Frozen Healthy Dinners? Are they really healthy?



  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    I am curious to what you guys and girls think about meals like healthy choice and smart ones, if you think they are really as healthy as they claim to be. I know it's hard for me to always cook since I work 2 jobs and it's easy to pop one of these in the microwave, but I have read that they are not that good for you, then I read that they are. What do you think?

    i have eaten a ton of them; they were an important tool for me in the weight loss portion of my diet. some argue that the sodium is high. i suppose if you're on specific instructions from your doctor to cut sodium, that would be a consideration. i wasn't, so i ate them frequently for quite a while.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    If you have trouble finding time cooking during your work week, I'd suggest investing in a freezer and batch cooking from scratch on weekends. If you cook up soups, stews, curries, pasta dishes (whatever it is you're eating on your diet) and freeze into portions then you have something you can pop out, defrost and reheat without all the added nasties. I can pretty much guarantee it'll also be cheaper and tastier too.

    I did that once (a few weeks ago) with stir-fry and it turns out wet when you re-heat it and yes, I waited until it was cool before freezing. Perhaps it works better with chili but unfortunately the 1-week batch of cooking means significant reduction in quality. You are better off pre-cutting/cleaning your veggie to save time then cooking everything nightly. Technically yes its cheaper, $2.50 ish for lots of veggies, a chicken breast and 2/3 cup brown rice when you compare it to Lean Cuisine which is about 1/2 the size at $1.97 each.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    When I first started my diet years ago, I started by eating lean cuisine for dinner. I did that every night for about a month. It really shaved off the weight quickly for me. After that, I just started learning how to eat regular food and get off those things. So, as a kick start or even a once in a while thing, I think they're ok. But, I would try not to make a habit of it.
  • Raiderxx
    Raiderxx Posts: 105 Member
    I have been eating Lean Cuisine, Smart Ones, and Healthy Choice meals pretty much everyday since I started my journey. Like everyone else has said, they are packed with sodium but honestly if you are drinking plenty of water and you are under your calories it won't make that big of a difference. One other thing I would mention is that, since someone said the meals don't fill them up, is that you will need to eat something else along with the meal more than likely. The meals usually don't go over 350 calories so I always have some sun chips and some fruit with mine usually giving me a 500-700 calorie lunch.
  • brenteesha
    I don't think they are quite as worthless as people make them sound... yes, they are loaded with sodium. Without a doubt. But so are canned foods. I just try to buy reduced sodium items whenever I can. Additionally, people complain that they are still hungry... but that's only because the amount of calories in these things are so low. Most Healthy Choice frozen dinners I see are around 250-350 calories. Most people could eat two of these for one meal, and still easily stay within their calorie count for the day. But, one of the bad things that I'm surprised no one has mentioned is the processed food aspect. I hear over and over again on TV and while reading that processed food isn't nearly as good for you as fresh food is.

    So, I think it's a pro/con list type of thing. Are they healthy enough to live on 100%? Probably not, but I'd rather eat a ton of these than eat fast food constantly. I keep 4-5 of these in my freezer, because a few times during the week I'm usually too worn out from work to cook, and sick of eating leftovers from the weekend. I feel like this will turn into another diet soda debate... everyone has their own opinion on the subject. I say, use your best judgement as whether or not to eat them, and how often. Just don't eat them every day.
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    I generaly buy a couple of smart ones if I need for when i Work, but like everyone said they are loaded with sodium. I buy alot of turkey, roast beef and ham. I got a deli slicer and I cut up my own meets. Very nice and alot less sodium. Also if you don't have much time for cooking put something in a crockpot/ slow cooker and then you can have a few meals to eat and have a good food choices.
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    They're probably not the "healthiest" but considering your other fast food places like subway, one of their meals from Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones has less sodium than most of the 6' subs you will find on Subway's healthy choice menu.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    I try mainly Amy's organic, Kashi or similar if I am going to even have a frozen dinner and sometimes Lean Cuisine natural ones. But I try to stay away simply because of the sodium. I gain lots of water after having a day with over 1500 mg in sodium.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I talked with my nutritionist just last week about frozen dinners and mentioned the sodium and she said that even if you ate them 3 times a day you'd still be under your daily sodium and that even if you were on restricted sodium if you're using them once a day you're probably going to within your limits. She also recommends using TV dinners for people who need to learn portion control. while the ratio of protein/starch/veg/fruit may not be correct the overall size of a complete meal is pretty spot on.
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    I try to keep a few Kashi frozen meals for if I get into a real pinch for lunch. Some of them are decent, they're more filling and lower in sodium than many other frozen meals.

