Help! ... I'm not losing anything!



  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Drmryder... Good point. I've heard that many times before and it makes sense to eat smaller meals more often but, when I'm busy, I struggle to eat 3times a day, never mind 5!!

    I do wonder whether I have metabolism problems though. I've heard it can develop from bad eating habits and massive sudden weight loss and these things have been no stranger to me in the past. Does anyone know if there is some sort of metabolism test?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Even though you're technically overweight you stI'll are close to your goal. So as others said set it to whatever 0.5lb loss.

    Make sure to have one rest day. I'd look into lifting heavier weights. I enjoyed 30DS but the change my body has made in five weeks from NRoLFW is great. Not huge weight loss (which is ****ting me) but I have a waist!
  • bump curious as to the answers
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    Gee, it sounds like you are doing things right. I have two other suggestions not mentioned yet: 1) Have your thyroid levels checked. Hypoactive thyroid can leave you sluggish and tired, but does not explain the hunger aspect. 2) You may also want to have your blood sugar levels checked at the same time. Hyperglycemia will leave you sluggish, tired, and hungry. So, I guess I am suggesting that you visit your physician and have a few tests run.
  • RachelK40
    RachelK40 Posts: 17
    Might consider having your thyroid function evaluated---TSH test.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I've been considering visiting the Docs for some tests so that might be the answer. Funny that the blood sugar has come up though... A friend tested me a few years ago with his 'prick test' device and said my results we're so low he thought I should have been in a coma! I felt normal?? I don't have much of a sweet tooth though - I don't like cakes or Lollies much - and if I have something really sweet, it gives me headaches.

    Lozze... What is NRoLFW?
    SISDONNAK Posts: 21 Member
    I too have been having the same problem. I need to see a physician but I am enjoying this thread. I really think it is the post menopausal state for me. Since I had a hysterectomy about 5 years ago, the weight is stubbornly hanging on, even doing the programs and regimine I had done in the past. :)
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Seems like some sound advice here. Drop your goal to .5/wk, which will up your calories. Doing 2 weeks of the Shred could be the issue at the moment. Anytime you start a new exercise regimen, if you haven't exercised in a while, your muscles hold onto glycogen - they get little tears and hold onto it to repair them - so basically it's like water weight. I know a lot of people haven't seen a drop from doing 30DS until later in the program, and some only see a small scale drop but lose inches.

    If you're going to see a doctor anyway it's always good to have things tested. What you could also try is eating at your maintenance calories for a few days to a week and then go back to a deficit. I've heard that has worked for some people to break a plateau. Good luck.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Looks like you got some good answers sweetie. Think the .5lb a week sounds like a good idea from what I've been told by my dietitian. She says a big deficit is fine when you've a lot to loose, but not once you get closer to goal. Also like the idea of a maintenance calorie week followed by cutting back again, to try to break the plateau. Maybe a extra protein shake would keep you fuller? Zara X
  • 20Sam12
    20Sam12 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this and no expert but here is my 2 cents.... in looking at your food diary, you are not eating as many calories as suggested. You have amped up your exercise and reduced your caloric intake all at once so I'm thinking your body thinks it is starving so you and your bod are battling each other. Perhaps try eating the number of calories recommended and see if you don't see a change. Sounds ridiculous to eat more to loss weight but you have to work with your body too (perhaps outsmart it!).
  • LesleeAH
    LesleeAH Posts: 64
    Seems like some sound advice here. Drop your goal to .5/wk, which will up your calories. Doing 2 weeks of the Shred could be the issue at the moment. Anytime you start a new exercise regimen, if you haven't exercised in a while, your muscles hold onto glycogen - they get little tears and hold onto it to repair them - so basically it's like water weight. I know a lot of people haven't seen a drop from doing 30DS until later in the program, and some only see a small scale drop but lose inches.

    I'm doing 30DS, I'm about half way through level 2, and I haven't lost anything yet, so that's another thing to consider.

    Also, eating more often during the day has no impact on metabolism. Metabolism is largely controlled by the amount of muscle you have, so if you were really concerned about your metabolism you would start heavy lifting (think New Rules of Lifting for Women) and eating at maintenance (or above).
  • bebreli
    bebreli Posts: 227 Member
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    I think your body is telling you the answer. Your appetite is strong and you're lethargic. Eating more would both sooth your appetite and give you the fuel your body needs to move and recover from workouts. maybe eat 200 more calories a day and see how you feel.
  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    scales are evil. throw it out! measurements are a lot better. you might be losing weight and gaining muscle, thus gaining weight. that's crappy, no? but you look better!

    also, sodium will help you retain water. your sodium content over the past week is pretty good, but keep that in mind. could possibly be water weight!
  • I found this info on here which I thought was VERY helpful!!!

    I hope it helps you as well
  • choirgirl1130
    choirgirl1130 Posts: 80 Member
    if you have hit a plateau your body has adapted to the changes you have made in the past. what helps is it increase your calories strictly 10% eating quality foods ( make sure you are eating 1200 cals net at minimum) and decrease your workouts for one week. once you go back to your regularr workouts and decrease your cals back down 10%, your body will respond to the calories deficit. a 10% gain in calories is not going to cause weight gain over a will be ok! i promise :)
    best wishes to you on your journey!
  • LesleeAH
    LesleeAH Posts: 64
    scales are evil. throw it out! measurements are a lot better. you might be losing weight and gaining muscle, thus gaining weight. that's crappy, no? but you look better!

    also, sodium will help you retain water. your sodium content over the past week is pretty good, but keep that in mind. could possibly be water weight!

    While I agree that measurements are a good way to go, it is highly unlikely the OP is gaining muscle - for one thing she is in a calorie deficit. To gain muscle you need excess calories.

    It is not impossible to gain muscle on a calorie deficit, but it is incredibly difficult. Read:
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    Bump - currently working on kicking a 6 and a half month plateau in the butt!! Curious to answers!

    Is it still considered a plateau if your losing inches?? LOL!!
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    scales are evil. throw it out! measurements are a lot better. you might be losing weight and gaining muscle, thus gaining weight. that's crappy, no? but you look better!

    also, sodium will help you retain water. your sodium content over the past week is pretty good, but keep that in mind. could possibly be water weight!

    While I agree that measurements are a good way to go, it is highly unlikely the OP is gaining muscle - for one thing she is in a calorie deficit. To gain muscle you need excess calories.

    It is not impossible to gain muscle on a calorie deficit, but it is incredibly difficult. Read:

    Just quickly checking in here because I'm at work so I'll read through, and respond, more thoroughly later but in response to it being unlikely that I am gaining muscle - I can assure you this is incorrect in my case. I gain muscle really easily and it's already apparent in my shoulders, arms and abs even only after two weeks of 30DS. High levels of testosterone apparently run in my family.

    I realise that muscle is supposed to weigh more than fat (although I read something opposing this recently) so maybe that is the problem... but I still want to lose the layer of fat and this is my problem... having said all this, I jumped on the scales this morning and it read 67.9kg - finally under the 68kg barrier? I won't hold my breath but maybe this is the start of something?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just quickly checking in here because I'm at work so I'll read through, and respond, more thoroughly later but in response to it being unlikely that I am gaining muscle - I can assure you this is incorrect in my case. I gain muscle really easily and it's already apparent in my shoulders, arms and abs even only after two weeks of 30DS. High levels of testosterone apparently run in my family.

    No your body is not different. What you are seeing is water retention in your muscles. It makes your muscles appear bigger but this is temporary.

    If you had elevated testosterone you would have hair on your face, a very deep voice and a lot of masculine traits. My family does have this (both my mother and grandmother have shaved their faces since they were teenagers) I have the same issue (I wax fortnightly) AND have PCOS. Yet since commencing weightlifting my waist is smaller, I've lost a cm off both my thighs and arms. After five weeks. And that's lifting much heavier weights than 30DS.

    For a man to put on a pound of muscle in one month would be considered brilliant. He would've eating 2500-3000 calories with tons of protein. Unless you are doing that you are NOT putting on muscle.

    OP NRoLFW is New Rules of Lifting For Women. It's a great book with both a exercise plan and a food plan. Very good book.