Running advice



  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I train for short distance triathlons and running is my worst part and the tips I have gotten from other triathletes have varied, but one that a number of them have sworn by is to do interval sprints-run all out for as long as you can, then walk and repeat for the distance you are training for. They do one minute on and one minute off.
    A friend who does marathons suggested that a better route is to build within your run-instead of sprinting and walking, jog to get progressively faster and faster until you sprint for a short time and then build back down. Think triangle. Divide it up as you like-5 minutes of a triangle...really up to you and your fitness level, which sounds high.
    Good luck (you can join the online triathlon forum I started here-there are some stupendous athletes on it and they are more than willing to share their success and tips)!

    It seems a lot of people are advocating the interval sprints so I think that's clearly the way to go, with a day of long and steady as mentioned above.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Add speed training - intervals, tempo runs, or hill repeats will help increase your endurance and speed. Rule of thumb for intervals (for marathons) is translate your minutes into hours; i.e., if you want a 3:45 marathon time - then do intervals (repeats) in 3 minutes 45 seconds.

    So would that be 3:45 of solid sprinting followed by 3:45 of jogging etc etc. How many intervals should be completed?
  • Troutcruiser
    Troutcruiser Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there-
    I was just going to agree with most of the group here that the best way, I have found, to train for long distance is always distance first, then speed. I am currently just a few weeks out from my 4th 1/2 marathon and this method has worked for me again. Regardless of my speed for the night I always finish the miles. It seems then that when i am having a great day and my run is right on target, my speeds are much better than I ever expected! Plus, this time around I am doing p90x on the side for cross-training and this has helped HUGE! Good luck!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Also - you say about long slow runs in my aerobic heart zone. What range is that typically? Not actually got a HRM but I have a stopwatch so can work it out.
    70 - 80% of max heart rate, but if you don't have an HRM you'd be better off doing it with Rate of Perceived Exertion. When 0 is sitting on the sofa and 10 is "Oh my God I'm going to puke" sprints, you need to be about 6 or 7, a nice steady pace you feel you could keep up all afternoon. If you feel wiped out after a long run or sore the next day you went too fast.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'm thinking that the weekday shorter runs can be intervals and not do any days of all out sprinting, since on a Saturday playing football that is pretty much how it goes anyway. Lots and lots of sprints of various distances.
    Don't make both intervals, make the other hills or a tempo run, which would be your target race pace but half the distance. Always warm up a lot beforehand and cool down properly and stretch afterwards.
  • whatluckycat
    whatluckycat Posts: 52 Member
    Add speed training - intervals, tempo runs, or hill repeats will help increase your endurance and speed.

    Yep. This is what I would do too. You already know you can run the distance, so to do a better time, add interval training.
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Head over to and pick out a training plan

    Try this URL:

    The training plans are free

    Another option is their iPhone app.

    I would caution against running too much. Rest is very, very important even at your age and endurance. Your cardiovascular is good but running also requires building up the bones, ligaments, and tendons to absorb shock. All the endurance in the world won't help if you're not used to the impact (a half isn't too bad but things get rough when you're doing 30+ per week).

    Another option to explore is the FIRST program where you run three targeted runs per week and cross train 2 times per week. It's called 3Plus2 (google it). I reading the book on my phone (Amazon sells the kindle book and the hard copy) and it suits me well. There's a new edition of the book coming out next month, BTW.

    Good luck with your running.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I used the FIRST program - Run Less Run Faster book. It's one day of intervals, one day of a tempo run - at shorter distances and faster than race pace, and one day of long run - 15-30 seconds slower than race pace, you also run further than your race distance about 4 weeks prior. Their plans are online. You then crosstrain - bike or swim - 2 days. I did weight training as well and took 10 minutes of my half marathon time.

    Everything I read about increasing speed is you need hills, intervals, fartleks, time spent running faster than goal pace.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Also - you say about long slow runs in my aerobic heart zone. What range is that typically? Not actually got a HRM but I have a stopwatch so can work it out.
    70 - 80% of max heart rate, but if you don't have an HRM you'd be better off doing it with Rate of Perceived Exertion. When 0 is sitting on the sofa and 10 is "Oh my God I'm going to puke" sprints, you need to be about 6 or 7, a nice steady pace you feel you could keep up all afternoon. If you feel wiped out after a long run or sore the next day you went too fast.
    I'll go one even easier and tell you that it's the rate at which you can comfortably jog while carrying on a conversation of sorts. Not a monologue but not gasping between every word, either. When I run with my sister, and I start having trouble keeping up my end of the conversation, I know I'm going too fast. :)
  • Lauraph
    Lauraph Posts: 79 Member
    You need a plan to get you there... I would get on Runners World and use one of their training plans to get a faster time.,7120,s6-238-591--14224-0,00.html

    Those look like they would be really good but the intermediate says 5 days running 2 days rest which is more than I can afford.

    I'll be doing 2 days dedicated and one other day which comes as part of football training - as mentioned above probably 1 distance day and one shorter day with sprints.

    I will have a read on those articles though as there might be a way I can work their schedule with less days.

    I forgot the Runners World plans take up so much time. There is a book "Run Less, Run Faster" that only has three days of runs.

    I am a firm believer in running plans... like others said you have to build your mileage first, then your speed. You have plenty of time before your race so you could just focus on steady mileage now and then about 10 weeks out before the race start the 3 day a week plan. The plan will probably have track/speed work one day, hills or tempo another and a long distance on the weekends. Usually Tuesday/Thursday/Satruday.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    My opinion, you most likely already have great speed, you need a solid aerobic base and the ability to carry that speed over distance. I'd focus on tempo runs intsead of intervals, and definitely longer easy runs, at easy to talk pace, building them up to 8-10 miles. Those will do wonders for being able to hold your speed over 6.2 miles.
  • gkielwei
    gkielwei Posts: 6 Member
    Yep. Start with maybe 4 or 5, and then each week add another interval up until 10 intervals max. I usually plan it based on how many weeks I have to train. I aime to do 10 intervals for two weeks in a row. If you have enough time, then go back down to say 5 or 6, and start with the intervals a bit faster than last time and work way up.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Thanks to everyone here in this old, old post for their help.

    I ran the 10k on Sunday in 50:09.

    A bit gutted I didn't get under 50 minutes but overall I'm pretty pleased.

    45 minutes next year!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I love it when people come back to threads to report on the result! Congratulations, that's an awesome result. I hope to be that fast one of these days!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    Well done!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Thanks guys :wink: