20 th July new group



  • malpait
    malpait Posts: 13 Member
    Can I possibly join you guys? I started this past week on Tues. Monday weigh in's are great for me.

    This group looks awesome! I really need the extra motivation and challenges.

    My story- I have 3 daughters ages 7, 6 and 2 1/2. After I had my youngest I weighed **gasp** 225. So I have taken these last 2 years to be fit and healthy. I am at 178 and would like to lose 20-30lbs. I am not sure where I am going to want to stop. We are moving back across the country and my hubby is still in AZ. It has been hard because we enjoyed family bike rides, family walks. He was my main motivator. The girls and I are staying with my parents. So now we are encouraging my mom to be healthier. My girls are very aware of the proper foods to eat and they let her know when she is not "behaving".

    I am looking forward to getting this done!!

    Jennie :happy:
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I survived my workout last night. Got the challenge done as well. Still doing crunches though. I have a dinner date tonight with some elementary school peeps. I am going to try to check the menu out before I get there so I can figure out what my best option is.
    I won't be working out until late tonight so I might wait until tomorrow to post results for Fri and Sat.

    Patty-The new site is awesome!! I already wrote down the challenge for tomorrow.

    Jennie- Welcome! This is a very supportive group. You will love it.

    Have a great vacation Elizabeth!!

    Happy Friday everyone!!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone!! I have been doing Zumba this week so not really doing the challanges. I feel great though and the food diary and I are going through a Love/Hate relationship. I love that I think about everything before I eat it, but hate that the calories seem to add up so quickly. Looks like we have all most made it through a week together. Great job ladies and can't wait to see our results on Monday.

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I've been wanting to get a Zumba workout dvd. Angela, do you have one to recommend? I belong to CURVES and need to get back there once my knee heals.:sad: Hope everyone had a great first week. I had a lot of challenges but managed to lose 3 lbs.:drinker: No celebrations yet. Keeping the calorie count does keep one "honest".
    Patty, the new site is awesome. Thank you so much for your hard work. :heart:
    I'll e-mail my weight directlly to you.

    Week 2...Here we come!!!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    I go to a studio and take the class so I have never used any of the DVD's, but my instructor learned from the guy on zumba.com so any of the DVD's on that site should be good.
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    havent done fridays challenge yet..tho ive been getting a good work out at work for 8 hours! heading to the gym to do some cardio and the challenge...a friend of mine and myself are challenging each other.. he was told the same thing by a dr. that he needs to lose weight so each week were doing a weigh in..it should be fun as i will not let him be the winner! or should i say biggest loser..? lol
  • ldr624
    ldr624 Posts: 36
    Hello All,

    I'm having a great day so far. Burned 400 calories on the cross trainer and elliptical and am eating well. I have to do the challenge for today and eat well tonight.

    Hope that everyone else is hanging in there. I'm excited about the weigh-in on Monday.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    hi i did my workout to i did a dvd that has circuit traning intervals it was good. i hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    Along with my 7ish hours of cleaning today, i did My cardio part of the challenge, along with some leg lifts that i have to do to get my left thigh, knee and calf built back up. When i get home from class at 10pm I will try my best to get the other parts of the challenge done!
  • jigglybits
    jigglybits Posts: 100 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I was not to happy with the first site
    Everyone had to download this and that

    I made a new one pfff
    I think this one is better
    Let me know what you think



    Brilliant job Patty:smile:
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    patty09.......the web site looks fabulous!!!:laugh: :smile: :wink: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Thanx for doing that for us. I really like the DON'T QUIT message. How often I have given up only to start again on Monday. So, it hit home for me.
    hunnibun..you should be able to view it now.
    I got my work out in for today and had 72 calories left to eat. I would say today was a success.
    Hope ya all had successful days also.
  • patty09
    patty09 Posts: 105
    Hi everyone

    Yeah when I read that poem I also thought, that sounds like me. Haha

    Am I the ONLY one here who finds it tough doing the cardio and the challenges?
    I have done them all but pfjeee with a lot of sweat
    Yesterday my legs nearly gave up on me so I skipped the cardio.
    I read here and there that you guys are jumping around in front of the telly. Great!!!
    I dont give up, I will keep on going but must say I have to push myself to it.
    I think it's been maybe 20 years that I have been doing daily workouts like this
    I feel good afterwards

    Can't wait to see the scale on monday
    No I haven't looked yet, even that's an achievement already

    Keep it up girls!!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Good Morning Team,
    Yes i now can view the web site ya i'm so happy ans pattyo9 it's awesome site great job.
    Is everyone liking the challenges?
    Cuz in time they will get harder as you all get stronger,i'm so proud of this team way to go and keep it up.now tomorrow rest day,but if you like do a dvd.Otherwise do today as last chance workout.

    Have a great Day everyone!!!!!!!
  • angelae39
    angelae39 Posts: 90 Member
    Good morning everyone!! For me the real challange begins today. The weekend! For some reason it feels so much easier to cheat. Though, I went out to dinner last night and I looked at the menu before hand, knew what to order and how much I could eat. So, when I got there I didn't even look at the menu. I brought half of my food home and actually rxercised portion control. What a concept!! Going to Zumba today and tomorrow for an extra push before Monday's big weigh in. Have a great day everyone!!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning All!!

    Patty- My abs are so sore. I feel it everywhere. Some days it is harder than others for me to get motivated. But, I know I need to post on this thread and in the Turbo Jam one so that helps me a bit.

    Friday was okay. I walked for 45 minutes and did get the rest of the challenges in.

    I am going to work out earlier today. I am going to dinner at my in-laws and I can't really dictate what is served. So I will just watch my portions and make sure that I have as many calories as possible available before I get there.

    Even though there is a bit left of the week, I feel wonderful overall! I can get past the soreness. I feel stronger already. I love this group and it has helped me so much!!

    Have a wonderful Saturday all!! I will post my workout results before I goto bed tonight.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    Hello,idid my workout for 70 mins today did 60 on treadmill 10 with weights plus some ab workout.
  • kathyp1
    kathyp1 Posts: 6
    Hi Patti,

    Can you add mine too? SW 155, August goal 153, ultimate goal 145. Thanks! Kathy
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Got in 30 minutes of cardio. I also did 40 minutes of sculpting that included the rest of today's challenges. I finished up with a 20 minute Pilates ring workout.

    Tomorrow is going to be a rest day for me. I will check in to see how everyone is doing though.

  • richelle_ross
    richelle_ross Posts: 34 Member
    I didn't get my workout in today.. so today will be my 'rest day' and tomorrow its hard core after work. I did 7 hours of laundry at work, I consider that a work out.. I'm going bowling for a bachelorette party tonight, so that'll be a fun! Have a good night and a good sunday!
  • rsabey
    rsabey Posts: 14
    How do you get to the website?
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