


  • arotella
    arotella Posts: 98 Member
    Research some of these supplements/vitamins:

    Vitamin D3
    Complex B's
    5HTP or St. John's Wort (FYI... St. John's Wort can interfere with the effectiveness birth control pills!)

    Try going to it's great!! I've been getting quite a few products from this site.
    This page deals specifically with vitamins/supplements for mood and emotional health:

    I hope this helps & I am sorry to hear that you are going through this! I wish I could do more!
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm sorry you are going through this because I completely understand. I have suffered from depression since childhood myself. I was on meds but they either didn't work or made me have suicidal thoughts. I have found something natural over the counter that works for me. I of course advice everyone to do their research as this natural remedy can't be taken with certain medications but I have taken 5HTP for at least 3 months now and it has made a significant difference. I am more social, not as depressed and can function better than without it. It is 5-hydroxytryptophan and is supposed to boost serotonin levels, melatonin (to help you sleep) and curbs my food cravings. It is worth looking into but again, it's not for everyone and you should surely check with your doctor if you are on medications.

    Hope this helped, I have found it to be the best thing so far in my natural remedy search. I also buy it from amazon, 200mg time release 30 day supply for around 10 bucks a month. So it's fairly affordable (same kind at GNC is 26 bucks!).
  • loves86
    loves86 Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you sooo much for posting it! I always feel like I am completely alone and have absolutely no support! All my boyfriend does is complain to me about how I am/act when I do have the mood swings that make us fight and it doesnt help at all. Today as much as I hate to say it I have been having continuous thoughts that my daughter would be better off not having to grow up with a mom who cant get her crap together. I have tried every all different pills, starting when I was 12, countless therapists and nothing ever helps. I feel like I shouldn't have to take a pill to try and get to that "happy" state but if I dont do something I dont know how much longer I can last. I exercise almost everyday at the gym and now since its been nice out I have been going on walks after work...but as soon as I am not exercising the "good" feelings go away and all I need is one person to say something I don't want to hear and I will snap. I dont know what else there possibly is to do or try
  • I've read a book called the Depression Cure. It uses supplements like Fish oil, vitamin d3, vitamin C, a good multivitamin every day. Plus evening primrose once a week. It is a good book for about $10 on It also recommends getting enough sleep, exercising, socializing, getting sunlight in morning( or using light box), and not dwelling on negative thoughts. Hope this helps
  • onale039
    onale039 Posts: 4
    I'm not usually a person to give advice but I do know that Vitamin D deficiency is very often missed and not thought of. I am not "diagnosed" with depression but I definitly suffer from many symptoms of it. Exercise is always an "obvious" answer but it's so hard to get up and get out there... Read up on Vitamin D deficiency. I take about 1000 UI of Vitamin D every day to help me through and then get out in the sun as much as I can. It's amazing what a difference it makes after a while. It doesn't work over night but it certainly might help over time.
    Take some time to read up Vitamin D deficiency first - you might be surprised and what you learn about it.