"is that all"



  • DivaDiane
    DivaDiane Posts: 73
    This "friend" is jealous. Don't say anything else to him/her and let him/her just watch you get fitter and healthier over time. Then you can have the last laugh.
  • thanks everyone i feel so much better already :) i knew i shouldn't be put off by my friend but i just let it get to me.
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Your friend is an as$hole!

    2.6kilos is HUGE in the "real world". Biggest Loser is NOT the real word! Congratulations. You should be so proud of yourself.

    I bet that if your friend was on biggest loser they would be one of the contestants that cry and whinge and make me want to poke myself in the eye with a fork!
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    This is why I choose to keep my journey fairly private. Haters gonna hate. :tongue:
  • rmsturdy
    rmsturdy Posts: 73
    I'm jealous! I wish I could lose 6 lbs in a week! I'd be 3/4 of my way to my goal! I average 3-4 a month!
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    yeah i said that "on biggest loser they have trainers and their meals are allplanned out for them pretty much :/ im doing this on my own! they dont have temptations facing them at every turn they are basically in isolation like a fat camp.." my friend just said "whatever you still look the same weight to me"

    Sounds like you might need to have a chat with your friend about how unsupportive and non-friend like that is to say.

    And here is a six-pound fish. You lost this! Show that to your friend next time. Or simply ignore them and know that you're doing an awesome job!! Keep it up!


  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    Maybe they were... Joking?
    Yeah, that's it. They must've been kidding. Why else would anyone say something so ABSURD?!

    You've got us, bro. We're your friends that understand what a difference 6 pounds make.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol, poor misguided friend. you're gonna be REALLY depressed when you start losing 1-2pounds a week. BL results ARE NOT typical and that is a t.v. show, and time lines are skewed.
  • heidikat72
    heidikat72 Posts: 42 Member
    you know what? haters gonna hate. and sounds like that person is really just trying to justify why they aren't doing anything. and keep in mind - most of the people on the biggest loser end up gaining the weight back as soon as the show ends and they aren't in isolation anymore
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    Not sure where to post this so i thought i would put it here.

    when i went to weigh in this week i lost almost 6lbs (2.6kg) and i was really proud and happy, i told all my friends and family who have been supporting me while i embark on my weight loss journey but one friend said "is that all" "on the biggest loser they lose way more than that!" it really demotivated me :(

    has anyone else had this happen to them?

    Yeah well, if you could put your life on hold for a few months and live in an extremely supportive, controlled environment then maybe, just maybe you could have lost more, but even those people have weeks at 1 lbs or even gain!

    6 lbs is absolutely incredible. I would be jumping up and down and screaming for my husband to come look at the scale to make sure it wasn't wrong!! LOL
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    If I lost 6lbs in a week I would be the happiest person in the world the most I have lost is 2.5lbs, your friend obviously hasnt really had to try and lose weight. Be proud of what you did, that is a lot. so what if she doesnt notice it, I am sure other people do. Also, it honestly kind of sounds like she is jealous and trying to bring you down. Do not bother telling that person again how much you have lost just do you and what you have to do. In time they will realize. I would take it more as a motivation thing to prove her wrong in a way.

    Congrats on the loss! : )
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Parade sh!tters. They're everywhere. Ask her right back how much she's lost and if she looks at you crazy, you succeeded.

    P.S. I can lose only 5lbs and make it look like I lost 20.
  • milphog
    milphog Posts: 15 Member
    That person is the biggest loser and I'm not talking about weight.
  • slhtree
    slhtree Posts: 9
    That is sad that your friend could not be more supportive! 6 lbs is awesome! You should be proud of yourself,and just use that as more ammo to continue doing what you are doing. I know that is easier said than done,but try not to let those nasty stupid hurtful comments get to you.
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member

    Not be friends with the stupid cow - be happy with any weight loss cause it is one step closer to your goal
  • Not sure where to post this so i thought i would put it here.

    when i went to weigh in this week i lost almost 6lbs (2.6kg) and i was really proud and happy, i told all my friends and family who have been supporting me while i embark on my weight loss journey but one friend said "is that all" "on the biggest loser they lose way more than that!" it really demotivated me :(

    has anyone else had this happen to them?

    6lb is a lot, almost half a stone, thats excellent, maybe she said it being sarcastic meaning thats a lot, either way Id use it as amunition to keep at it, and when you're at your target m sure no-one will say a ****y bird
  • i don't think i will be keeping that "friend" updated anymore. i can do without the negative comments. any loss is a loss! :-)
  • This "friend" is jealous. Don't say anything else to him/her and let him/her just watch you get fitter and healthier over time. Then you can have the last laugh.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly!!
    Just do your thing and don't let the "negative nellies" of the world get you down, trust me there are TONS out there.......congrats on the HUGE loss!!
  • kimiec
    kimiec Posts: 62
    First of all the Biggest Loser show is fake, I don't mean it in the way some might think but think about it like this how many overweight people do you see all of a sudden runnign down a beach for 3+ miles or exercising on a treadmill for 8+ miles in one shot. You don't these people have been doing this for awhile before the show is even taped. Plus these people who lose a large amount of weight week for week are very heavy people and heavy people tend to lose alot of weight fast at first. I think your friend isn't much of a friend to say something so mean to you. 6lbs is a good amount you should be proud don't let negtive minded people take you down if you do that then just think in 6 months you will be even more unhappy because of what some said to you because in 6months you would not only be thinking of what your friend said but you will be thinking if only I kept at my weight loss how much weight would I have lost and that is even worse then what soemone said to you.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    your 'friend' is an ignorant *kitten*! 1 -2 lbs per week is a good loss. 6lbs is phenominal!! Move a way from people like that, they are called 'haters'!

    Be proud, you're doing fantastic! :bigsmile: