Do you have a phobia?



  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    I have quite a few of them, but the two that top the list are:

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member

    use to be afraid of Birds till I worked at a zoo had to get over that one quick but if I hear a bird in flight or wings flapping near me I will still cringe and heartrate goes crazy.

    But all other animals bring it on I will love them all creepy crawlies, slimey, scaley, furry, claws and all.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Men, oddly enough. And crowds of people, the space doesn't matter.

    This is why I'm taking upwards of a dozen pills a day so I don't freak out.

    I did have a phobia of planes but after I had to ride 4 last year (each way had a transfer flight so I guess technically you could say twice) I'm not so bad about them. But I do still hate them.
  • Keleye
    Keleye Posts: 11 Member
    Mice. I literally start to cry thinking about them.

    Or I am now. THANKS!
  • DayumStraightIAmEllie
    DayumStraightIAmEllie Posts: 160 Member
    My biggest is claustrophobia which includes mazes, airplanes and elevators.

    Also bees or wasps, brigdes, heights and the ocean.

    Oh and Pee wee effin Herman:noway:
  • smilewithkatherine
    smilewithkatherine Posts: 82 Member
    Escalators! I can go up on them, but I can't go down.
  • kal_el83
    kal_el83 Posts: 38 Member
    Sometimes when I turn off the light switch to my bedroom on the wall by the door, I have to literally run and bound into my bed and under the covers..... hehehe ---- For real, no lie!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Wasps. I struggle to be outdoors in summer, I stay awake at night until I can be sure there's no buzzing, I watch open windows like a hawk in the office, I refuse to open doors at home and I check every room in the summer months upon entering.

    A few years ago I ran around a moving bus screaming and crying before I forced the driver to open the doors and let me off, because there was a wasp on the bus. I also have a car with no fan/air con, and keep the windows closed all summer and drive around dying of dehydration because I can't risk a wasp entering the car.
  • TNTwedell
    TNTwedell Posts: 277 Member
    The weird phobia - The garbage disposal - whenever its on, I feel like there is a magnetic pull forcing me to put my hand close to it (which i dont - cause thats crazy) but i feel the urge.

    The normal phobia - Flying. (but attivan cures that right up) :drinker:
  • cneale91
    cneale91 Posts: 91 Member
    rollercoasters! and most theme park rides! and ive been to Disney World Florida 4 times with my family hahaha im such a loser there holding all the bags for people!

    and vomit! anything to do with it sets off a panic attack!
    sight,smell,sound,feeling it, being it! erugh freaks me outttt
  • MallRatMeg
    Heights, Escalators and snakes!
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    oh gawd!!! spiders....eeek!
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    spiders and dentists. I have to take xanax before I go to even get a dental exam
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Sharp objects... needles, knives, pens, pencils, etc especially around my eyes and my mid-lower back.
  • carlypreiss
    Fish and all other water creatures. Especially whales as well.
  • HeealthyMee
    HeealthyMee Posts: 62 Member
    Claustrophobia.. not like elevators, but narrow spaces where I can't really move my arms much.

    Ugh.. same!
  • Mariana_87
    i'm scared of heights. I'm also TERRIFIED to die. I know you won't know when it happens. But the thought of not seeing or being around my family and friends and just done. Scares me.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    Escalators! I can go up on them, but I can't go down.

    Me too! I will walk way out of the way to find stairs or an elevator if there is an escalator going down. I don't mind them going up though.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member

    THIS! And zombies, seriously...

    My step daughter can't even watch the promos for Walking Dead she's so scared of Zombies. I would laugh but it's not funny since I'm scared of the dentist :blushing:
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    electricity. like, dangerous situations arising from the presence/misuse of it. it's hard for me to plug things in or unplug them, or change lightbulbs. i obsessively check over wires for cuts/nicks. having a cat has made it worse -- i'm always afraid he'll get himself hurt. i can't deal with lightning storms.
    i actually just started treatment for this... they're going to make me plug things in and unplug them a lot. and change lightbulbs :(:(:(:(:(:(:(