Biggest Pet Peeve



  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is my Border Collie who flaunts his speed and agility every time we go to the dog park. I can't catch him to go home until he's done herding other dogs so I am forced to wait and wait. And then when we finally do go home, I have to exercise while he sleeps.

    edited to note that I was in a weird mood and that this is a dogged attempt at humor.
  • Re the HCG diet: I am an intelligent person and went on this diet. It doesn't have so much to do with stupidity as it does desperation. I did not do the injections, but I did take the real (not homeopathic) HCG (sublingual). I lost 13 lbs in 21 days and it was the jumpstart I needed. I am an instant gratification person (most people who are overweight ARE and that's how we end up overweight - we choose the instant joy of fattening/fast food over choosing and preparing healthy meals) and needed to see a dramatic weight loss quickly in order to become and stay motivated.

    I'm grateful that I now found this site so I can keep going and reach my goal. I did a lot of research on the HCG diet before committing to it. It was very difficult to stay on it, but the science is there - it helps you maintain your muscle while using your fat stores for energy. So yes, you're only eating 500 calories a day, but you're accessing hundreds of additional calories (for fuel) from your fat stores. It's kind of like recycling yourself. In short - not stupid - just desperate to find motivation. It worked for me.
  • Starvation is not a sustainable or healthy weight loss solution.
    In fact, starvation should never be your weight loss solution.

    That is my biggest pet peeve. 500-600 calories a day? OH and you're taking a wonder hormone that's going to help your body eat away the 'fat reserves'? I see... right... no thanks, I don't care to pay $60 for the hormone or to follow such a retarded weight loss plan, thank you very much.

    My very intelligent friend did the above weight loss plan and managed to convince my roommate to try it to. I just couldn't believe they were willing to inject themselves (yes, it was an injection) with hormones once a day and eat maybe 500 calories a day just to lose weight. It blew my mind.

    How can people who are so smart be so incredibly stupid?
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    The people who say "I just don't know how to eat properly, I don't know what is good and what is bad." Dude, watch PBS, I;m sure there is some child's programming that can help you get started if you haven't heard over and over again that huge amounts of salt, fat, and sugar aren't super healthy.

    Or the people who claim "I've tried EVERYTHING and I still can't lose weight. You then look to find that they eat a McDs three times a week, their idea of exercise is 20 min on the elliptical, and there isn't a fresh fruit or vegetable to be see their diary.
  • Those stupid "toning" shoes. You can't eat crap, wear the stupid freaking shoes and think your going to lose 20 pounds-- They are just SHOES!!!

    Also I'm short and fairly petite, so people who say things like "your so tiny, you don't need to lose weight" or "you only weight 90-100 pounds" When actually I can lose a few pounds and still be healthy, and I do weigh more than a hundred pounds!
    Thank you!!!! Well said
  • PeggyWoodson
    PeggyWoodson Posts: 337 Member
    I had gastric bypass 18 years ago and when my sister saw me for the first time, she said "You look HORRIBLE' Not once but three times in a row. I hate that when people who are supposed to support you in your efforts to get healthy just don't get it. I weighed 330 before bypass and got down to 112 before my weight leveled out to 160. All these weight changes were over a three to four year period. It certainly didn't happen over night. My surgeon said that for my height and age, I should weigh about 160 which I had done until last year. I broke my arm and the medicines I was on increased my appetite so bad I gained 30 lbs. Now I have got to get that off.
  • utvolsfan74
    utvolsfan74 Posts: 45 Member
    This morning I told my mom that I had finally reached my 50lbs lost mark. I was so freaking happy I could cry. Then she asked what my 'goal weight' was and I told her that according to my height, my weight should be anywhere between 130-150lbs and I'd like to TRY for 150.

    Now, I still have 120lbs to go before I even get there, but she says to me, "That's too skinny! You should try for 200lbs and maintain there. It's really hard to get that skinny and stay that way."

    So then I told my grandmother our conversation later on and she AGREED with my Mom. "150lbs you'd be too skinny! You'd be nothing but bones!"

    Now my Grandma is 150lbs at 5'3 and she is NOT skin and bones. WHY IN THE HECK would she think I would be skin and bones when I'm only two inches taller than her?!


    you have to go with what makes you happy inside
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Biggest pet peeve??? When people notice I've lost weight. At all. If you're not my husband, please shut up.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    my biggest pet peeve is when my boyfriend makes a sound when he spits (hawking sound) :p
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    When the family gets on my case for logging and weighing my food! For some reason it drives them crazy. I tell them don't worry about what I'm doing.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I know I should not talk because my diary is set to private ... but people who have open diaries and eat a lot of junk (yep junk) burger king one day, dairy queen another, etc. and they can't seem to figure out why they are not losing weight.

    People who do stupid 'diets' like the Special K diet. Yeah, if losing weight was as simple as eating two bowls a day, then this theory would work with even Fruit Loops I am sure.

    People who tell me to live a little and just enjoy. Well they aren't inside my head so they do not know how I feel. I would like to live more and I do live and enjoy things but I am very ... very careful.

    Last but not least... "Skinny Fat". Never heard of that until I came here. Anymore when I look at myself in the mirror I just see the same old me in a new body that unfortunately sags. Crazy, you hate yourself heavy, you hate yourself thin. Dang, can't win!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I know I should not talk because my diary is set to private ... but people who have open diaries and eat a lot of junk (yep junk) burger king one day, dairy queen another, etc. and they can't seem to figure out why they are not losing weight.

    People who do stupid 'diets' like the Special K diet. Yeah, if losing weight was as simple as eating two bowls a day, then this theory would work with even Fruit Loops I am sure.

    People who tell me to live a little and just enjoy. Well they aren't inside my head so they do not know how I feel. I would like to live more and I do live and enjoy things but I am very ... very careful.

    Last but not least... "Skinny Fat". Never heard of that until I came here. Anymore when I look at myself in the mirror I just see the same old me in a new body that unfortunately sags. Crazy, you hate yourself heavy, you hate yourself thin. Dang, can't win!

    I'm sure Fruit Loops have almost the same nutritional value as Special K. I don't really eat cereal anymore except Cheerios and my vice, Honey Bunches of Oats. But yeah, Eating only three times a day would make me lose weight too.

    I hate when people say that, "live a little" or such variations. You know what I want to do to "live a little" ?? I want to be able to run more then 30 seconds. I want to be able to ride the rides at the amusement park. I want to be able to play basketball like I did in high school. I want to be able to shop at the MALL for clothes!

    What don't these people understand about this?
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    when people say 'don't throw out your fat clothes, you'll need them again eventually...
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    I hate it when nutrition experts say things like, "Hey, instead of Cheetos, try baby carrots..." or, "Skip the cookies and try celery! It's as easy as that!"

    ... and I have to resist the urge to say, "No *kitten*, Sherlock..."
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    "Help, I'm eating [some ridiculous low calorie amount] and busting my *kitten* with cardio every day and i'm not losing! :sad: "

    Well, no ****.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    when people say 'don't throw out your fat clothes, you'll need them again eventually...

    I can't believe someone would say that to another person. I may feel the need to punch them in the mouth and say, hope i didn't bust out too many teeth, you may need them again eventually...
  • Moyzilla
    Moyzilla Posts: 106 Member
    Everyone who says they're trying to loose weight. Like does it screw on and off?????:wink:
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I also think they should add an entire separate forum for all the people that start their topics with "HELP ME!"
  • cgary
    cgary Posts: 15
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    Biggest pet peeve??? When people notice I've lost weight. At all. If you're not my husband, please shut up.

    Wait... why??