Disappointed and ready to give up :(



  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I would stick to maybe only weighing yourself once a week. Otherwise, weighing yourself and not seeing the results you may have hoped for will only frustrate you. It's only been 3 days... give it time.

    Your sodium intake is just as important as anything else. So make sure you're drinking plenty of water and watching your sodium. Try taking Dandelion Root. It's an all natural herbal supplement that helps with water retention. I take it during TOM. You still will need to make sure you're getting plenty of water.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    After 3 days? Really, you need to see this as a marathon and not a sprint, if you're ready to give up now what will you do when you plateau for about 3 months?

    It's not easy, you'll not always see results when you think you will, but stick at it and the rewards will come with time.

    Give it a month and then post how you feel. Write your blog for the days when you feel like giving up, you'll be able to go back to them on the good days and see WHY you're sticking with it! :flowerforyou:
  • blankenships6
    Don't give up!!!! Sodium intake level has a lot to do with how you feel and weigh. I was doing so good and staying right on track. I had lost 11 lbs since Feb 21. Then one weekend I had three cheat days in a row eating breads/chips/take out and I gained 4 lbs on the fourth day even though I never really went way over my calories that I was allowed. Not possible!!!! Since it takes 3500 calories to equal gaining 1 lb. It was all sodium related. So keep eating right and watch it come off!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Don't give up....its only been 3 days!! You CAN do it!!! Those 2lbs could very easily be water!!

    In looking at your diary, my suggestion would be to lower your fat intake (you were over every day), reduce your sodium and increase your water!!

    Only weigh in 1-2x per week. Start taking measurments. One thing I wish I did - sometimes the scale doesn't move, but the inches are coming off!

    Stay strong - you can and will succeed!!!!
  • Hoegers
    Hoegers Posts: 17
    I know it is depressing when you feel like you are doing the right thing and not seeing the results you expect. As others have said it can take time to see those results on the scale. Since you are early in to your weightloss program take the chance now to get your measurements. Not only your inches but also your blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Then as you watch what you eat and make healthier choices and continue exercising you can see more of those NSV (non-scale victories) too. I am as proud of those victories over the months as I have been with my weight loss. Don't give up, that certainly won't help you get to your goal. Keep at it and best of luck!!!
  • textlikekisses
    just remember this isn't a quick fix. :)
    for me, this is a lifestyle change. I'm not just going to get to my goal weight and then stop. I am going to continue being health conscious as long as I am able-bodied. I've just started (under 30 days here) and in my first 20 days i've lost 6 pounds. It takes time. I only weigh myself once a week (if that) because your weight will fluctuate. Hang in there - add some supportive people on here to give you moral support and don't give up!
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    I looked at your diary and second the "track your sodium" comment. Those packaged meals are notoriously high in sodium. Also I would invest in a heart rate monitor for exercise, so that you don't inadvertently overestimate your exercise calories. MFP notoriously estimates MUCH higher than my actual burn....I walked 3.7 miles yesterday over a 72 minute period of time, and only burned 168 calories per my HRM! I noticed that you were walking faster than I was, but that your burn was pretty high. It might be accurate, but a HRM (with chest strap, where you input your height, age, weight, etc.) will give you a much more accurate picture of your true burn rate.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Monday is your first day logging, so have you only done 2 days really? I also noticed you had fast food (taco Bell) I know you logged it and that's good but processed and fast food like that can carry way more calories than it says in the database here... also they have so much sodium so you would be retaining water. Try to stay away from fast food altogether, it makes 'training' your body easier. Also watch your fat intake I noticed it was over on both days

  • CarrieMathias
    Dont give up - weigh once a week at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes. DO NOT STOP - this is far far better than weight watchers, and a much more long term way of dealing with weight issues and maintaining a healthy one. Weight watchers want you to have a quick loss you start with so you keep going and pay them lots of money, they are running a business for profit, they dont want you to lose weight slowly and forever otherwise people wouldnt need to go and they would have no customers.

    This is a life changing decision and way of eating - weight watchers is a quicker fix but if it was so good at weight watchers why are you here?? - Hope you get my point, you need to change for life weight watchers wont do that redeucating yourself into eating properly and not obsessing over it will.

    Good luck my friend :)
  • KenDubya74
    KenDubya74 Posts: 196 Member
    Quitting is not an option. You can do this but it will take some time for real results to show. It took 6 weeks before I started noticing any weight loss for myself when my clothes started getting loose. Keep focused and your head in the game. Things will turn around for you!
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    Definitely do not give up! You deserve to be healthy and feel great. Make sure you eat a lot of fruits and veggies. :)
  • Firebird_Rising
    Firebird_Rising Posts: 15 Member
    I've found in my experience so far, the most important factor in losing weight is not calorie control, nor is it exercise, but willpower. That is what will keep you going when the scale doesn't go your way.

