Post-Binge Hugs?



  • We all slip up sometimes! Don't beat yourself up for it! Take it as a free day off and move on as soon as you can! You've lost so much weight and have done so good for so long! This is just one day.

    On a bright note maybe you'll confuse your metabolism by binging. I've seen posts stating to do this once in a while to confuse your metabolism, I'm not really sure of the benefits or whether it actually works but regardless - tomorrow is a new day. Depression is the worst. Try not to dwell on the negatives and focus instead on how many positives you have in life. I know when suffering with depression this is easier said then done.

    The way I try to look at it is - Would you berate a friend if they told you this occurred. We are human, none of us are perfect and usually our worst critic is ourselves. You have proven how strong you are in sticking to this lifestyle change prior to your slip. You can do this!
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    Just make it stop today and not leak into tomorrow or the next day. I had a bad week a few weeks a go and got back on track and didn't make too much damage. Like others have said, erase today and get back on track can do it! You have come a long way.....from 202 to close to 125? Is that what I saw? Awesome dedication!! don't let 1 day derail you from your great accomplishment!!
  • I'm guilty of doing similar binging! Dont let yourself self-destruct. Look how far you've come and the progress you've made! Be proud of what you've accomplished & dont beat yourself up over slip-ups. (Life is hard enough) So whatever it is that you are depressed about, dont let it win! Fight back and get back on track- Hugs & boxing gloves:wink:
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Keep your chin up, it happens to everybody! Just get back up on that horse and ride!
  • Big Hugs. Don't worry, you haven't ruined the weight loss you've been working so hard for. Brush yourself off and start again tomorrow. Depression is hard and you're trying to make healthy life choices. You'll get there.
    (I sound like a life coach! :D)
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    OMG look at how far you have come!!!!! Please be easy on is ok! Tomorrow is a new day and this one slip will not ruin what you have done! Great work!!! I am very impressed with your ticker.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I'm sorry to hear of the tough time you are having.
    Don't be tough on yourself for today's eating.
    It was just one day and there are worse things you could have done with such feelings.
    Tomorrow you can start afresh with a clean MVP page.
    Do you have some help with the misery behind today's eating?
    When depression strikes it is hard even to want help but it is out there ; you deserve it; and you don't have to go it alone.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Glad you had this place to rant... interesting dichotomy in your post.... lots of words about one day, one graphic about an absolutely stupendous record of success. Seventy It's obvious from that graphic that you are an extraordinary person with an incredible amount of fortitude. One day...70 pounds...I'm thinking that there's not really any comparison.

    The big picture rock! :glasses:
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    You've made a lot more progress that most. I'm not going to throw a rock at you, but I'm not going to let you off the hook either. Maybe you should plan a cheat meal 2-4 times a month. This might help.

    As for the 3lbs...that's just phooey. I flux as much as 8lbs depending on when I weigh myself throughout the day. You might have legitimately gained weight, but that's not a certainty.

    Pick yourself up......acknowledge your boo boo and then keep on, on the road to success that you've started on. All the progress you've made thus far wasn't an accident.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I've read here that when you up your calories, it takes 3/4 weeks and some gain before the weight starts coming off again. Allow yourself the time to give it a fair try, then if it doesn't work you can go back to a lower level.

    To have come as far as you have then you have to have had set-backs before and still got back on track. This is no different. Tomorrow will be better than today (((hugs))) :smile:
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    You've made WONDERFUL progress already. Tomorrow is a new day. :-)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Checked your diary. You fairly consistently net under 1200 calories and you are surprised that you are having a binge day? Be kind to your body and stop undereating it will help level your moods and lower binge behaviour.
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Thank you all guys. These forums are so very supportive and after a good rest I do feel a little brighter.
    Checked your diary. You fairly consistently net under 1200 calories and you are surprised that you are having a binge day? Be kind to your body and stop undereating it will help level your moods and lower binge behaviour.

    As I said, I've been trying to raise my calories and if you look at my profile, you'll see that I suffer from EDNos. I'm trying and this is why I've been struggling so much.
  • degilbe69
    degilbe69 Posts: 27
    WoW! It’s wonderful to see how supportive everyone is here! I think I’m in the right place…..

    Best wishes to you my Dear…..Think positive :flowerforyou:
  • babipari
    babipari Posts: 18
    shame shuga ! keep your chin up :) we all get down sometimes but there's always an up after a down :)
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    I hope you get out of the dip.

    One thing that really stuck with me is what someone said about 15 years ago.

    You need the lows to experience the highs.

    As for the weight, your binge (3500 calories) is 1Lb of weight, so unless you did that three times over before hand you have not put on 3Lb of fat. When you up your calories you probably, almost unavoidably, up your sodium so the amount of water you retain will increase. Also your body weight does fluctuate naturally, when all that weight you have been working so hard to lose has been dropping off you probably have not noticed the fluctuations as much.

    As said before do your best to avoid the scales for a bit, the binge will have upped your sodium by quite a bit. (unless you are prepared for any figure then step on them have a rant and enjoy seeing the numbers go down quickly as your sodium levels normalize)
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you all guys. These forums are so very supportive and after a good rest I do feel a little brighter.
    Checked your diary. You fairly consistently net under 1200 calories and you are surprised that you are having a binge day? Be kind to your body and stop undereating it will help level your moods and lower binge behaviour.

    As I said, I've been trying to raise my calories and if you look at my profile, you'll see that I suffer from EDNos. I'm trying and this is why I've been struggling so much.

    I can't read your profile its blank to public view so that information isn't available but your diary is open. Maybe its worth mentioning your eating disorder on an open profile (if MFP allows it) so supportive posters will be informed and can decide if encouraging you with comments like "dont worry you can lose that 3 pounds really easily" is wise.

    I think my comment still applies for anyone undereating. Either way, good luck with your journey to a healthier life.