yet another 30DS question



  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Maybe try doing the shred first and then running. you still might not get all the moves but at least you'll be warmed up for your run and get both exercises in. I went for a run last night (beginner) with the intention of doing the shred after and I couldn't do it I was too worn out from running.
  • lol I did my first 10 minutes today and it KILLED me! Glad I am not alone. I think I'm going to try 10 minutes a day and build up my strength because clearly I am not strong enough for this.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    These answers are helpful as I am sure I'll have the same concerns. But I also have yet ANOTHER 30DS Question!!

    How much jumping is a part of this program? (My downstairs neighbors complain if we make noise - so I know that jumping around at 6am would not be appreciated...)

    Do you think this would be an issue with this program?

    I live in a flat and have the same concerns. In level 1 there is quite a lot of jumping but it's only in short bursts. I try and stay as quiet as I can but I have noticed my downstairs neighbours haven't been as talkative of late! :ohwell:

    There are a few sets of jumping jacks - either modify it, or do what I do and exercise in your bare feet :)

    Thank you both for the feedback!!!!
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    I defnitely had to take breaks in between because it was so hard I got dizzy and sick. My heart rate was out of this world!
  • pcousins13Patricia
    pcousins13Patricia Posts: 49 Member
    Took me a week into level one to get all the way through it.
    Level two is a different story, I'm usually on the floor crying.
    And I haven't even *looked* at level three.

    Just keep going, and cuss at Jillian. It helps :wink:

    I always pretend I'm punching her in the face during the punching squats BS she has you do

    HAHAHA!!! You made me seriously LOL on that one!!
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    i finished it fully the first day. but then the second day was a completely different story. I was so sore i had to stop it halfway through. The push ups at the beginning pushed me over the edge! :noway:
  • pcousins13Patricia
    pcousins13Patricia Posts: 49 Member
    I didn't finish the whole workout either...and I have only tried it a few times.
  • Tebbspcad
    Tebbspcad Posts: 233
    I always pretend I'm punching her in the face during the punching squats BS she has you do

    OMG So do'sthe only way to get throught it :) I've been doing this about 6-7 weeks now & i'm on level 3 but there's still stuff I can't manage and I'm usually doing the 'easy' version of the exercise purely as I physically can't do it fast enough or to the degree they are doing it. As long as you give it your all you can't diss yourself for that!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    I did day three level 1 this morning. All I have is five lbs weights so a couple of the exercises I have to put the weights down and do without them. And the second set of push-ups I have a hard time getting all the way thru. It'll get easier the longer you do it...I hope :-)
  • thetiwi1890
    thetiwi1890 Posts: 239 Member
    Modify the moves and take little breaks when you need to, and stick with level 1 for as long as you need! That's what I did and eventually I could do the harder moves (with the exception of the push-ups) and I could last the entire time! Best of luck, stick with it!!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Just keep at it, and you will build your fitness levels. I did 2 rounds with 5 days break between the two, but 30 days straight. The next programme I did was Ripped in 30, which recommends 1 rest day a week. So from thereon I take 1 day off a week. When I look back at the first time I did it, I remember how hard it was (and it still is). Even 1 set of jump rope killed me. Now I can do 2 levels back to back and make it through all the cardio with gusto.

    I reckon the key is perseverance. If you keep doing it at least 6 days a week, you will build up your strength very quickly.
  • medaglia_06
    medaglia_06 Posts: 282 Member
    I finished the full 30 days last week and restarted this week with every other day (a cardio day in between). The first time around I had to take a few 5 second breaks, and I almost threw up a couple of times. This time I had to up the weights (it's amazing how far you can come in such little time), but the only exercise that still gives me trouble is the anterial (sp?) raise and side lunge!

    So yes, I did have trouble (it isn't supposed to be easy), but I stuck with it and I was so glad I did. You can do it!!!

    Level two I found the hardest, level three wasn't much easier, but just slowly work your way through it.
  • 7219Amber
    7219Amber Posts: 14
    I'm doing the shred. When I got it last year it was hard cuz I was so out of shape. But I did it for 20 days n stopped. Now I'm doing it again and I'm on day 6. It gets easier after a few days. I'm the same as all of u I hate the side lunges, cuz when ur doing the arm workout with it, it's so damn tiring . But I do it anywAy. I just can't wait til the damn DVD is over with lol. Just try your best like everyone else said do regular lunges while she is doing the side lunges.
  • I just finished day 15, and I still can't do the final set of cardio everyday. Especially the jump rope! When I've done all the cardio moves I can stand, I just walk in place to keep my heart going - still cardio, right? :) Also, I can pretty much NEVER do the shred after doing any other workout the same day. I have tried twice, but I think that's my limit. Pay attention to the explanations she gives you about the FORM of each position, and just do your best. The key is JUST KEEP MOVING! :)

    Good luck - and you're doing awesome!! :)
  • phoenixoncemore
    phoenixoncemore Posts: 196 Member
    When I started level 1 it nearly killed me - by the third day I was fine! Obviously still working, but I could do all the moves which I couldn't to begin with, although still following Anita. By day 7 I was following Natalie. She is right when she says you notice you endurance going up really quickly. I hate exercise and I'm quite unfit but I suppose I can only get better and that might be why I noticed such a marked difference.

    I just started level 2 and the first day, I could believe I'd ever be able to do it. I did it for the third time last night and amazingly I did all the moves (following Anita still)!

    You will get there, and amaze yourself in the process. It's such a rush when you realise you've cracked it for the first time. As others have said, don't hurt yourself just modify the movements - follow Anita or make it easier for yourself and ease into it.

    As for jumping in level 2 - there is less than level one but still a couple of sets of jumping jacks and jump ropes.

    I haven't looked a level 3 yet - too scared with the too fresh memory of the first day of level 2 still in my head! :grumble:
  • The hardest part for me is the arms, I have 5 lb weights and I think they're too much for me (my arms are dead about 10 min in) but I don't want to go out and buy more weights just cause I'm weak.

    another MFP said she uses 16 oz bottles of water (1lb!) for weights :)
  • jankleberry
    jankleberry Posts: 508

    I always pretend I'm punching her in the face during the punching squats BS she has you do

    haha me too!
  • MndaLynn
    MndaLynn Posts: 26 Member
    I have done this DVD off and on for the past 6 months. I love to mix it in with whatever else I am doing. I did Level 3 last night. I took a couple 5 second breathers...but pretty much did the entire workout. The good does get eaiser. I could not do the side lunges at all when I started, and now I do them all...with heavier weights than before. Just stick with it...and do as much as you can. Don't give up...all your time and dedication will be worth it and you will see results.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Level 2 is the hardest and by level 3 it's pretty easy but they up the pace
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Maybe try doing the shred first and then running. you still might not get all the moves but at least you'll be warmed up for your run and get both exercises in. I went for a run last night (beginner) with the intention of doing the shred after and I couldn't do it I was too worn out from running.

    I was thinking the same thing. Do the Shred first so that you have more energy.