milk vs soy???

This seams like an ongoing controversy?? I can't seam to get a straight answer from anywhere so I drink both... I drink organic skim milk and organic soy milk... I'm not a huge mil drinker... Mostly with my coffee... I'm too concerned with the calorie content of either since it is such a small part of my diet... I am more interested in overall health... I constantly hear rumors of cancer causing agents in soy however whenever I've done clenses they recommend no dairy... I have also heard that soy is worse for you because it is so processed??

Would love to hear what you have to say!



  • B TOWN
    B TOWN Posts: 32
    This seams like an ongoing controversy?? I can't seam to get a straight answer from anywhere so I drink both... I drink organic skim milk and organic soy milk... I'm not a huge mil drinker... Mostly with my coffee... I'm too concerned with the calorie content of either since it is such a small part of my diet... I am more interested in overall health... I constantly hear rumors of cancer causing agents in soy however whenever I've done clenses they recommend no dairy... I have also heard that soy is worse for you because it is so processed??

    Would love to hear what you have to say!

  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I feel the same way - can't seem to get a straight answer...

    The natural health community, including my naturpath say soy is not good, for reasons which branch from hormones (which can encourage female reproductive cancers), to reducing testosterone in men, to containing enzymes that we cannot digest, to allergy, and so on...

    The same natural health community says no to dairy - again for digestive reasons (milk is intended for baby calves, not humans), but mainly high hormone and antibiotic levels which are considered huge health problems.

    We drink organic rice milk, and almond milk, however I do have goat and cow dairy every now and then as a treat (and I have a tablespoon of real cream in my coffee everyday). :blushing:

    I look at it as the big picture - as long as the staples of my diet are healthy items, then I don't worry too much! :flowerforyou:
  • paperstar
    paperstar Posts: 27
    I drink soy milk because, as mentioned before, all the hormones added to regular cow's milk (I already have hormone imbalances, don't need any help!) I actually hadn't heard anything negative about soy, so I will have to look into it. Otherwise, I've not had any problems!
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    I drink soy milk because, as mentioned before, all the hormones added to regular cow's milk (I already have hormone imbalances, don't need any help!) I actually hadn't heard anything negative about soy, so I will have to look into it. Otherwise, I've not had any problems!

    I'm the same. Homogenized Hormone treated milk isn't any better than soy... But Soy doesn't make me sick. I hear the best kind of milk is un-homogenized organic Cows milk from a farmer.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Paper and jbue... have you tried almond milk? You might really like it, and in terms of health rating, it's pretty much at the top!

    Most natural health magazine articles, and practioners will say no to both soy and dairy, but I personally use both in moderation.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I drink almond milk and rice milk. Both are really great, especially the vanilla or chocolate varieties to start out with and get a taste for it!

    I am wary of cows milk because of the hormones-both natural and artificial. I mean, drinking cow's natural hormones for a calf is kind of weird, right?

    Also, I was a little wary of soy only because I occasionally read it might not be good in large quantities.

    My daughter has just started switching from formula to rice milk.

    FYI: Rice milk has the same amount of calcium and vitamin D as cow's milk.
  • jbuehrer
    jbuehrer Posts: 285
    hmmm. i will look for some:tongue:
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    i drink soy as cows milk doesn't agree with me so have tried soy so far so good but with you guys going on about stuff mmm maybe i should rethink. i have it every morning only one glass might see if we have flavored rice milk could be worth a try otherwise ill stick to soy and risk it. its got to be better than having nothing.
  • Helawat
    Helawat Posts: 605 Member
    I'm in remission from a rare head/neck cancer. My dietitian and oncologist specifically told me to not eat soy because of soy's correlation with tumor regrowth.

