(Shy People)How are you doing today? Anything GOOD going on



  • elsrws
    elsrws Posts: 13 Member
    What a great tread - I am SUPER shy so I think it is a great icebreacker - If fact I am so shy that it has held me back in life - BUT NO MORE :) Weight loss is a funny journey and only being at the start I am constantly wondering what the future holds. Hope everyone has a fantastic day and finds something today that makes you smile and say whoohoo. xoxo
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    What a great tread - I am SUPER shy so I think it is a great icebreacker - If fact I am so shy that it has held me back in life - BUT NO MORE :) Weight loss is a funny journey and only being at the start I am constantly wondering what the future holds. Hope everyone has a fantastic day and finds something today that makes you smile and say whoohoo. xoxo

    WOW! What a tremendously encouraging post this is for me and so many others too--believe me! I just love that you took the time and care to reply and I am just so encouraged at your positivity and sheer POWER to not only know that being super shy has held you back in life (been ripping you off something fierce), but to turn around and admit that to yourself and then go on further to declare openly that it's game over and big ole "NO MORE"...WOW--you rock--period.

    Thank you also for being so kindhearted as to wish us smiles and good things too. You are marvelous and again, I am so proud of :heart: you:heart: !!!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    This site is the only place I am NOT shy.

    What do you want to know?

    Totally this. :blushing:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Haha this is so funny, I actually started writing a post about this and then stopped because I just couldn't make myself post it.

    I ran 8 miles today! Personal record! I'm so excited about it, but I feel like I'm bragging when I tell people, and no one seems to want to hear it...

    that's AWESOME. Congrats on your personal record. ...I brag about my running accomplishments on MFP but also on dailymile.com and on this Facebook group called I <3 to run (I "love" to run). It's a great place to post your running accomplishments and get some great positive feedback!
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    I'm really shy in person. I'm always the quite one mainly cause I stutter and its something I have been fighting with my whole life. I feel lesser of a man when I do I shouldn't I know but I hate it lol. Thats why I really like the internet and forums cause I dont have to worry about trying to get a word out. oh I'm doing great today thanks for asking. =D
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    I am defintely less shy on MFP than outside of it. It's probably the hide behind the keyboard/monitor thing. I am mostly shy around women. I am working on it though. Like going to a Zumba class for the past few months. I stick out but I like to think it's because I am a 300+ lbs man with 1 to 2 guys in class of 20-30 women. Or maybe it's because I suck at it. :blushing: either way it helps in getting me out of my comfort zone.

    I wish we had men in our zumba classes. I think a lot of men would love it. Congratulations for stepping out of your comfort zone ('cuz that must be WAAAAY out of your zone for someone shy around women). Nobody believes that I'm shy but I am. I just keep challenging myself in situations where I'd prefer to fall into a crack in the floor.

    Great thready BTW. Love that you thought of shy people. I'm not shy on MFP but in person I feel shy even when I may appear to be quite gregarious.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm really shy in person. I'm always the quite one mainly cause I stutter and its something I have been fighting with my whole life. I feel lesser of a man when I do I shouldn't I know but I hate it lol. Thats why I really like the internet and forums cause I dont have to worry about trying to get a word out. oh I'm doing great today thanks for asking. =D

    You're very welcomed and you are so NOT alone. I literally couldn't talk until I was about 12 years old (well...I could talk, but it would take me about 10 minutes to say "hi how are you doing :laugh: ) because I stuttered so badly. That didn't stop me then (even though many people sure wished it did :laugh: ) because it was irritating as all get out to me (the talker) and them (the listeners). And I don't let it stop me now. :wink: I can laugh now, but it wasn't nearly as funny (to me--but it was to others in a bad way :laugh: ) then. I finally came out of it sorta when I was a young woman, but I still stutter now, but people think it's "cute" now. Go figure.

    What caused me to stutter so badly was I'm left handed and was forced by schools i went to to write with my right hand (so I'm ambidextrous to this day...but i write with my left hand and do many other things like sports with my right hand).

    anyhoo, again, I can totally relate to you and your stuttering and just know you are so very special and cool, because you can do what others can't...even if it's stuttering! Have you seen the movie The King's Speech? It was really good, and deals with stuttering big time. Lots of cussing in it, but other than that--terrific and inspirational movie.

    You've probably checked out this link before, but here's a site that may help:


    I want to thank you so much for taking the time to post--your post is going to inspire and encourage a LOT of people, believe me!!! You Rock sir...period:flowerforyou:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I am defintely less shy on MFP than outside of it. It's probably the hide behind the keyboard/monitor thing. I am mostly shy around women. I am working on it though. Like going to a Zumba class for the past few months. I stick out but I like to think it's because I am a 300+ lbs man with 1 to 2 guys in class of 20-30 women. Or maybe it's because I suck at it. :blushing: either way it helps in getting me out of my comfort zone.

    I wish we had men in our zumba classes. I think a lot of men would love it. Congratulations for stepping out of your comfort zone ('cuz that must be WAAAAY out of your zone for someone shy around women). Nobody believes that I'm shy but I am. I just keep challenging myself in situations where I'd prefer to fall into a crack in the floor.

    Great thready BTW. Love that you thought of shy people. I'm not shy on MFP but in person I feel shy even when I may appear to be quite gregarious.

    Yes indeed...doesn't he absolutely ROCK by stepping out of his comfort zone and doing Zumba? And you are so fabulous for posting that you wished more guys would join.

