"You've lost enough weight now"



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    LOL 'Friend' told me I looked anorexic... I said "how many Anorexics you know with guns like this.."?! She STFU after that!

  • applekoko19
    applekoko19 Posts: 85 Member
    YUp got it from a supervisor at work... I told her i'd stop when my BMI was in the healthy range... you can't really argue with that!
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Im waiting for the day -
    I'll just smile......
    I'm lucky, all comments have been very supportive to date, and as a notorious chocoholic at work - they do not even tempt me any more, as they can see the results of my effort of not indulging over the last 6 weeks.
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 148 Member
    I haven't really had any body say that because I am still big but if copying someone is suppose to be the sincerest form of flattery I am sure passive aggressive jealousy is a close second.

  • scrappergirl333
    scrappergirl333 Posts: 28 Member
    Yes I get this all the time from a "friend". I keep telling her that I am still in the overweight category and carrying too much body fat. We are about the same height and she's trying to get to where I am now so I guess I can understand her thinking.
  • Stinalynn121
    Stinalynn121 Posts: 42 Member
    LOL, I wish that was the case... my family (my mom that is much larger then me, her husband, and 1 of my sisters also larger then me) have always told me how fat I am and how much bigger then them I am and that they don't know where I got my size from and how fat my legs are and arms etc etc etc.... my husband just laughs, neither of us understand it, has always been that way...thing they don't seem to realize, joke is on them! I am the ONLY one with boobs, AND the only one that is at least proportionate and curvy in my obesity LOL they are more beach ball with arms and legs shape.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I've been told that I'm disappearing. and "How much more do you want to lose"<--- said in a very snotty way as if enough is enough. I take them all as compliments though because all they are saying is how small I look and really there is nothing wrong with that because i know that I am healthy soo yayyy I'm small:) lol
  • I think this is a compliment and not anything else.
    This is to say that you've done well!
    I always laugh when people tell me that. I've got 20 more lbs to go! Not stopping!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I personally donot think its out of jealousy or hatred or anything. Alot of times people have a memory of your being your normal "Big" self and when they see a steady decrease in your weight they immediately think that you might be doing it the unhealthy way or that you might have an ED.

    Alot of times, people just get worried. Specially the older folks. They're seeking your well-being. They tend to freak out over small changes and seeing that "big girl suddenly becoming small" is something they're not used to seeing. Dont take it to heart, they're just looking out for you. Just assure them that you got a little bit more to go before you start to maintain your weight.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes, I get this from a "friend" who is jealous of my weight loss. According to her if I lost anymore weight I will look "bad" because I'm "naturally a big girl" and shouldn't be "small" :-/

    Gotta love "friends"!

    You look amazing!
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My mother won't stop. She keeps insisting I should go into maintenance now, but I AM going to lose 5 more lbs before I go into maintenance.
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Have got this statement many times in the past and was always hurt by it and led me to think the
    same and REGAIN the weight. These people that I thought were being kind (FOOL ME) were just
    JEALOUS( could of used the F word big time) because they didn't look or feel as good as me,I've
    wasted so many years I'm not just blaming them but Gees they didn't help.. So SOD the lot of you
    this is all about ME...... Oh Yea and another thing the people that say these remarks would want to
    take a good look in the mirror because nobody's perfect and will never be.... Olive.x
  • i have gotten the whole your not fat, i know people who are fat thing. im like are you blind? im 247 pounds , or was at the time. i know im fat and dont need you telling me im not. im not stupid. then when i told her i was trying to lose weight she asked me why because i tried before and failed.

    Ouch! Rude. I've been asked why I was trying to lose weight because I didn't look "that big". Right. I was around 250 at that time and now am at 174. Now I've been asked if this is where I am going to stop. I tell them, "Not until I am at a healthy weight" and for me that is around 140.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    yes hear this time and time again. I think they genuinely mean it because to them maybe they see the dramatic change and that looks scary to them. Also, if someone is wanting to lose weight it makes them feel bad about themselves.

    My mom (who sees me 3 times a year due to distance) actually said to me "I hope you're not anorexic". No mom, thanks though.

    For me, I'm still 130 pounds at 5'6" - completely normal and healthy. But because I added strength training I look considerably smaller than 130 pounds. So I can see where people may think that I weigh a lot less.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    My wife has told me this. The problem I have is that she is also trying (unsuccessful) to lose weight as well. I'm afraid to report any progress I'm making. I don't want her to a) get mad at me for continuing the weight loss and b) get jealous of my results.

    I also had a co-worker tell me I looked healthier before I started to lose weight.
  • TanyaCurtis
    TanyaCurtis Posts: 630
    I hate that! And it discourages me, and then I usually just give up! But when I actually have kept up with it no matter what anyone said, I felt 110% better, and got 110% more compliments!!! So I must know something they don't..... either their just jealous and don't want u to look any better then u already do, or they just don't get it lol
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    My boyfriend said this to me two weeks ago! I decided to do maintenance for a week because of it but I still lost more weight.... oops ;)
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    I got told that yesterday ,that I am too skinny now,,lol..never thought I would hear that again,,told them I still want to loose 10 more pounds,,they think I am crazzy but I know where I will feel comfortable ,it's not there decision.but it was nice to hear the "S" word again,,skinny haha
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    Honestly I think after youve lost a significant amount of weight it makes you look smaller than you might be, just because they are so used to looking at a "bigger" you. With that said, if you are in the healthy range and aren't trying to go to a underweight or unhealthy weight, I would disregard the comments.

    I am 5'8 and at 155 was told I look like "I had been starved"..:/ 164 is the max for "healthy"..SO. As long as you are happy, just appreciate they think you look good how you are now, we are our worst critics and sometimes outsiders see what we dont.
  • i have gotten the whole your not fat, i know people who are fat thing. im like are you blind? im 247 pounds , or was at the time. i know im fat and dont need you telling me im not. im not stupid. then when i told her i was trying to lose weight she asked me why because i tried before and failed.

    Ouch! Rude. I've been asked why I was trying to lose weight because I didn't look "that big". Right. I was around 250 at that time and now am at 174. Now I've been asked if this is where I am going to stop. I tell them, "Not until I am at a healthy weight" and for me that is around 140.

    yeah she is a rude one. she always has been i guess. my hubby known her when she was a teenager. says she has never changed. she said i should like her and try the body by vi if anyone here knows what that is. its basically the whole shake thing. i told her no thanks. once she starts eating normal food again the weight will come back and more probably. im happy with my healthy eating and exercise