Three Pies in the Break Room



  • msjamartin
    msjamartin Posts: 148
    Any one around that deserves a pie in the face? Just a thought. :bigsmile:
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    I keep myself from eating the office junk knowing those with no willpower will gain the weight! Evil but it works for me! lol :laugh:
  • Hey now--pi day is a great event! You can eat it or not eat it, but don't be harsh on the folks who bring in treats. You control your life and your choices, and so do your coworkers. If you want to have a slice of pie and work it off later, you can do that--or not. :)
  • Try to stay away, but in case you cave, take three bites, throw the rest away and add in 150 calories. Quiets your sweet tooth without ruining your calorie count. Works for all deserts as long as you take a normal sized bite.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    DON'T DO IT. :)
    Keep it up! I HATE it when people bring in treats at work!

    It's Pi Day! I, personally put eight pies in the breakroom at work! Again, It's Pi Day!!!!

    It's my personal goal to not eat any sweets unless it is for a REAL special/celebratory occasion. 3/14 NOT a real celebration, it is AN EXCUSE to be unhealthy as far as I am concerned.

    Jeez, we "celebrate" anything and everything in this country with fattening things and then WONDER WHY WE ARE ALL OBESE.
  • just drink the water! If you still are craving a sweet, have a piece of fruit! You will feel better and not guilty!
  • pamary
    pamary Posts: 14 Member
    lol! Whichever co-worker of yours brought them in should be congratulated on that particular level of geek... it's Pi day!

    Too funny! I checked it on google:
    Pi Day is a holiday commemorating the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is
    celebrated on March 14 (or 3/14 in month/day date format), since 3, 1 and 4 are ...

    Does this mean we should factor in pie for our calories today?:smile:
  • MrsMrtz
    MrsMrtz Posts: 73
    don't do it!!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    don't do it!!!

    um, why is everyone saying this? that's nuts.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Sounds like a movie title!
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    If you don't mind chewing gum, Extra has an apple pie flavored gum (and it's sugar-free) that's really good. You get the flavor but not the calories. They have other flavors too which are all yummy (except the sherbert, I actually got ill off that one) so you can have your own dessert when someone brings stuff like pies and cakes to work.

    I said the same thing!! LOVE this flavor!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    DON'T DO IT. :)
    Keep it up! I HATE it when people bring in treats at work!

    It's Pi Day! I, personally put eight pies in the breakroom at work! Again, It's Pi Day!!!!

    It's my personal goal to not eat any sweets unless it is for a REAL special/celebratory occasion. 3/14 NOT a real celebration, it is AN EXCUSE to be unhealthy as far as I am concerned.

    Jeez, we "celebrate" anything and everything in this country with fattening things and then WONDER WHY WE ARE ALL OBESE.

    Personally, I'm not overweight because of too many celebrations. Just the opposite...feeling that nothing was special. I have no problem with an occasional piece of pie or cake. Even if I go over that day. And, as long as it's not in my house. If I'm out somewhere, I'm fine.
  • Well, it is national pi day... the 3.145 kind though...
  • hatsmom
    hatsmom Posts: 4 Member
    I have little willpower to sweets, but a small treat here and there is okay if you figure it into your day. :noway:
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    That sucks.

    The boss here insists on bringing in donuts every monday.

    Really. Good. Donuts.

    I have learned from a coworker that what you're craving is the FLAVOR, so he will take like a tiny flaked-off bit of the donut glazing and let it melt around in his mouth. That - he claims - stops the craving.

    In reality, I've found that works about half the time. The other half, I end up wanting to scarf down three of the damned things.

    So... as with so many things... your mileage may vary ;)

  • ericalynn104
    ericalynn104 Posts: 382 Member
    Eating pie on Pi Day was a tradition I started with my best friend several years ago. When she died last year I decided to keep the tradition so it's fitting into my calories today. Don't deprive yourself if you really want it. Fit it in and work it off!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eat it if you really want it and it fits into your calories. Don't eat it if you aren't really that interested.
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    I like to look at the desserts and think, is it really worth it? Usually stuff brought in is store bought and crappy. I like to think "is it worth the calories?" Usually not. But sometimes my co-worker who used to be a professional baker brings stuff in and I'm doomed.
  • so ..... why don't you go in and have a slice?

    Oh, you little devil, you! :bigsmile:
  • danapellerin
    danapellerin Posts: 34 Member
    It's Pi day, and we have.... count em.... 30 pies being brought in for our department. I'm going to crack, I just know it......