    Thanks so much for posting, you didn't have to take the time and care to post--but you did and your beautiful comments are just so cool. :flowerforyou:
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    I'm really shy in person. I'm always the quite one mainly cause I stutter and its something I have been fighting with my whole life. I feel lesser of a man when I do I shouldn't I know but I hate it lol. Thats why I really like the internet and forums cause I dont have to worry about trying to get a word out. oh I'm doing great today thanks for asking. =D

    You're very welcomed and you are so NOT alone. I literally couldn't talk until I was about 12 years old (well...I could talk, but it would take me about 10 minutes to say "hi how are you doing :laugh: ) because I stuttered so badly. That didn't stop me then (even though many people sure wished it did :laugh: ) because it was irritating as all get out to me (the talker) and them (the listeners). I can laugh now, but it wasn't nearly as funny (to me--but it was to others in a bad way :laugh: ) then. I finally came out of it sorta when I was a young woman, but I still stutter now, but people think it's "cute" now. Go figure.

    What caused me to stutter so badly was I'm left handed and was forced by schools i went to to write with my right hand (so I'm ambidextrous to this day...but i write with my left hand and do many other things like sports with my right hand).

    anyhoo, again, I can totally relate to you and your stuttering and just know you are so very special and cool, because you can do what others can't...even if it's stuttering! Have you seen the movie The King's Speech? It was really good, and deals with stuttering big time. Lots of cussing in it, but other than that--terrific and inspirational movie.

    You've probably checked out this link before, but here's a site that may help:


    I want to thank you so much for taking the time to post--your post is going to inspire and encourage a LOT of people, believe me!!! You Rock sir...period:flowerforyou:
    I'm left handed too! I enjoyed the king's speech such a great movie. First time I watched it I thought to myself wow I know exactly how he feels. Thanks you so much for the link I appreciate it really do.
  • TexasDarling09
    TexasDarling09 Posts: 210 Member
    I figured out today that I don't have to hold a camera way above my head to get my double chin out of the picture. It just isn't quite there anymore. I mean I am still over 300lbs, but after losing 31lbs, my double chin seems to have shrunken quite a bit.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I figured out today that I don't have to hold a camera way above my head to get my double chin out of the picture. It just isn't quite there anymore. I mean I am still over 300lbs, but after losing 31lbs, my double chin seems to have shrunken quite a bit.

    Woo-Hoo that is such fabulous news, you fabulous winner you! I can totally relate to how you feel too and I'm so proud of you!!!

    Thanks for posting:flowerforyou:
  • edena1987
    edena1987 Posts: 66 Member
    Fine. Giving a standardized test today to my 9th graders.

    Debating whether or not I should sign up for another Barre class. I LOVED it. But I felt so fat and out of place there...
  • I'm new to MFP and really enjoy these forums. There are 3 of us at work using this app and it's nice to have support with losing weight. I've decided not to call it a diet because for me, it's more of a lifestyle change. I feel better already. I also love seeing and reading about success stories on this site. Gives me inspiration and hope that I can achieve my goal.
  • I feel the same way holding a camera. I can't wait until I don't have to do it anymore!!! Way to go.:smile:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Fine. Giving a standardized test today to my 9th graders.

    Debating whether or not I should sign up for another Barre class. I LOVED it. But I felt so fat and out of place there...

    Best wishes on the testing your students today. I'm so proud of you for even "considering" another Barre class. Listen, the FACT that you are even considering it is making your body so scared, so filled with dreaded and rotten FEAR, because your body KNOWS if you DARE take that class--it's fat & sloppy days are numbered. You body doesn't want you to be in control, it wants to keep you weighed down (literally), so you can get sick and tired and ugh-ish.

    Just know, that if you DARE to take that class again, something BAD is going to happen to your body and the bad habits it loves--it's going to get healthier and shrink. PLUS, if you DARE take that class...someone else "considering" taking it, but with legitimate apprehensions (just like yours, because they are legit), someone will see you and be inspired and encouraged by your bravery and dedication to making your fat CRY (a.k.a. sweating) and will sign up too. So, just know if you DARE take that class...all kinds of good stuff will start and bad stuff (depression, etc.) will stick around.

    Again, YOU ROCK for posting (because someone here on MFP is also scared to take some class and because of your brave post here, will do it). Thank you for posting and I'm pulling for ya--you can do it, if you DARE:heart:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm new to MFP and really enjoy these forums. There are 3 of us at work using this app and it's nice to have support with losing weight. I've decided not to call it a diet because for me, it's more of a lifestyle change. I feel better already. I also love seeing and reading about success stories on this site. Gives me inspiration and hope that I can achieve my goal.

    Me too...I LOVE MFP and the free tools are just fabulous in helping me as well as the success stories, tips and everything. I'm so proud of you for doing this and thank you for posting!!!:flowerforyou:
  • I'm sick and home with a flu, but that didn't stop me for going out and finishing W6D2 in the C25K program!
    Sort of annoyed, as I've been under 1200 cals for a couple of days now, and gotten into a habit of filling up on chocolate. (Only small pieces, but still!)
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm sick and home with a flu, but that didn't stop me for going out and finishing W6D2 in the C25K program!
    Sort of annoyed, as I've been under 1200 cals for a couple of days now, and gotten into a habit of filling up on chocolate. (Only small pieces, but still!)


    You ROCK and I'm so proud of you for working out ANYHOW...again, you ROCK--period.:flowerforyou:
  • The C25K program is actually quite fun, once you're done with the running. When I started out 6 weeks ago, I barely made the first run, today I ran 2 x 10 minutes! It's still slow, but I can see and feel the progress.
    I really recommend it to people who want to start running.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    The C25K program is actually quite fun, once you're done with the running. When I started out 6 weeks ago, I barely made the first run, today I ran 2 x 10 minutes! It's still slow, but I can see and feel the progress.
    I really recommend it to people who want to start running.
    Go girl! Don't forget to drink water and get your proper rest/sleep too:flowerforyou:
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