"is that all"

Not sure where to post this so i thought i would put it here.

when i went to weigh in this week i lost almost 6lbs (2.6kg) and i was really proud and happy, i told all my friends and family who have been supporting me while i embark on my weight loss journey but one friend said "is that all" "on the biggest loser they lose way more than that!" it really demotivated me :(

has anyone else had this happen to them?


  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    If someone compared my weight loss to a Biggest Loser contestant, I wouldn't be happy, but I wouldn't be demotivated either.

    I have a full time job, and I can't be in the gym for 8+ hours a day. I have to figure out all by myself what I'm going to eat, and I have to figure it out quickly, before I bite someone. I also don't have hundreds of pounds to lose. I also have a funky thyroid , so my weight loss isn't going to be at the same rate as anyone else, let alone a person who does nothing but chase fitness goals all day long.
  • MaggieGillies
    yeah i said that "on biggest loser they have trainers and their meals are allplanned out for them pretty much :/ im doing this on my own! they dont have temptations facing them at every turn they are basically in isolation like a fat camp.." my friend just said "whatever you still look the same weight to me"
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    First off, if it was your full time job to lose weight and there was $100,000 on the line... I'm sure you'd be dropping just as much as any BL contestants.

    Secondly, weight loss isn't a competitive sport and you should lose at a healthy, sustainable rate. Don't be demotivated because someone doesn't understand that.
  • Skinnyredhead
    Wow! That is so terrible! 6lbs is a lot! That is like 6 bricks of butter! I would not tell this person anything, and next time i see them I would be tempted to say "man, you are looking a little heavy... missed working out this week?"
  • allegram
    allegram Posts: 117
    That is an ignorant comment on your friend's part. You should be ecstatic! Keep it up :)
  • eclaire9
    eclaire9 Posts: 44
    People are a**holes. Ignore them and keeping fighting to lose more weight.
    Seriously, if that is the only thing they can say, they obviously have bigger issues in their own life. Be happy you aren't a miserable person like them.

    And for the record, 6lbs is AMAZING. Good for you! :)
  • jmach002
    jmach002 Posts: 113 Member
    i dont get that about pounds lost but rather referring to calories burned at the gym by some of my friends sometimes. makes me want to tell that well it may not seem like a lot but i am lapping you on the couch every day!

    6lbs is a lot! you should be proud! biggest loser is a unrealistic enviroment and slow and steady is usually the best when coming to long term weight loss. congrats on the progress!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You're doing great. Slower weight loss, while sometimes frustrating, is generally healthier for you. Don't get discouraged because other people don't understand how real weight loss happens.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    So how much weight has this person lost in a week?
  • AmberYopp
    AmberYopp Posts: 1 Member
    fiberartist21 couldn't have said it any better! Unless you're upwards of 300+ lbs AND are going through the extensive life change/exercise plan's the biggest looser people are on, you're simply not going to loose it that quickly. You be PROUD of that 6 pounds and keep on going! You're doing awesome...it's really hard to loose weight in our busy lives. Even a single pound is a lot of work some weeks. Besides, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you. What YOU think of you is the only thing that matters. You can't measure yourself by someone else's standards. Have you set a goal? Are you working toward that goal? Are you getting there, weather slower or quicker than you had hoped? If you can say yes to even just ONE of these questions you should be proud of yourself. If you believe in yourself, other will too, and the ones who don't just feel bad about themselves and hate your confidence. Good luck and keep it up!
  • PlasticPsycho
    they can't compare that to a fatcamp tv-show
    they do nothing but work for losing weight there, and you still have a life, your friends should think of that.
    don't listen to them, you're doing a good job, just keep on going
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    your fiend sounds like a cow
  • evespich
    evespich Posts: 6 Member
    I've been working out and eating better for about 2 months now and i've lost 6 pounds. 6 pounds in one week is amazing! Congratulations!
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    I say they aren't really a true friend. To me it sounds more of a jeliously thing then it does a freind thing.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Wow! 6 pounds is fantastic! I wouldn't let them get you down or discourage you. It takes time before others are able to see your progress. I have a co-worker that has lost 27 pounds in the last month or so and I honestly can't really tell BUT she has a long way to go and I would NEVER tell her that I can't tell. So in other words your friend needs to figure out how to be sensitive or keep her mouth shut!
  • eudemonia
    eudemonia Posts: 149 Member
    what??? 6lb is AMAZING! don't let what she said get to you, because a loss is a loss, and 6lb is fantastic! sometimes people don't really understand the processes other people go through, so just carry on with what you're doing, because you're doing great :).
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    Not sure where to post this so i thought i would put it here.

    when i went to weigh in this week i lost almost 6lbs (2.6kg) and i was really proud and happy, i told all my friends and family who have been supporting me while i embark on my weight loss journey but one friend said "is that all" "on the biggest loser they lose way more than that!" it really demotivated me :(

    has anyone else had this happen to them?
    That was 1 week of weight loss? That's amazing! Don't want to run your friend down, but that's a real crappy thing for a friend to say. I would have had a few choice words for anyone that said that to me. Anyway, don't be too discouraged. As some of my younger friends say, "Haters gonna hate" You have a support system here if you need it.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    6 pounds in a week is FANTASTIC! If your friend doesn't think so than s/he can try it.
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    I would be thrilled with a 6lb loss and you should be too. Clearly this friend knows nothing about weight loss therefore those comments are not valid and deserve none of your attention. Just keep up the good work and don't let people like that bring you down.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    What isn't seen on those shows is that most people gain it back after the show due to the reality of life, because they haven't had to think about it much throughout the show.