C25k or Ease into 5k?

Are they the same thing? I have the Ease into 5k app for my phone, but I could have sworn that when I downloaded it, it was called C25k...so I looked up C25k in the app store and I found another one....which one do you do?


  • ssforcey
    ssforcey Posts: 92 Member
    I'm doing the C25k, been using in for 3 weeks not. I haven't heard of the other one. Good luck to you :D
  • deweyz
    deweyz Posts: 18
    C25k. Is a great App. Mine is free, I have music controls from the C25k screen, it talks to me during my run...like it a lot. Even use it on days I don't have time for the full day's workout and after I'm at 5k level as a training to run faster -- go back to week 3 or so and run a faster-than-your-normal pace for 3 min, rest, do it again...
    I've never tried the other, but am a big fan of the C25k app.
  • christinekojack
    christinekojack Posts: 96 Member
    I was also doing the C25K,, but had to stop for a while due to an injury (not taking rest days!!), but hope to continue with it asap! It's a fantastic app and i can't wait to get back to it!!
  • eukaele
    eukaele Posts: 3
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    There are multiple apps of C25k but I think they are all similar. I have never heard of Ease into 5k but it sounds like it might be similar :) I use the C25k official app of active.com. I am on week 3! Good luck!
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    One of the C25K apps was renamed by the developer.
  • jujumuju
    jujumuju Posts: 2
    C25k was renamed Ease into 5K and the program was reworked. I used C25k before and at the last update it switched to Ease into 5k. :-)
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    I just finished the program through 5K Runner and it took me a few months (I repeated several days). That does seem like a big jump, but I think you should try it. You might be surprised at how well you do! And if you aren't able to make it the whole 20 minutes just repeat the workout. Let us know how it goes. :)
  • ssforcey
    ssforcey Posts: 92 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    Oh wow...that's a HUGE jump. What I've been doing lately is pushing myself past the time they're wanting me to run. Even if it's 30 seconds or a minute longer. Maybe you can do that OR stay on day2 for a couple more runs?
  • I have been using Active.com's Couch-to-5K for about a week now. So far I really like the application. One upgrade I would like for them to add is a mileage update. I got used to that with the Nike+ GPS app. I am also training in a local running clinic. My goal is to complete a 5k at a comfortable pace for a race in May.
  • amyowens08
    amyowens08 Posts: 107 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    Focus on your breathing and don't push too much on your speed, go for distance....once you get the distance the speed will come gradually. You can do it!!
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    They are pretty similar, both start you off with short bursts of running with longer walks in between, progressing to longer runs & shorter walks, until you end up running for 30 mins or more. Slight difference in the pattern of runs/walks but the principles are the same. Ease Into 5k links to the iPod app so that you can have a specifc playlist on while you are using the app.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm on week six, run three, so last week I was in the same position- basically looking at my phone which said 'run ten minutes' and shouting "WHAT THE F&*%???" Never thought I'd do it, but both me and my friend, neither of whom could run before starting the program, completed it, and, I don't want to say it was easy, but we both agreed that it hadn't been as tough as expected...
    Go for it, you might just surprise yourself!

    As for the OP, they're the same program, might have slightly different set-ups but will have the same result, just go with it.
  • amyowens08
    amyowens08 Posts: 107 Member
    I used one called run double...it was the same as c25k which i also used for a little while. i think theyre all the same just different names.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    No. Ease into 5k is for people who can't quite keep up with C25K yet. If you can do 30 min of cardio, you can do C25K.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?
    That one had me worried too! It does seem like a big jump, but it's not as scary as you think! In some ways it was almost easier because without the walking break in between runs, I didn't lose that rhythm, you know? Don't be afraid to go slow, or to slow down during the 20 minutes if you need to.

    You can do it!
  • rtaddlowe
    rtaddlowe Posts: 70
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?

    I have just finished it . What helped me is stretching out prior, getting into a good mindset, and telling myself I can do it just one step at a time. If you have been keeping up with each day, you should be able to make that jump. Don't let the time freak you out just slow your pace a little if you have to but keep running. You can do it!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    20 mins consistent running will seem like a big jump from 8 mins, but if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other you will surprise yourself! I'm guessing that when you were on 8 minute intervals, you did more repetitions, right? So actually you won't be on your feet for much more time because you'll have longer but fewer intervals. My advice would be to not look at your watch - time always seems to go slower when you watch the clock! Try setting an alarm to go off after 20 mins or make a 20 minute long playlist on your iPod and don't stop running till it's finished. You don't have to run fast! Also don't beat yourself up if you can't manage 20 mins in one go - just try again next time, but also be honest with yourself - when you get to 8 or 10 minutes, do you really need to stop/walk or could you keep going?? You'll be surprised!

    BTW it took me a few tries but I finally graduated from Couch to 5K - I'm now on a 10K training program so am having to get used to running for an hour or more, gulp!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I just started the Zen Labs C25K app last night. I've been jogging the last couple of weeks so I started on Week 3. I like the app. I too am terrified of the huge jump to a 20 minute run LOL. I have jogged 8 or 9 minutes already at some point in the last 2 weeks, but that just seems like such a huge jump.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I am doing C25K and liking it - up to week 5 - just finished day 2 of week 5 - but freaking out about day 3 where you have to run 20 minutes - so far the longest interval has been 8 minutes - it seems like a massive jump - any tips?
    That one had me worried too! It does seem like a big jump, but it's not as scary as you think! In some ways it was almost easier because without the walking break in between runs, I didn't lose that rhythm, you know? Don't be afraid to go slow, or to slow down during the 20 minutes if you need to.

    You can do it!

    Absolutely ^^this. I always find the first 10 mins running the hardest (ok maybe the last 10 mins of a long run too!) but once your legs and muscles have got into a rhythym, it's actually pretty easy to keep the momentum going.