Cheat days???

1. Are Cheat days a good Idea?

2. Be honest how many of you have them?

3. What type of food do you have on these days?

I'm asking this because my Gym fanatic partner has a "cheat day" on Sundays, some are pizza, Chinese, Burger King or something sweet..


  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I do have them. Not regularly. And as for the food...depends. Some days I'll eat junk allllll day. Other days I'll cheat on just one meal. Sometimes just a snack I've been craving will satisfy my need to "cheat". It keeps me going all week knowing that on Tuesday I will treat myself.
  • I have a cheat day on Sundays. Its the only way that I don't cheat during the week is if I know I will have Sunday to eat whatever I want. Typically its chinese or pizza, but I also still workout on those days so I don't feel too bad. Some people have em, some don't, its whatever works! :)

    My cheat this week is moved to Saturday so I can have corned beef and cabbage for St. Patricks Day along with something sweet!
  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    i have a spike day every week:) i eat whatever i want, its usually 3000-4000calories. sometimes ill eat healthy and eat lots of almonds/nuts to get my calorie intake up or sometimes ill eat unhealthily and get pizza, chocolate or subway to get my calories up! lol just depends how im feeling really.

    you should just focus on doing what works best for you:) x

    EDIT: ive gone from 282 pounds to 168 doing this. i always have my spike day, noone will ever convince me to give it up, cant be that bad if ive lost 100+ pounds doing it lol
  • ADHar10
    ADHar10 Posts: 18
    I give myself a cheat day once a week. If I don't give myself permission to eat "bad" every once in awhile, then I'll start to feel deprived. So far, it's worked for me. Honestly, when I do have my cheat days (which are usually on Fridays), I find myself still making careful decisions towards my diet. LOL! I'll get a cheeseburger but hold the mayo and not order fries; I usually order a small salad with vinegar dressing on the side. If I do feel too guilty about eating that cheeseburger or gulping down a delicious milkshake, then I plan to extend my workout the next day by 30 minutes or so on the elliptical or go for a nice jog.
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I have "cheat meals" or "cheat treats". I try not to make a day out of it, because knowing myself I will over do it. :) Every now and then my hubby brings me a Reese's Peanut Butter cup and when you put those two together is hard to say no!
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    I have 2 rest days a week - one of those days I am careful the other I'm more lenient. Weekends I'm more relaxed too.
  • hutchy100
    hutchy100 Posts: 103 Member
    I don't have cheat days but me and my wife go out every 2 weeks and i order what i want, some times we go out once a week depending on work but then i tend to order as best i can (never have pasta if we do this)
  • Once a month only, for me. We go on a movie date and we have popcorn and nachos. I stick to the program every other day.
  • When I was really working on losing weight I had a cheat day once a week. Keep in mind it was only one meal not the whole day. I ate whatever I wanted and however much I wanted. As time went on and I was eating right I still had my cheat meal but could not eat as much because my stomach didn't want as much food. I believe if you deprive yourself of something that you really want you are going to eat all the way around it until you end up eating what it is you were trying to avoid . A cheat meal acts as a reward for doing so well during the week. I would have my cheat meal after I weighed for the week. Good luck! Btw...I lost 60 pounds having a cheat meal once a week :)
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 688 Member
    I don't necessarily have cheat days because if I change my eating habits once I have become a customed I will get sick. I may add a snack size candy bar or something small once in a while in the evening
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I've only had 1 cheat day since I've been logging (a little over a month). I don't think you should have an entire day, but an additional treat where you go over your calories a little is fine. 3000-4000 extra calories seems like way too much to me. Once in a while, I'll have a treat, but I try to make sure it fits into my calories. Just my opinion.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I usually have an unhealthy sort of meal on Saturday and Sunday. I do limit my portions so it isn't that bad, but it still feels like I cheated, but without eating too much.

    Usually Enchilladas and a Beef and Beer Stew with Dumplings. I limit the amount of cheese that goes on Enchilladas to like 12.5g, I put a bit more chicken in them and more peppers.

    The Beef Stew with Dumplings, we also have carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach with it. I stick to one Dumpling.

    Sometimes I will have a treat on some days within the week, but if I'm still within my calorie goal and macro's, I'm pretty sure it's fine.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I do a cheat meal on Fridays so I can go to the bar, get a drink or two and eat bar food, while listening to the band. but I usually do dance off the calories I just ate.
  • We have a cheat day. My doctor actually suggested that one day a week you treat yourself to whatever it is that you want so that you don't start to feel deprived of things you are giving up during the week. We still exercise on that day and drink plenty of water so that we don't undo the good behavior from the days before. My mom and brother are doing this with me, so each week, we take turns on picking out our "cheat" food for the week. Last week was my turn and I picked Pizza.
  • kmg748
    kmg748 Posts: 40 Member
    I haven't cheated since February. Reason being is once I start then I tend to continue down that path and it's hard for me to get back into it. So for now I am calculating all food choices and logging and keeping within my goal and that has been good for me.
  • kmg748
    kmg748 Posts: 40 Member
    I also don't feel deprieved at all-I feel very content this time around which is nice! I hope I can continue to lose as well :happy:
  • Once a week for me. But it's usually just a "cheat meal". I generally do this the day after I weigh unless there are other plans for the week. For example I have a girls night out this weekend, so that will be my cheat meal. I also find it better for me to have a cheat meal once a week so I am not depriving myself. It's usually pizza or a rib eye steak or whatever. I've also lost over 100 lbs by doing this too. This may not work for everyone, but it works for me.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Yup every saturday for the past 2 saturdays. I've managed to lose weight so i don't think its doing any harm.
    I eat whatever i want whenever i want it.
    Even though i've only had 2 i'm starting to think i don't need them as i'm not craving anything....but i like to know that its there so i can think 'nope won't have that slice of coconut cake tonight, i'll have it saturday as its my cheat day' that way i don't panic :)
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I have a cheat day once a week on the weekend. Keeps me from feeling deprived or giving into a craving during the week. Plus, it seems to jump start my metabolism at the beginning of the week.

    This past weekend, I basically had two cheat days. And weighed 2 pounds less this morning (Wednesday) than I did on Friday.
  • mkmacf
    mkmacf Posts: 101
    When I think "cheat day" I think "not logging my food". I tried that a few times and gained because one day turned in to a few days. Now, that doesn't happen to everyone. If I want pizza or a BK veggie or something, I just work it into my day and sometimes I go over but I try to stay reasonable.

    That's what works for me! Good luck in your weight loss!