How do I stop the cravings for carbs



  • chuluotababe
    A coworker of mine did a medically supervised weight loss program. The first 2-3 days of the eating plan was to help knock the carb cravings. She ate pretty much all lean proteins - chicken, pork, seafood. While on the diet she had a few splurge days and the cravings were right back. The nurse recommended she "reset" her system by redoing those 2-3 days of heavy protein.

    Last year I had been doing the South Beach Diet. Phase 1 lasts for 2 weeks and it's goal is also to help rid the carb cravings.

    My guess is that this is a generally accepted thing. Need to do it myself... want to eat every bit of sugar in sight! LOL
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    As with any behavior modification you cant successfully eliminate one thing without replacing it. you must replace the eliminated craving or action with an alternative craving or action.

    So for instance... you want to curb carb cravings? Replace the carb binge with something else...Fruit, protein, Veggies and P butter. Do this every time you have the craving and eventually you will break that mental trigger.

    you can do the same thing with smoking, or any other action.
  • fieldsy4life
    I've been "low-carb" for the past 6 months, currently doing very-low-carb at under 20 per day. I eat a TON of fresh vegetables and am supplementing - so I don't really need advice there ;)

    However, regarding the cravings, you really have to brainwash yourself. I have absolutely no desire to eat bagels. I was at the Cheesecake Factory 2 nights ago and sipped my mint leaf tea while everyone else stuffed face. Yawn - just another day for me.

    As another poster said, you should be eating higher fat to keep you satiated, as well.

    I do agree with the poster who said your diet should fit your lifestyle. My diet fits mine - and I've seen results in the gym that rival illegal "supplements". You just have to be all in, or try something different.

    My $.02 at least :)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Protein and fat. Plenty of fat!! (not PUFAs but saturated and MUFAs).

    You can also try a supplement called L-glutamine. Your brain can use this as fuel while you are trying to get past the cravings (the cravings come from the brain. when you overload on carbs - and my carb binges are usually very high sugar/flour carbs - the brain immediately looks for more of the same fuel. Hence the cravings.

    And heavy whipping cream is great! Very filling and no carbs. I also will put coconut oil in my coffee. The MCTs in coconut oil (and pastured butter) are more likely to be used as energy rather than stored as fat.

    Other than that, you just have to fight through them. Easy to say, hard to do I know that well.
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    There are a few low carb groups here:

    A long time ago, I did the South Beach diet. 2 weeks of Phase One, and I wasn't craving carbs and sugars anymore. Unfortunately I fell off that wagon.
  • shafferbrandy10
    Thanks to everyone for the advise I desided to eat an apple and it is sweet so it helped.
    as for the people who keep telling me that low carb is bad Im not to sure what low car standards are but Im just trying to stay under a hunderd and as for fitting my life style. we all know that the fattty foods like donuts and bagels are not good for us among other thing I'm sure they may be ok in moderation but if I knew moderation I wouldnt be dieting in the first place it was my life style that got me here in the first place. so on that note I needed to change my life style. Good luck to everyone on there journey on what ever path they may choice I hope everyone finds there new life style that fits them.
    and Thanks again for all the advise Im new to this and Im taking everything into consideration.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Well I feel off the low carb wagon on sunday and monday cause of a birthday ;( should have known better.
    Ive been good sence but today they brought donuts and bagels in the office and its killing me I want it sooo bad. I wish I could stop this feeling.

    any suggestions?
    Quit low carbing. If you're craving them and like to eat them, then you're on the wrong lifestyle eating program. DON'T take on diet just to lose weight. Take on an eating style you can live with for life and and lose weight doing it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I agree with almost everything ninebuff writes, except for when it comes to carbs.

    While I don't eat really low carb, I eat moderate carb (80-100 grams/day). I do allow myself some carb splurges on my higher calorie days (kinda like the Spike plan) but then I go right back to eating lower carb and, yes, as others have said, upping the protein helps me easily get back on track without any continued need to eat those carbs.

    However, and this is a big thing for me, I never have uncontrolled carb binges based on urges, I do it as part of my eating plan. When I was doing very low carb (30grams/day or less), if I even smelled bread or pastry, it would make me crazy and set me on a carb binge. Now that I'm eating more and can allow myself a slice of bread here, a half a bagel there, rice a few times a week, yada yada, I no longer feel any need to binge.

    But, if I did like ninerbuff suggests and just went off my lower-carb plan, I would be consistently binging on carbs because, if I eat too many on a regular basis, it triggers consistent over-eating patterns in all food groups and constant feelings of hunger. Screw that!. So I'm glad I seem to have found my proper balance. Maybe you just need to adjust things a bit to find a better balance for yourself.
  • hilsen
    hilsen Posts: 7
    I stopped eating simple carbohydrates like rice, breads and pasta for a few weeks. I replaced them with steamed veg instead. It is hard but the craving stops after a few days.

    Exactly, the less you eat, the less you crave the carbs.
    It works for carbs and sugar, stay completely off white carbs and any sugar for a week or two and you won't even fancy a bagel and turn to protein and better choices (like veggies).

    For me avoiding completely is the only way to cure cravings, it takes lots of will power at the beginning, but once you are off, it's like your body forgets about them.