
I know I'm not putting this into the right category...couldn't figure out where to put it.

Anywho...I've suffered from depression/anxiety my whole life. I spent a year of my life in the hospital. I was on meds from the time I was 9 until I was 14 and at that time my parents refused to pay for them so I had no choice but to go off, but I did fine off of them.

I was hospitilized at 19 again, but wasn't admitted. I ended up going on an anxiety med.

I took myself off because I was a zombie and couldn't take care of my kid.

At like 23? I think, I started going back to therapy and went back on my meds. My therapist was a joke, I have an addictive personality and was going to aa and na (which is another long story) and she seriously suggested replacing one addiction with another. I ended being put on 7 different meds at once from the psychiatrist I was seeing and even though I told him I didn't feel right, he kept uping my dosage, I ended up hospitalized because I was so sick from being over medicated. I then again quit everything.

At 26 right before I got married my GP put me on a very low dosage of two different meds and I felt great, except for the fact that I ended up with a permanent side effect. p; so needless to say, I went off again.

So i've been off of medication for 2 years now. Most days I'm fine. I learn to cope. But lately it's been in full force, but there are things happening in my life that are triggering it. 1 of which I have no control over, the other, well hopefully we can sort it out soon, but it's a real downer. I can't get out of this slump though. I go full days without even talking to anyone except my kids and husband unless I don't have a choice. Some days I don't even talk to my husband. It's getting to the point where I was at before I was hospitalized. It takes all the energy I have some days just to wash my hair. I have to force myself to eat. I can't sleep. I just wanna lay around like a log.

All of my hobbies I've lost interest in.

Anywho...I don't want to go back on my meds. For one, well I haven't done great with them in the past, and two I can't afford them. I'm just wondering if maybe anyone on here has ever gone through this and if you have tried any herbal or natural remedies. Any foods that are mood boosters? Any advice at all?


  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    search the net for things that can help with mood.Food,music,activities,and just venting can help.
  • DreamiJeani
    I run. Its not always about the calorie burning. It clears my head and makes me feel like im the boss. I have been in the place where I really just want to die but since I started running Im happy. Like genuinely happy. My anger issues are down to controllable and I dont lose it like i used to.

    So i recomend running. Just do what you can do :)
  • kcnjason
    kcnjason Posts: 35 Member
    I can relate to your post almost identical! I have just went off of my same meds almost 2 months ago and I'm a wreck! I don't want to take meds anymore, I want to live my life without them but I'm an emotional mess. I'm more negative then I ever am. A friend who is an OB nurse suggests St Johns Wort and Vit B3. I have been taking them and a multi vitamin and I haven't noticed much difference but I still feel I need to give it more time. I know that taking a 15-20 min walk every day is good and is a natural mood enhancer. Have you ever tried zumba? that is a lot of fun as well. Anyways, I'm anxious to see what others have to say on this post. Thanks for sharing!
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I've been on depression meds before and they didn't work. My doctor at the time kept bumping up the dosage and then I decided that I wouldn't go through it any more after a few years of being on them. I got out and started doing things with friends (even though I didn't want to) and I started to get active. I've fought with depression most of my life and for some odd reason the only thing that seemed to adjust my moods, besides exercising here lately, was when I was on the depo shot. I guess for me it's more of a hormonal thing.
    When I have a bout of depression now I exercise, try very hard to think of things that would make me feel better even if things are bad. If all else fails, I end up calling someone that can help before I get too low. The calls that I make aren't to make myself feel better in the long run it's mostly to get my mind on other things.
    My family has discovered the ques that I put off unintentionally just before I start to get depressed and they try to be supportive to cut it off before it starts. It doesn't always work but just knowing that they are trying to help will sometimes lighten my mood. A good support system is really important, that way when you can't seem to help yourself you have others around you that can try to help you.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I'm not coordinated enough to run. Seriously, I look like a duck running.

    I don't have a great support system. The only person I really have is my husband and he's not good with emotions.
  • suja1983
    suja1983 Posts: 33 Member
    Don't worry about what you look like. Running and feeling better will benefit you, not others. Do you not have friends from school or friends from your child's school that you can talk to?
    I suffer from depression and like u have a husband who doesn't know the meaning of the word emotion. Add me as a friend and you can vent.

