Help Gaining weight and dont know why

I have been following the calorie counter and have been under the calories that MFP has given me. I have been going down on a daily basis. The past two days I have gone up .2 pounds and .9 pounds. I ended 124 calories under my "goal" 2 days ago and 800 calories yesterday. I weigh myself every morning before I eat. I have done very well and am a bit confused at the sudden weight gain.

Anyone else have these issues?

I have been working out, but had a medical issue and cant go to hard until I get some test results back, but was losing weight even after the exercize was down.


  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    1st is 1st. Don't weight yourself every day. Water weight can make you fluctuate your weight. I can go up and down up to 2 pounds from day to day. I have seen some people go up and down 7 lbs in 1 day. If your diet is the same it is not fat you are gaining. Remember it take 3500 calories to gain or lose a pound.

    I suggest to look at your diary and see what your sodium intake has been. I learned recently that it can cause a increase in water retention that can show on the scale.
  • Flsportsfan83
    thanks for the input.
  • kevin_d77
    kevin_d77 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree 100%. I weigh myself everyday just to see how things are going, but I never get discouraged if the gain is tiny! I usually vary around 2-2.5lbs from morning to evening! It depends on a variety of things. But dont get discouraged, youre doing great and still making progress. Dont sweat the slight variance!
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    I can go from 2-5lbs up/down within the course of a day. As long as you're trending down, it's a good thing! Officially weigh in once a week (or maybe even once every two weeks) and you'll see the loss. Day to day isn't a fair assessment for your body.
  • BradyMommy
    BradyMommy Posts: 82 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about it. I weigh myself everyday in the morning to help keep me focused and from digging myself too deep a hole! But my "official" weigh in is on Sunday morning. From Sunday to Sunday is how I track my overall progress so the little ups and downs during the week don't stress me out (too much...)

    I agree about the sodium though. I am SO sensitive to it. I will always weigh more the next day if I've had a lot of salt or processed foods (which are loaded with sodium). I've started tracking it in my food tracker so I can keep an eye on it during the day.

    And WTG on the 37 pounds lost so far!! That's AWESOME!!
  • Flsportsfan83
    I could not help myself and weighed in again this am. I think you guys are on to something with the sodium. I was down 1.5 pounds from yesterday am to this am. I think I will start doing the weekly weigh in's though.