk, I 'splode... So it's oatmeal with water and dry cereal for me all the way!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Milk is designed for baby cows.


    The milk of every species of mammal
    is unique and specifically tailored to the requirements of
    that animal. For example, cows' milk is very much richer in
    protein than human milk. Three to four times as much. It has
    five to seven times the mineral content. However, it is
    markedly deficient in essential fatty acids when compared to
    human mothers' milk. Mothers' milk has six to ten times as
    much of the essential fatty acids, especially linoleic acid.
    (Incidentally, skimmed cow's milk has no linoleic acid). It
    simply is not designed for humans.

    Baby cows take about 2 years to reach physical maturity. Baby humans take about 20.
    For those that insist that insist on drinking milk; go for it. The facts are the facts though. Cows milk is designed for baby cows. Human milk is designed for human babies. It is designed for the animals from which it comes.
    I'm not saying you should not drink milk. Read this carefully; I'm not saying you should not drink milk but be aware that it is not designed for you, is missing key ingredients humans need and is designed for baby cows.
    And I'll discuss this intelligently with anyone who offers a reasonable, researched response. I will ignore or mock anyone who feels they need to express their immaturity and ignorance through "hater" type messages. Once again, I'm stating I am NOT TELLING YOU NOT TO DRINK MILK. It's your choice to do so, it's my choice to not drink it because it's not designed for humans. If you feel a need to proselytize; go to church.

    Please don't use someone else's thread as a soapbox for your habits and beliefs. If you think drinking cow milk is wrong, no matter the reason why, that's fine. But making a long post about why cow milk is for cows and cows only while, stupidly, adding in "I'm not telling you to not drink milk" is pretty well off-topic. If you wanna discuss the morality and general logic of humans consuming another animal's milk then make your own thread or go find a site with others who believe the same thing and are willing to discuss it.

    It's a long-standing fact humans will do what they want regardless of who or what it harms or how unnatural it is.

    Totally agree...
  • Darrknys
    Darrknys Posts: 91
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have noticed that too! Oatmeal and stuff like that I can understand making with water. But not breakfast cereal like Cheerios of whatever. Or I notice they use like 1/4 cup or some small amount that would barely make a dent in the bowl. I need at least 1 cup of milk with my cereal or I feel like I'm just eating it dry, lol

    With the cereals i eat, i find 1/4 to 1/2 cup milk is enough for a proper serving of cereal. Any more and my cereal is drowning in milk.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I use water for porridge/oatmeal and usually eat cereal dry.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    when i make oatmeal, i make it with water.
    if i just log protein powder, i made it with water.
    the rare times i eat cold cereal, i use 1/4 to 1/2 cup - i dont like too much milk in there
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I have noticed that too! Oatmeal and stuff like that I can understand making with water. But not breakfast cereal like Cheerios of whatever. Or I notice they use like 1/4 cup or some small amount that would barely make a dent in the bowl. I need at least 1 cup of milk with my cereal or I feel like I'm just eating it dry, lol
    With the cereals i eat, i find 1/4 to 1/2 cup milk is enough for a proper serving of cereal. Any more and my cereal is drowning in milk.
    I usually put in 1/2 cup but there's often a lot left. So I can easily see 1/4 cup being correct. I can't believe people are arguing about this.
  • Faeriegirl74
    Faeriegirl74 Posts: 187 Member
    I have noticed that too! Oatmeal and stuff like that I can understand making with water. But not breakfast cereal like Cheerios of whatever. Or I notice they use like 1/4 cup or some small amount that would barely make a dent in the bowl. I need at least 1 cup of milk with my cereal or I feel like I'm just eating it dry, lol

    With the cereals i eat, i find 1/4 to 1/2 cup milk is enough for a proper serving of cereal. Any more and my cereal is drowning in milk.
    I'm the same way... on the odd chance I have milk in my cereal (because 99% of the time I eat it dry)... I only use 1/4 to 1/2 cup... I hate nothing more than soggy corn flakes or fruity pebbles... icky!
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    dont use milk to make porridge.... why waste time on what others put in their cereal.... it doesnt affect different strokes for different
  • I think it's silly that people are being aggressive about thinking you made an assumption about things not being logged, it's not a big deal. There's really no reason for it. I know sometimes I do forget to log things because I get busy with school and work so I will forget that I had milk or coffee or some kind of drink with a meal. In general though, I don't have milk unless it's in cereal.
  • billtonkin
    billtonkin Posts: 109
    "Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer." - Arnold Schwarzenegger