How has your weight journey effected your relationship?

Anyone see a change in their relationship from diet and exercise? Some times my calorie counting gets in the way of having and enjoying meals out with my husband...does anyone else have a similar situation?


  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    Anyone see a change in their relationship from diet and exercise? Some times my calorie counting gets in the way of having and enjoying meals out with my husband...does anyone else have a similar situation?

    I have found that as far as the calorie counting and making better choices it has been rubbing off. I even got my Fiance to join myfitnesspal so that part has been good. I also find he has been slightly insecure. I notice it in certain things he says or asks. Nothing major hopefully it'll pass as he begins his weight loss journey.
  • ladyamandajane
    My Fiance can eat anything and struggles to put weight on, but he is being so support with me to be honest, he told me at the weekend he felt so proud of me that I was loosing weight and doing a great job at it. Really helps and makes it worth while when you have great support at home.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    My hubs is in this with me, so it has only made our relationship better because we can support & motivate each other. I am very lucky to have him!

    I'd definitely be stressed out if he didn't want to change his eating habits.
  • squirrrell

    I am separated from my husband he left me a couple years back but when I was with him it was a nightmare he always sabotaged my dieting. We had far too many take aways, eating rubbish most weekends we would go into town I would want to either go before lunch or after but we went during lunch and ended up eating out! Did my diet no good and i piled the weight on. When I went to the gym he would complain when I got home that dinner wasn't ready - wasn't sure why he couldn't use his hands and head to cook but hey ho! He also hated vegetables so they were a rare thing on a daily basis.

    Now I am happy and single it has been a lot easier for me to diet I can eat what I want and when I want and exercise whenever I feel like it! :)

    I think you need to get your husband on board you haven't got a great deal to lose so should be a temporary thing and when you go out try and stick to the healthier options. When you have reached your goal you can just maintain and that should be a lot simplier! Talk to him about it tell him how important it is to you and that you aren't objecting to going out just maybe not as much. The other thing you can do is plan around your meals out so you eat less calories during the day or save some up over the week.

    Also you are human so splashing out on the calories once in a while isn't going affect the overall picture! Remember life is too short to count calories everyday and that you are having a lifestyle change not a sprint!

    Good luck xx
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    We've been together seven years. When I was 40lbs heavier, he told me I was beautiful just as often as he does today. He doesn't get into specifics and I don't ask him to be a cheerleader for me, but I'm incredibly lucky that I have someone who loves me regardless of my weight.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    My husband is overweight but not by much (I say not much but its like 60lbs) and he is muscular. Food is something we both love. We also love going on walks together. We enjoy having "date nights" and going out. He is learning how to be more supportive for me, but he usually lets me pick the restaurant so that I can enjoy something that is waist friendly. I also LOVE going on walks with him - we talk about future vacations, future kids, and it makes the time and distance fly by! Try adding something like that into the relationship - it works wonders.

    And today is the 4 year anniversary of our 1st date :)

    But as a side note - he needs to change his eating and exercise habits because I want him to be healthy. He doesn't like fruit, rarely has vegetables, and loves meat and fast food. I got him to give up fast food for lent at least. He needs to start taking vitamins and watching his food. At least he has an active physical job which helps but this makes him think that he can eat anything without worrying about it. He is very stubborn and it's hard!
  • minimetobe10
    My husband and I are doing this together. It is great! However, it also makes it easy to give in to temptation when the other wants to give in.
  • buttercup922
    I had the best experience the other day. As a family we were talking and my husband said, in front of our 4 kids up to age 14, that I was his idol. I didn't know he felt THAT proud of me for getting up at 4:30am, 5xs a week since January. I know I"m proud of myself, but that just made my jaw drop. He's slowly getting motivated to loose his extra weight and I just think he's the best for giving me props in front of our kids.
    AND, I feel like a million bucks in so many ways from changing my lifestyle to put myself on the top of my To-Do List every day, which in turn has made me a better person/spouse/mom.
    Working Out is my Therapy.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I have noticed my husbands choices and portion sizes have gotten smaller since my choices have.
  • cjaharmon
    cjaharmon Posts: 46 Member
    I would say I have noticed a difference he's trying to be a little more healthy. He will eat my salads with me and making a bigger effort to eat the veggies I cook.