  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    Work out. Anything where you can get your heart rate up and keep it up for 30+ minutes. Laying on the couch will just make you feel worse about where your at. Even if you don't want to do it... do it anyway. That goes with anything and everything. (the store, talking to people, working out etc.) It really is a great mood enhancer. I can be feeling really down and as soon as I workout I feel so much better about myself and that feeling lasts throughout the entire day. I wish you well.
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    I have no advice for you since you didn't list enough information for me to give appropriate advice on. I do wish you luck and hope that you find your balance in life where you can be happy without being severely over medicated.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    Create some goals, it'll give you something to focus on besides your depression. You should also try to go outside, being in the sunlight helps... exercise, make sure you are eating healthy. Go on walks with your hubby or by yourself. Listen to music, draw/paint/etc.

    Medication and therapy never really helped me, it just took many years to get through.
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    I see in your profile that you really don't exercise - add 30 minutes of activity (anything to get your heart rate up) a day - that should release some endomorphins (sp) and some good brain chemistry. I see you live in ohio too - I think it's cloudy there a lot (i grew up in Pittsburgh and know clouds)...a lightbox might help (did wonders for a friend of mine) lighten your mood. Depression is a tough cookie...good luck doing it without medication!!
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Any type of work out - even walking outside. Even though I don't want to do it sometimes, and it takes every fiber of my being, I ALWAYS feel better after I'm done. (I don't run though - haven't gotten that far yet).
  • jenlee_74
    jenlee_74 Posts: 29
    I've been on meds for bipolar for about 5 years. I hate pharmaceutical drugs and don't believe in them, but they Work! for me anyway. It has taken years to refine the dose and iron out all the side effects but I feel dandy now. I am one to definitely use food, exercise and herbs for health. But I want to give support too- if you need meds, be patient and let them to work for you. If you don't like your doc, try a Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (RN, MHNP). And if you can feel well and maintain with a healthy lifestyle alone, good for you!
    Buck up little camper. It will be ok :)
  • 2getgeorge
    2getgeorge Posts: 81 Member
    I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. When I feel down I use my Light box. I feel better after a few min. Research light therapy for depression. It might help mood swings.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I really think you need to have another conversation with your doctor. They have made a lot of progress with depression medication over the last couple of years and they don't have to make you feel like a zombie.

    Clinical depression is a serious illness, as you know, and you might have to accept the fact that you may need medication for the rest of your life. If you had a heart condition, you would take medication for it, wouldn't you?

    Just my opinion.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    There's a mental illness/health group / forum on here... have a little search... I bet you'll find a load of good help in there! I'm in there too because I had a grief related insomnia problem and my family have had a few issues too so it's good for advice with that! :) x
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I really think you need to have another conversation with your doctor. They have made a lot of progress with depression medication over the last couple of years and they don't have to make you feel like a zombie.

    Clinical depression is a serious illness, as you know, and you might have to accept the fact that you may need medication for the rest of your life. If you had a heart condition, you would take medication for it, wouldn't you?

    Just my opinion.

    And this! D'uh...I feel stupid now for not saying this too!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I see in your profile that you really don't exercise - add 30 minutes of activity (anything to get your heart rate up) a day - that should release some endomorphins (sp) and some good brain chemistry. I see you live in ohio too - I think it's cloudy there a lot (i grew up in Pittsburgh and know clouds)...a lightbox might help (did wonders for a friend of mine) lighten your mood. Depression is a tough cookie...good luck doing it without medication!!

    I exercise pretty much every other day. This week I've just sucked with logging.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    What was the side effect of the drugs that worked? You could take something else for the side effect?
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I really think you need to have another conversation with your doctor. They have made a lot of progress with depression medication over the last couple of years and they don't have to make you feel like a zombie.

    Clinical depression is a serious illness, as you know, and you might have to accept the fact that you may need medication for the rest of your life. If you had a heart condition, you would take medication for it, wouldn't you?

    Just my opinion.

    I can't afford a visit to the doctor right now