    But I find it much quicker to make extra stuff on my day off and reheat that for dinners/lunches. So today's lunch is turkey burgers, salad, avocado and leftover veggie stirfry - it'll take about 30-40 seconds in the microwave to heat.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    a couple of times a week wouldn't hurt if you are busy. Try also have a couple of cups steamed frozen veges, or those steam packs for microwaves. If you have a heap of veges with them you should be ok, they are a bit nothingish on their own.
  • lme0627
    lme0627 Posts: 46 Member
    I keep a few at work and home just incase I have not planned well. But I normally always have to add something with them- a side of fruit, veggies, etc... and like previous post they are so full of sodium I make sure I get a lot of water in that day. Just like those low fat/fat free soups. Filling but the sodium! (one another note- children's "Lunchables" good Lord they have some sodium!!!)

    One of my favorites is the Lean Cusine pizza. Not too bad.
  • alyssaanagram
    Have you ever considered the Birdseye Steamables? The veggies are really good and now they also have stir-fry and rice packages too. Very filled and a better alternative :)
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    I have tried the Healthy Choice steamable dinners and they were ok. My favorite frozen dinners to buy for in a pinch meals are the Kashi meals. they offer a far more balanced meal than most dinners and the flavors are always very good! I just keep these in the freezer at work for times that I can not leave or have run out of food I prepared for the week.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    They can be but sometimes they have extra sugar and/or sodium to make up for lack of taste I guess. I only get them if they have less than 500mgs of sodium and those are rare. But, if you're busy, a healthy choice meal is a lot better for you than grabbing a big mac or not eating at all! Do what works for you.
    Btw, I think we should start a forum on here for a list of healthy frozen dinners! My latest fav. is Lean Cuisine Salmon with basil. :)
  • rachelfaith92
    rachelfaith92 Posts: 202 Member
    I used to struggle with anorexia and bulimia. My stomach had shrank so much that eating a meager 5 pretzel rods a day made my stomach hurt with sharp cramping and pain. This was about 3 years ago. I lost 35 pounds, looked great and felt terrible. I gained 20 pounds back. I started at.. 180-185ish. I dropped down to 145. I am now 165. The problem over these past 3 years was it took that long to finally be able to eat normal to large portions without intense stomach and abdominal cramping. I realized two weeks ago when I went to Red Lobster and ordered a steak, lobster, broccoli, mashed potatoes and a salad on a huge plate, and I ate it all, that even if I was eating the right things (this was a splurge day) my portion sizes were absolutely ridiculous. I am always at least 1,000 below my daily sodium intake, and Healthy Choice, Smart Ones, and Lean Cuisines have helped shrink my portion size and helped guide me on how much I should be eating. I usually eat one a day. They aren't exactly the freshest thing to eat, but I am in the process of moving so there really isn't time to cook. These work for me and help me with realistic portion sizes. I would rather eat a fresh salad or fresh chicken/fish/etc but for now I can't see the harm in them.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Frozen dinners can be a lifesaver. I don't have high blood pressure, so I'm not too concerened with the sodium. I keep some dinners in the freezer. That way if I can't pack a "homemade" lunch, I can STILL pack a lunch. No excuses, I don't ever have to go out for lunch.

    Portions are small, most are perfect for lunch. But I like to add veggies, or a side of veggies to make it go farther.

    When you compare nutrition on "regular" frozen meals to "low calorie" frozen meals .... it's really an eye opener. Regular Stouffer's Mac & Cheese is more the TWICE the calories as the low cal version .... amazing!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I personally don't like them because the A) Don't take good and B) aren't filling enough. I do however like the Trader Joe frozen meals and for under 400 calories I feel fuller and the flavor is so much better in my opinion!! Yes there is a bunch of sodium but I drink more water and try to watch other things I eat to lower the sodium in my day. Plus I think that the Trader Joes meals are made with more "whole" foods and less preservatives than the "diet" meals!!!
  • hawkeygal
    hawkeygal Posts: 133 Member
    My *personal* opinion is no. They're not healthy. FAR too many preservatives, fillers, additives and sodium for my liking.
    I'm in the process of eating cleaner, and my body feels so much better.

    If you can, try to plan your meals on Saturday (or any day during the week) and cook them for the week for lunch on Sunday (or another day) during the week so you can just grab and go.

    Since I've started doing this, mornings aren't so awful AND I know exactly what I'm eating.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Uber healthy? Not really. But they make an ok substitute if you're short on time. I really scour the label though. I go for the lowest calorie one I can find, low sugar and the absolutely lowest sodium I can find. If I can't find these 3 things to be suitable I don't buy it. I usually add a side salad or side veggies so the meal is pretty filling. I figure in my mind it has to be healthier than saying "Oh well, McDonald's here I come"...

    Luckily I don't really like McDonald's anyhow. WHEW! :smile: