Disappointed and ready to give up :(



  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    Please dont! I have been where you are and I know all the had work seems a waste of time when you gain but I have to say stay and keep working drink your water watch the salt and the weight will start to go down. Friend me if you would like.
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses......and the tough love. I understand where people are coming from saying what do you expect after 3 days......I am not expecting a huge loss but I sure as heck didnt expect a gain. I am basing it off of past weight loss attempts where the first week showed a bigger loss. I will take the sodium advice and try to watch that some. I take water pills daily for my blood pressure and sometimes I think i figure thats ok I can eat the sodium and let the water pills do the work and that is not the right way to think.
  • katiejneely
    Also, taking a peek at your diary take a look at your fat intake. You can't always JUST go by calories. You have to have a balance.
  • JessicaRoseSVZ
    You can do it! Wait 7 days to weigh yourself - that's a WW rule too :wink: Remember that so many factors affect weight so it can appear to fluctuate from day to day. I'm sure you're drinking lots of water - I wouldn't count other liquids as water even if some programs say it's okay. Stick with it! You're not alone. I started yesterday and have a long journey ahead. This is a team! :smile:
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    Dont give up, the first week I as so excited I tracked my food, only drank water, exercised everyday intensely and weighed myself the next week and gained 4 pounds! I was so upset. Then someone on here told me that my body was in adjustment. I was losing the bad and replacing it with the good. I was gaining muscle and to just hang in there. I have since lost 13 pounds in 8 weeks. Better than the weight (which is coming off slow) my measurements are so much better. My clothes fit better, I feel so much better. Dont just rely on the scale, rely on how you feel. Your body is thanking you right now for treating it good but its not sure your serious about it. Good luck!
  • bybybelly
    bybybelly Posts: 56
    Remember the old saying.....ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT!!! Well, I think they wrote that for weight-loss in particular! Do not give up. I also gave up so many times only to start over again and again. Eash time for desperate and frustrated than the last! I had to put the scale away.....literally. I get it out every 2 weeks or so. That way I don't get discouraged so easily. Patience and Persistence are the keys to success:flowerforyou:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You have not gained 2 lbs fat. Do not give up, this needs to be a life long journey, not a race to the finish line.

    I did not start showing results on the scale until after my first month, and believe it or not, I upped my calories from 1200 to 1300 then to 1400 and I have lost 1.6 lbs in just a few weeks!

    You are not going to regret being healthy, ever one day in your life will you wake up and wish you had eaten bad before and were out of shape, I promise you that for sure.
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    Don't give up! If I can do this, anyone can!

    I'm now on Day 770 and have tracked almost every single morsel of food I've eaten every one of those days. I lost 50 lbs in a year, have kept it off for a year, and am now REALLY struggling with my old bad eating habits (junk food).....but I am NOT giving up!

    If you lost 7 lbs the first week at Weight Watchers it was all fluid, it was not fat....you're much better off losing 1 to 2 lbs of mostly fat every week. The old saying "slow and steady wins the race" is certainly true when it comes to weight loss.

    MFP is a great place to come for support and, sometimes, the kick in the butt we all need to stay on course. Stay with us, you won't regret it!!!!
  • jgibson2
    jgibson2 Posts: 20 Member
    C'mon you have to be more patient then this or you will drive yourself crazy!! You are introducing your body to new things and it will take some time before it realizes what is going on.

    I once trained a woman who tracked everything she ate for 9 weeks straight. She did 60 mins of HARD cardio(spin classes) 4-5x/week and worked out with me 3x week with heavy strength circuit training. She was very diligent and persistent but got very frustrated as the scale did not show any changes at all. I told her to pay attention to other things i.e. how her clothes fit, how she felt, progress in the gym, etc. Low and behold when we retested her bodyfat she had lost 7%!!!

    I noticed you aren't eating anything natural(fruits, veggies, whole grains, meat). Is there any way you can incorporate things that aren't processed. Don't get me wrong I love food just as much as the next person but at the same time I know the many benefits of eating fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables are worth the little extra time it takes to fix them. Plus you're taste buds change eventually to where you actually crave the healthier foods.

    ALL calories are NOT created equal...
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Thanks for all of the responses......and the tough love. I understand where people are coming from saying what do you expect after 3 days......I am not expecting a huge loss but I sure as heck didnt expect a gain. I am basing it off of past weight loss attempts where the first week showed a bigger loss. I will take the sodium advice and try to watch that some. I take water pills daily for my blood pressure and sometimes I think i figure thats ok I can eat the sodium and let the water pills do the work and that is not the right way to think.

    I had the same problem! I did weight watchers the first time I lost weight. I lost 70 lbs in 7 months. 12lbs in the first 2 weeks! The problem? It didn't work! Why? Because gained it all back and couldn't keep up with the lifestyle. I tried WW again right before I came to MFP for good at the beginning of the year. And this is the difference:

    I took my Diary from WW and plugged it into MFP for 1 full week. I was eating 29 points+ (new program) and no bonus points for the week. I didn't eat the bonus points because I didn't have to. I calculated 1000 calories or less per day. I did the same thing for the old program (18-23 points and you can bank up to 5 per day) When I plugged in a few typical days from the old system 700-900 calories per day with 2 higher days of around 1800 calories .