    Right now, you're only at day three. The first week or two will be the absolute hardest while your body is attempting to adjust to the changes that you're making to your lifestyle. It's going to scream and fuss at you. It will do it's damnedest to convince you to have that huge slice of chocolate cake or that whole bag of potato chips. It will do what it can to keep you on the couch instead of going for a walk.

    You have to fight through that as hard as you possibly can. I know it's sounds tough. Believe me, it is. But you know what? If you keep fighting and pushing on, you're going to make progress, and the first time you see (and feel) some positive changes, it's going to feel absolutely incredible and you'll know that you did the right thing by sticking with it.

    Best of luck, and hang in there! :)
  • biznoche
    biznoche Posts: 43
    Don't give up so soon! Weight loss is a long and painful journey (really, it's a life long struggle- unfortunately that's just the facts) Maybe you should stay away from the scale for a little bit. That has helped me. Let your clothes do the talking when you start to feel more comfortable in them. Remember, the scale is just giving you a number. The real results are in how you look and feel when you look in the mirror. Also, I have been in your shoes where I have given up after a week or so, and then shortly after that when I went to try again, I had 50 pounds to lose instead of 30.
    I know it's not fair, and remember your ability to lose weight diminishes as you get older- it just keeps getting harder. I've gotten to the point where I have to diet 7 days a week AND exercise at least 4 hours a week to lose weight. If I go over my calories just 1 day during the week, I will stay the same instead of losing any weight for that whole week. But I allow those occasions because they are a part of life, and I tell myself it's OK, and then get back to business. AND STAY OFF THE SCALE!!!

    I don't know if you use Pinterest at all, but I have found a wealth of information under the fitness category that ranges from helpful, to inspiring quotes, to getting neat work-out tips. I've also tried 2 new healthy recipes from food section in the last week, and both are phenomenal. I hope you will find some inspiration from the replies you've received and keep at it. Add people as friends- we're all here for the same reason, so the support you will find through this site is very valuable. Good luck!!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    THREE DAYS!? what did you expect in THREE DAYS? When you (think) about giving up, you already have. For me, quitting is NOT an option. WHO are you giving up on? really?
    If YOU don't think you deserve a healthy, happy life nobody else will either- trust me on this one.
    You did not get heavy overnight. This is not an overnight fix. There will be highs and lows because THAT'S LIFE or are you gonna give up on that too?
    Quitting is easy, sticking with it builds character. It's your body, your life - your call
    WE are here for you. If you quit, where will you be in a year? five years?
  • demorest
    demorest Posts: 109
    dont give up,I agree about the water,are you getting enough? Most people dont know water is a natural dieretic its tru the more you drink the less you will retain.Hang in there your weight will start going down.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    Don't give up and wait a month to weigh yourself. Healthy and slow is better than fast and furious. I have only lost 7 lbs in 60 days, but my pants that my mom gave me at Christmas are falling off me now. It's not all on the scale. I vowed not to weigh myself the whole month of March.
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Day three is not long enough to see any results. Small fluctuations in weight are normal and you shouldn't let the scale control your emotions like that. Give it time.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Totally understand where you are coming from.

    Two years ago I started P90X. Two weeks in, after busting my butt on the hardest workouts I had every done I had gained 4 pounds. I trusted that all the work I was doing was going to pay off and that most of that gain was fluid retention due to my muscles freaking out to all the stress (weight lifting) I was putting them under. I trusted the program and kept at it.

    Now two years later I'm 32 two pounds lighter and can't even imagine where I'd be if I had quit, but I do know it wouldn't be here!

    Quitting isn't an option.

  • yasdnilear
    yasdnilear Posts: 78 Member
    I know what you mean when you say you had a big number in your first week doing weight watchers. I had the same frustration on here a couple weeks ago. And what I realized was that 1) I am a couple years older so I lose weight differently and then 2) although I gained a couple my first few days by the end of my 1st week I had lost 4 pounds!!

    So don't lose hope, give it at least another week and I know you'll see some encouraging results! Wait it out like I did and you won't regret it and will feel great!!
  • ladybrittain
    Please look over your food diary and check your sodium levels. The same thing happened to me. I was knocked down at how much sodium was in some of the foods I was eating. I understand now why processed foods are not good for you. I gained 3 pounds back after working my butt off and nearly passing out. I wanted to cry, but I sat down and printed out my food diary and was floored at how I had over 4,000 mg of sodium in one day of the week I had gained the weight. Then I saw over 3,000 mg on the next day. Now I had to ask myself what the heck have you been doing to your body and I never knew. Once I adjusted my food choices a bit I lost the 3 pounds back. Don't give up, that is why this is a challenge. Nothing beats hard work. Also, take your measurements. I'm just melting away the fat and sometimes the scale just does not move but my clothes are really getting looser as I go.