    Therefore, I drink cow's milk.
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    well for me, I have discovered that soy milk and organic milk agrees with me.
    if I drink regulas milk, I get so sick.
    all the crap in it now??? is it really milk?
    I also like rice milk...

    when I grew up, milk was the bomb. It was heavier, darker white and creamy.....

    now that the government has decided to mess with that too?? well all I can say is, keep it away from me!!!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I drink soymilk because regular milk makes me sick. I am lactose intolerant, so dairy in large quantities is bad. I pretty much only add soymilk to my tea, or have a glass once a week to get calcium. I have to get the rest of my calcium from other food and supplements. I had no idea there was such a things as almond milk. I will have to look for that. Sounds delicious!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    RBST free milk is hormone free and you can get organic versions of this.
    Soy is not anymore processed than cows milk but they are not able to fully remove natural toxins in soy.

    For this particular issue I think it is best to use either, it is a personal choice. Moderation is key with anything we consume. Soy is mostly a condiment in asian countries, westerners do take any bit of "good for you" advice to an extreme.

    Soy is not recommended for children or teens. There are quite a few links between extreme emotional, irratic and frantic outbursts in teenagers that are fed a high soy diet (extreme emotions beyond typical teenage stuff). The myth that boys are getting breasts because of the estrogen in soy is still that, a myth, no one has proven one way or the other.

    Personally, I prefer milk. My daughter was allergic to high protein items including milk as a baby and didn't consume milk until about the age of 4. I did find that regular milk made her cranky and irritable but the RBST free milk did not have those side effects. I prefer the taste of RBST free milk to regularly processed milk.

    Anyway, there is a lot of information for and against both. Go online and read some of the information and make and INFORMED decision for yourself and solve the ongoing debate for yourself.
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    This seams like an ongoing controversy?? I can't seam to get a straight answer from anywhere so I drink both... I drink organic skim milk and organic soy milk... I'm not a huge mil drinker... Mostly with my coffee... I'm too concerned with the calorie content of either since it is such a small part of my diet... I am more interested in overall health... I constantly hear rumors of cancer causing agents in soy however whenever I've done clenses they recommend no dairy... I have also heard that soy is worse for you because it is so processed??

    Would love to hear what you have to say!


    Wow I have NEVER heard that before. If you wouldn't mind posting some links on the negatives of soy that would be awesome. I am a vegetarian and so are my children and we also only drink soy.My children rarely get sick, they have healthy skin and hair and oober high intelligence, and rarely have upset tummy's like many of the kids we know who drink milk, the intolerance that MOST humans have to a cow's milk really makes little one's ill. I also know the benefits of the natural estrogen in soy for women going through the change, how it works to naturally LOWER cholesterol and so on.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member

    here is one article. I typed "soy is bad" into google and tons came up. The problem is that there are 1000 articles for AND against soy. I don't know what to believe.
  • debuckl
    debuckl Posts: 360 Member
    I've heard that men should stay away from soy because it turns to estrogen after ingestion. Anyone else hear that?
  • alisonbu
    alisonbu Posts: 4
    No soy! Unless in VERY small doses. It can cause hormone problems (too much estrogen- careful giving it to boys) it has been linked to ashtma, and can prohibit the absorption of nutrients. Get milk that does not have any added hormones and still take it in small doses.
  • alisonbu
    alisonbu Posts: 4
    Sites about soy safety:

    I swear my son's asthma was caused by him drinking soy. We were afraid that he would be allergic to milk and wanted to avoid that route. I deeply regret it now after spending thousands on medical bills due to congestion and malnutrition.
  • alisonbu
    alisonbu Posts: 4
    Sites about soy safety:

    I swear my son's asthma was caused by him drinking soy. We were afraid that he would be allergic to milk and wanted to avoid that route. I deeply regret it now after spending thousands on medical bills due to congestion and malnutrition.
  • alisonbu
    alisonbu Posts: 4
    Sites about soy safety:

    I swear my son's asthma was caused by him drinking soy. We were afraid that he would be allergic to milk and wanted to avoid that route. I deeply regret it now after spending thousands on medical bills due to congestion and malnutrition.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I swear my son's asthma was caused by him drinking soy. We were afraid that he would be allergic to milk and wanted to avoid that route. I deeply regret it now after spending thousands on medical bills due to congestion and malnutrition.

    My daughter and I drink rice milk and almond milk, since there seems to be no controversy with those.