    But I don't let my calorie counting affect my date or dinner time with him. If I go over by a little it is better to be over and have enjoyed my company then to have an unhappy date with my man.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    My hubby gets aggravated with me because when I started this I said I would relax on the weekends, but I am finding that I want to watch what I eat all the time. He really likes to eat a lot of fast food and I am always saying "No". But I am hoping that the more I do it, the more I will sway him to the "Light side".
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    Ironically it has made it better, but there's a reason for that. Before I took gluten out of my diet, I was having horrible mood swings, bouts of severe depression, and anxiety attacks, along with always have sore muscles, pounding aspirin as soon as I woke up in the morning and drinking... well more coffee and caffeine that I'd like to admit. ^.^

    However, since I've taken the gluten out, the only thing I have to watch out for when we eat out is what restaurant we are going to and what I can have there, but that's all. He's so impressed with my change in attitude and the amount of energy I have that he now wants to try it as well, but not to the point where he's not eating it at all.

    It definitely helps if they want to jump on board with what you're doing, because then you don't have to worry about staring at the prepackaged cakes in the kitchen that just call out your name.

    However, I also know that many people have issues in their relationships due to jealousy or the other person getting annoyed with the "obsession" over calorie counting. I think I had to show him first how much it has helped me and now he is fully on board with everything.
  • dragonsheart84
    My husband is 300 lbs. He is trying to control his eating but he emotionally eats and there is nothing I can do to change his ways. sometimes there is nothing that i can do to stop him from eating something bad. He will do it when he is not around me. I do not know how many times he has gone next to his work and gotten chinese without telling me. I don't know what to do most days. Like today, I sent him two sandwiches, a snack bag of chips and yogurt to work with him. He called me and said he was still hungry. What am I supposed to say to him? He knows I am disappointed but doesn't care enough to change it.
  • lrdavenport23
    lrdavenport23 Posts: 60 Member
    At first, my husband felt that he didn't have to cut back because he works a strenuous job that involved alot of moving and exercising. It was also a little hard trying to prepare different meals for him and a healthy meal for me and my daughter. But now that I have lost 11 lbs in a little over a month, he knows how serious I am on this weight loss journey. He is now on my team towards being healthier and fit. It actually makes our relationship alot of fun because we have a nightly routine now of doing 125 crunches per night before bed on Sunday - Thursday. . :smile:
  • Mandana18
    My husband can't stand a lot of the foods that I am cooking like turkey burger and he gets mad at me when I buy it because he knows that he is not going to want to eat it, but I buy it anyway because he and I both need to loose some weight.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    my boyfriend loves to cook... so sometimes I feel as if I can't find a balance between enjoying his food and keepingmy calories under control. I try not to offend him, but I think he got used to me enjoying THE WHOLE PLATE which I cannot always do now

    drinking is also something we don't see eye to eye on anymore. not that we were getting drunk every night, but we were definietly getting silly off wine a lot more before I started this... just enjoy a bottle and a movie... etc...!! but now I think too much about the calories so I'll have ONE glass, and he ends up drinking a LOT. then I'm sober and annoyed that he's drunk... downward spiral.

    but on the positive side, I think I've got him to make some healthier choices of his own :)
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    I have noticed my husbands choices and portion sizes have gotten smaller since my choices have.

    Ha ha! My husband has definitely gained weight since I started dieting because he still cooks just as much. Just now I get 1/3 instead of 1/2 -- he gets 2/3! It's not good really, but so hard to get him to change his eating habits!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I don't think it's had any effect. I can go to any restaurant and make healthy choices and eat a reasonable amount, so it really hasn't gotten in the way of anything...
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    At first things were really stressful with my and my boyfriend because I was obsessing over the number on the scale, what I can or can't eat, not being able to go out for drinks etc. But since I've lost about half the weight I initially intended to. I'm learning to love myself and my body more. I'm actually considering going into maintenance mode and being happy with my body.

    The exercise has helped my mood and confidence and my boyfriend loves the change :) He thinks I don't need to lose anymore weight and to be honest, I think it has done wonders for our relationship. When I was overweight, we went through a phase where we weren't sure if we would stay together because I was so unhappy with myself. Now that I'm confident and happy and allow myself little treats sometimes, we can't imagine being apart and talk about being together for the long term.

    I've even gotten my boyfriend to use MFP, but he is using it for an opposite purpose: make sure he is eating ENOUGH so that he can gain muscle hahaha
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    DH is thrilled with my weight loss but he does comment from time to time on what I eat. He is one of those lucky people who has never had to diet in his entire 67 years so doesn't understand that I can't just eat anything I want now that I have lost the excess weight. He has expressed feeling sorry for me that I can't eat the "good stuff" I cook for him. I say, Don't be. You should have felt sorry for me when I was 150 pounds overweight and in a wheelchair! There is no food on earth worth going back to that. If I have to live on cottage cheese forever, so be it. I don't know if he understands but he does accept my choices.