How do I get over the fear of running in the real world in f



  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I dont mind running in public but sometimes I like to run around the perimeter of a park or a playing field. Nice and private :)
  • cricketannie
    cricketannie Posts: 184 Member
    I just read a blog about this!
    The only way I can get over my fear is to put on sunglasses and headphones to block out the rest of the world, and take my dog with me. Having her run beside me makes it a little easier...It takes the focus off of me a little bit b/c everyone I see always looks right past me and to my pretty doggie. I also remind myself that the people driving by are only seeing me for a couple of seconds and will probably forget that I am there by the time they make it to the next block. How many times do you remember seeing joggers out?
    Good luck!
  • abhiforlife
    abhiforlife Posts: 75 Member
    Try to find a semi-public area where you're unlikely to encounter anyone beyond the occasional person or two. I walk around the community where I live or around the group of building where my office is.

    And yeah, keep the music on.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Either go early in the morning when it's too dark to be seen or people are too sleepy to realize what is going on or wear a hat but the best thing to do is just to get out there. Go out there one time and you'll see it's not as bad as you've built it up in your mind to be. You know why you're out there and that's an impressive reason so hang onto that idea and run, run, run!
  • I think the trick is to look totally like you don't care :D

    When you are out of breath and want to just slowly walk for a minute or two just don't look around like you feel guilty :)
    Just go your way like "F**k that, I'm walking and that's what I want" and if you're confident in what you do, then nobody will judge you :)

    And if you don't sweat and turn red during your run then you're not doing it right ;) Besides, normally nobody can tell if you're running five minutes to be exhausted or half an hour :)
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Run while the snarky teenagers are in school. :)
  • I run on trails where there aren't as many people. Also if you could find a running buddy that may make you feel more secure. I run with my boyfriend and we're both pretty shy about being seen running slowly, but he's a great support and it's fun to jog and talk with someone.
  • bitterfusion
    bitterfusion Posts: 82 Member
    Seriously, no one will care if they see you jogging past them, much less judge you. The only hindrance you have is your mentality. Why do you even care? You'll probably never see them again. Take the plunge, it's worth it :)
  • imma_rosta
    imma_rosta Posts: 30 Member
    Dude, I had to take a xanax my first time! Teasing... but that's what I felt like. I was SO terrified to go outside running and people looking at me. I also get extremely anxious if I go into a store by myself. I don't remember the date I actually sucked it up but I DO remember picking out a visor (Nike - blocked the sun AND my eyes so I didn't have to see anyone) I made a loud and upbeat playlist, I put on my shoes, and gave it a shot (took a few tries of putting my shoes on and actually stepping out the door). I am almost in SHOCK at how my anxiety has disappered when it comes to running! It was easy to build up a tolerance and then you notice other runners and they wave and smile as you pass. I now actually get a little nervous on a treadmill more than I do running outside.

    Don't get me wrong, the first week or two I would get SO anxious but I just made sure to change as soon as I got home and walk outside. Once your out there, you start thinking, well, I'm already out here I might as well run. Now, I seriously LOVE going on runs! Good luck!
  • KJVBear33
    KJVBear33 Posts: 628
    The way I see it is this..........if they are looking at you, they are only looking at pure awesomeness as they probably can't jog for as long as you can nor as fast. If they can, its because they don't have the determination and strength that you do to take control of your weight here and now without tanking it. If they do have both of these two things and still stare, its got to do with their own insecurities and they have to deal with it and not you.

    Bottom line is that you are out there jogging for you and you alone--no one else!! Same thing in the gym.........fat may jiggle and bounce, but who cares? You are there for you..........focus on yourself and what you are doing to be fit and healthy!
  • imma_rosta
    imma_rosta Posts: 30 Member
    P.S. I took my dog out running with me once and she got spooked by a car, tripped my back foot, and I fell and rolled in front of a whole group of cars in an intersection! HA HA HA HA! I still go running but that was SUPER embarassing! I couldn't help but laugh with them, though. :)
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Just go for it. You're doing this for you.. not for their opinions of you.

    And how do you know what anyone's thinking anyway? For every one person who might have a negative thought, there are probably a ton more that will think.."Good for her.. you go girl!"

    So go out there and feel proud that you may be an inspiration to someone else who's just as scared as you are!

  • I waas the same and only did my first run on holiday where I thought no one would know me. I suprised myself when I realised a) no one was wathcing and b) I was actually enjoying it. Two years later and I don't even think about it anymore and I'm proud of what I have done. Go for it!!
  • purplechic
    purplechic Posts: 15 Member
    1. Find a friend to join you in your runs. I find that running with people also helps to pace yourself (good ol' "Talk Test")

    2. Ignore those that judge and make snide comments - they are just jealous they can't do it. Real runners don't judge, we have respect to anyone that gets out there and just does it.

    ****Personal opinion ahead****

    I would strongly recommend AGAINST wearing headphones when running. It is fine if you are on a treadmill as you do not have to worry about hazards all around you. From a personal experience, I stopped wearing headphones after nearly getting into an accident as I was running across an intersection and did not see the car behind me making a turn. Other runners/cyclists can also be a hazard when outdoors.

    ****End personal opinion*****

    If you are running on roads at night, might pay to have some reflective gear on or light clothing.
  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    Sign up for a 5k, that's what I did, lol. It was the first time I ran outside and I was scared but I did it ;) and you can too.
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    I run outside about 4 days per week. When I see other people out running, no matter who they are, we always give each other a smile or a thumbs up. Most runners are really supportive of other people :)


    I was nervous at first about running outside because I didn't want people to see me stop/start--so I got up to a 10 minute interval on the treadmill and then took it outside--chances are no one will see (or if they do, they won't care) if you walk.

    I like passing other runners, regardless of speed, it's like being part of a little "check us out, we're running!" club.

    Also, I like to look okay when I run. It's vain, I know, but, in my opinion, if I look better, I feel better and workout better. I'm not saying makeup or that nonsense, but once I figured out that I was going to be a runner long term, I started (slowly) investing in nicer running clothes so I didn't look so sloppy (and didn't chafe!).

    My recommendation? Just get out there and try it--Conquering the fear and getting out there is the hardest part! Once I started running outside, it became even more torturous to have to run inside on the treadmill. I love seeing how far I went on a map ( vs. staying inside on a stationary treadmill and the scenery is relaxing and full of vitamin d! Good luck!
  • falsecho
    falsecho Posts: 81 Member
    When I see people outside running I am thinking "Cool, another runner to say good morning to" Running in the morning is best because everyone is happy. How can your day be bad if everyone is saying good morning to you?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Honestly, I think people are thinking about you a lot less than you think they are. (LOL!) Do you judge every person you see running? I know I don't. When I'm running out there with other people around I'm too busy focusing on my breathing, my pace and what not. Sure I notice them but not enough to think "That chick looks like a total spaz!" In fact, when I see someone who's overweight and running slow I'm more likely giving them silent kudos for being out there and trying to improve their health than judging their form or speed.
  • llllnn
    llllnn Posts: 18 Member
    what do you think when you see people running? only good things, right? why wouldn't the same go for you? :-) it's always impressive to see people running. shame is the last thing you should feel. you should feel so proud of yourself for getting out there and lapping everyone who's on the couch. it would take a really awful, unhappy person to think anything negative about you while you're out there working on yourself and doing a beautiful thing.

    nothing beats taking a run outside. don't rob yourself of that gift. :-)
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    I just do it when it is dark!