    You can do WW and lose the same way you do on here, but are you going to have someone look at your diet plan and say "your sodium looks a little high" or the best part Eat and still lose weight?

    Don't compare the numbers. I keep the thought that I don't every have to diet again! Do you know how awesome that feels!! I am changing my lifestyle. I am going to enjoy food and exercise for the rest of my life. I never again have to PAY someone to tell me what to eat, I can do that on my own. And once the weight is gone it will not come back because I am not on a diet!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    It takes me 2-3 WEEKS to see a downward change on the scale after I start eating at a deficit. Your body doesn't instantly know to let go of fat, the hormones that regulate these things have to have time to kick in and then time is needed for the process that actually eliminates fat. Not to mention, if you just started exercising, your body is probably retaining a little water to make up for the extra stress on your muscles.

    Be patient, it will come. The thing to remember is this...our bodies all basically work the same (barring any medical issues), so if you are eating less than you burn, you HAVE to lose weight. Yours, mine, everyone's body...will lose if eating at a deficit. How much, how fast, and the type of weight (muscle or fat) depends on many factors. Just hang in there.

    Also, measure. And then remeasure every month. When the scale isn't moving, the tape measure changes can help your motivation.

    Good luck!

  • mikanjuliansmommy
    Don't give up it takes time you wont see much results after just 3 days. Try to lower your sodium that is what happened to me I cut down sodium and do not put salt on anything anymore. Don't look at the scale for 2 weeks and then go back and look. Please just hang in there it will get better.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,715 Member
    High expectations in weight loss is the usual cause of failing when trying to lose weight. Quit weighing often and continue on calorie deficit. The weight will come off if you stay consistent.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    High expectations in weight loss is the usual cause of failing when trying to lose weight. Quit weighing often and continue on calorie deficit. The weight will come off if you stay consistent.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This too! I have failed too many times because of this!
  • remiller1
    For those of us who are impatient (I know I am..) Instead of weighing yourself, measure yourself. Numbers are very deceiving especially because you tend to gain weight when you start working out! Measuring different parts of your body once a week or so will help you realize that though your weight numbers may not be changing as quickly as you hoped, your appearance and body size is! Also, sometimes when we start out on a new exercise routine we push ourselves too hard. Make sure your target heart rate is within appropriate boundaries. If you want to burn fat, lower-intensity cardio workouts are the way to go. The higher intensity you work out, the more short-term energy sources you use (ie that days calories and proteins).
  • cbenzerga
    cbenzerga Posts: 65 Member
    Oh yes, it will definitely take time :) I try not to weight myself every week.

    Drink plenty of fluids and just keep up the great work that you're doing :)

    Before you know it, you'll be walking those pounds right off :)

    what she said, pick a date a couple weeks out from now to weigh, also take measurements and make a little chart to log it. But don't weigh everyday or even every week if you can stand it.
  • kimi72
    kimi72 Posts: 17
    Don't give up! My doctor told me that I would lose inches first. I have lost 3 inches. Have you measured yet? Giving up should not be an option. I would atleast give it 3 months and see what happens.:happy:
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    This is my third day and im already ready to quit. I have been so good about what I eat and put EVERYTHING down in food diary. I have been under my calories and have been walking for 3 days now. I got on the scale this morning all excited and I gained 2 lbs!! How can that happen? When i went to weight watchers before that first week is the biggest loss like 7 or 8 lbs then it slowed down to 1-2 per week after that. Help me please :sad:

    I don't understand getting on the scale after three days...i still do but you just started and your body will make adjustments. i will send you a link on MFP that explains it all.
    dont quit
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    This is my third day and im already ready to quit. I have been so good about what I eat and put EVERYTHING down in food diary. I have been under my calories and have been walking for 3 days now. I got on the scale this morning all excited and I gained 2 lbs!! How can that happen? When i went to weight watchers before that first week is the biggest loss like 7 or 8 lbs then it slowed down to 1-2 per week after that. Help me please :sad:

    I don't understand getting on the scale after three days...i still do but you just started and your body will make adjustments. i will send you a link on MFP that explains it all.
    dont quit

  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    This is my third day and im already ready to quit. I have been so good about what I eat and put EVERYTHING down in food diary. I have been under my calories and have been walking for 3 days now. I got on the scale this morning all excited and I gained 2 lbs!! How can that happen? When i went to weight watchers before that first week is the biggest loss like 7 or 8 lbs then it slowed down to 1-2 per week after that. Help me please :sad:

    Lastly, the human body has a 5 lb swing daily. That means that on any given 24 hour period yo can go from 5 lbs above your "real" weight to 5 lbs below. Due to water weight, and waste we can swing quite a bit. The scale is a generalist at best, good for an Idea of where you are, but not very good at calculating exact measurements. I generally recommend weighing yourself no more then once every 2 weeks, at the same time, same day every week. Use other measurements along with this, I.E. size measurments, Body Fat %, and over all fitness level to make up the difference.

    this was tken from communtity newbies. at the top of all the topics it says should read.