What should my goal weight be?

I'm 27 years old and 5'4 with a medium frame (?). I started here at around 150lb and decided that my goal weight should be 135, for no real reason, just sounded good. I've reached that goal but I still have a large tummy. Unfortunately my boobs have decided to get smaller. So my question is what should my goal weight be to get rid of my giant flobby tummy? Anyone around my age/height, what is your goal weight?

Thanks :)


edit to add: my work out routine right now is running 4x week (training for a 5K), pilates class 1xweek, work out video (yoga, pilates, kickboxing, etc) 1x week


  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You can figure it out by BMI

    For you: 108lbs would be the absolute low end of normal, bordering on underweight (wouldn't recommend this)
    and 145lbs would give you a bmi of 24.9, the top of end normal.

    So I'd say with a goal of 135lbs you're dead on target.
  • I wouldn't go down more than 5 more pounds or so. Have you considered going into maintenance mode with your diet, but changing your exercise routine to target the areas you want to change more?
  • spexy20
    spexy20 Posts: 2
    I'm 5'4 and currently 119lbs if that helps
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    BMI is such a bogus way of determining a healthy weight. It takes no account of the type of weight you're carrying around. I say go until you're comfortable in your skin. There is no set in stone answer here.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    The weight is fine, now you just need to tighten. I am in the same boat. I'm 5'5" and 135lbs. I think the plan for me is to reduce my fat intake to reduce my body fat %. then I will have those abs I've been waiting for!
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    BMI is such a bogus way of determining a healthy weight. It takes no account of the type of weight you're carrying around. I say go until you're comfortable in your skin. There is no set in stone answer here.

    That's my boyfriend says but I was hoping to have a number to aim for. Maybe you are both right and that's not the way to go about it.
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    The weight is fine, now you just need to tighten. I am in the same boat. I'm 5'5" and 135lbs. I think the plan for me is to reduce my fat intake to reduce my body fat %. then I will have those abs I've been waiting for!

    Yes! Abs would be lovely. Thanks.

    And thanks everyone. Think I'll stick around the same weight (or another 5 lbs or so) and just keep working out
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Forget about a goal weight and add some strength training. My weight is the same as it was in July. My body isn't. :smile:

  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    Hi Polina,
    You are at the right weight spot...My friend, who is a fitness trainer keeps saying that you need to do core strengthening workouts to tone up. Core strengthening targets your spinal muscles, abdominal muscles, pelvic area and your back. Core strength will tone you over all. If you are stronger over all, I believe that the excess flab will come off.
  • There was a post a few days ago that had a ton of before and after pictures that showed the difference between tone and weight. Some were the same weight, but looked fitter after adding weight training, and others actually weighed more but were smaller and more toned after adding targeted weight training. From what I gather, BMI is only a useful measure if you're morbidly obese. (Like me.) If you've got the extra money, look into getting a trainer at a gym. They can help tailor-make a routine that will help you hit whatever goals you wanna hit. Good luck!
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    Lifting is for some reason my worst nightmare. I can run and do work out videos but for some reason I'm dreading lifting weights. Just seems so boring. But after reading all the responses looks like I'll have to start even a little bit if I want to get toned. Darn, I was hoping there would be a way around it. :P
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    Forget about a goal weight and add some strength training. My weight is the same as it was in July. My body isn't. :smile:


    WOW! You may have just convinced me with those pictures. You look amazing!
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    BMI it's not very accurate.
    You should go to a place were you can measure your % of body fat.
    Check the below link for more information:

    I can tell you that my BMI was always below 25, and I started with 34% body fat... Now I have 28% (It's not easy to lose body fat...most of people lose muscle when they start a diet, 'cause if you reduce your food quantity to much, your body turn to your muscles first...body fat stay's with you longer...

    If you start exercising, your muscles will grow and that way, burn dody fat more efficiently, but they will weight more that fat...so at the begining you can even gain weigth (it happened to me). But your body starts to get shapped.
    Belly fat it's the first to appear and the last to go...

    So, my advice, start exercising. You'll need to do cardio exercises+strength training. Only after 30min of cardio exercise is that fat existent in our body starts to be burned, and used by the muscles.
    You will also need to do lots of abs, crunches and localized exercices.

    Below I wrote my training.
    I already lost some weight, but I still need to lose more 11pounds and my problem is my bely as well.

    Monday: cardio training
    Tuesday: strength training
    Wednesday: cardio training
    Thursday: Rest
    Friday: strength training
    Saturday: cardio +strength training
    Sunday: Rest

    That is my training, and it works for me.
    Sometimes I have some running competions at Sunday's. Next one will be 25th March, half marathon
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Lifting is for some reason my worst nightmare. I can run and do work out videos but for some reason I'm dreading lifting weights. Just seems so boring. But after reading all the responses looks like I'll have to start even a little bit if I want to get toned. Darn, I was hoping there would be a way around it. :P

    I'd rather run, too, but in addition to loving how lifting changed my body, it made my running better, too. I was running a 5k at a 9 minute mile pace in June before I started strength training, and at an 8 minute miles in October.

    I just look at it like shaving my legs or flossing my teeth or coloring my roots. I don't necessarily enjoy it but the results are worth it. Plus, when you can increase the amount your lifting, it's a nice rush.
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    Lifting is for some reason my worst nightmare. I can run and do work out videos but for some reason I'm dreading lifting weights. Just seems so boring. But after reading all the responses looks like I'll have to start even a little bit if I want to get toned. Darn, I was hoping there would be a way around it. :P

    I'd rather run, too, but in addition to loving how lifting changed my body, it made my running better, too. I was running a 5k at a 9 minute mile pace in June before I started strength training, and at an 8 minute miles in October.

    I just look at it like shaving my legs or flossing my teeth or coloring my roots. I don't necessarily enjoy it but the results are worth it. Plus, when you can increase the amount your lifting, it's a nice rush.

    Funny you mention the running thing. My first 5K was at 9:23's and I'm aiming for 8:45's for my second coming up in 2 weeks. Not sure how realistic I'm being considering I'm giving myself 2 weeks to train but we'll see. I'd like to be comfortable at 8 or below eventually though. I guess I'll go and figure out what all those scary looking machines at the gym are for.
  • melpap12
    melpap12 Posts: 50
    You and I are built the exact same way. Im 5'4" but started at 175lbs. I am now at 142. I set my goal weight at between 135 and 125. I too, dont know how low I should go.
  • melpap12
    melpap12 Posts: 50
    Also, what are your measurments???
  • polz7
    polz7 Posts: 48 Member
    Also, what are your measurments???

    Have it written down somewhere at home - slacking at work now :). I'll reply back with those later today when I get home.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    Find out what your lean body mass is. Take that number and divide it by 1 minus the bodyfat percentage you want to be. EX: if you want to be 20% body fat, then it would be 1-.20= . 80. This will give you the target weight to shoot for.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • melpap12
    melpap12 Posts: 50
    Mine are: waist 29 in, hips 37.5 i n and bust 36.5 in. Just to give you an idea of where Im at. I have lost 4.5 inches of my bust, 4.5 off my hips and 6 inches of my waist and 14 lbs since January 7th. I lost 19 lbs on my own before I started Visalus.