Biggest Pet Peeve



  • xlolitabandita
    When the people I work with or my friends call my "diet" food "weird." Did their mothers really never feed them chicken and vegetables? Why is that so weird? I even had a coworker turn their nose up at a turkey sandwich and a fruit cup. Really?
  • acrego
    acrego Posts: 84 Member
    Starvation is not a sustainable or healthy weight loss solution.
    In fact, starvation should never be your weight loss solution.

    That is my biggest pet peeve. 500-600 calories a day? OH and you're taking a wonder hormone that's going to help your body eat away the 'fat reserves'? I see... right... no thanks, I don't care to pay $60 for the hormone or to follow such a retarded weight loss plan, thank you very much.

    My very intelligent friend did the above weight loss plan and managed to convince my roommate to try it to. I just couldn't believe they were willing to inject themselves (yes, it was an injection) with hormones once a day and eat maybe 500 calories a day just to lose weight. It blew my mind.

    How can people who are so smart be so incredibly stupid?

    I KNOW!! I also have a friend who is otherwise intelligent, PLUS more than one family member who have done the same thing! I mean, I can sorta understand the temptation, the wishful thinking that something so extreme MUST be the way to really knock off a few pounds, but when it comes right down to it, again, how do they expect to sustain it, even if it does work???
    For me, I joined MFP because I want a healthy, normal way to eat and exercise and just be HEALTHY! :)
  • talilakay2
    talilakay2 Posts: 34 Member
    annoying: when people say 'But you're skinny, you don't need to go to the gym!' (I'm not skinny by the way). It's like people think you need to be overweight to go to the gym in the first place. They don't seem to grasp that when you've lost weight, you can't just go back to being a slob again!

    also annoying: people also say 'I hate to see skinny people working out in the gym, it makes me feel bad...' WTF?!? everybody has just as much right as everyone else to use the gym lol!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    I also hate people that over use exclamation points. I look at this profile photos and can hear them saying something in an annoying voice all overly excited.
  • Hopelessbird
    Re the HCG diet: I am an intelligent person and went on this diet. It doesn't have so much to do with stupidity as it does desperation. I did not do the injections, but I did take the real (not homeopathic) HCG (sublingual). I lost 13 lbs in 21 days and it was the jumpstart I needed. I am an instant gratification person (most people who are overweight ARE and that's how we end up overweight - we choose the instant joy of fattening/fast food over choosing and preparing healthy meals) and needed to see a dramatic weight loss quickly in order to become and stay motivated.

    I'm grateful that I now found this site so I can keep going and reach my goal. I did a lot of research on the HCG diet before committing to it. It was very difficult to stay on it, but the science is there - it helps you maintain your muscle while using your fat stores for energy. So yes, you're only eating 500 calories a day, but you're accessing hundreds of additional calories (for fuel) from your fat stores. It's kind of like recycling yourself. In short - not stupid - just desperate to find motivation. It worked for me.

    I lost 9lb in 2.5 weeks through cardio (60-90min 5x/week), weight lifting (2X/week) and clean eating (1200-1500 calories/day). It has to be all three. No gimmicks and starvation. Just lots of muscle aches. I think most here believe in a healthy active lifestyle is the right way.
  • kacdragon
    kacdragon Posts: 21 Member
    My husband, who is also a cyclist (24 miles three days a week), actually has to eat those kind of bars to maintain his weight. I had to learn that unless I was willing to be as "mondo" as him tht eating like him was not in the realm of possibility!:tongue:
  • denise3085
    denise3085 Posts: 49 Member

    Another one:

    "Is it OK to eat 800 calories a day? I am really struggling to eat more than that."


    They are just begging you to throw them down and force feed them!
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is that I am very new on here (day #4) and I spend a lot of time in the online community looking at posts and everyone has a different idea about what to do. Im more confused than before I started :p
    I think all I am going to do is be sure between food and exercise I am burning more than I am consuming and keeping it simple.
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    This is why I never actually point it out to people...(other than my general post on here). But you would be surprised how many people actually do believe a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat and hold on to that for every single weight gain they see. I once spent about 20 mins trying to help a friend understand that they weigh the same, but the muscle is more dense.

    But I do agree most people do know the difference. which is why I don't ever pick on anyone about it. I just get annoyed and keep my mouth shut :)
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    this thread over and over again.
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    oh yeah I get that ALL the time. Because I am very obese people (family especially) expect me to drop 10 lbs a week. Hell biggest loser contestants do it. So "only 1 lb!" or "2 lbs" something must have gone wrong. I must not be eating healthy or exercising.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Loud/annoying/rude people at the gym...there was this chick on the treadmill yesterday on the phone practically screaming into it....her convo lasted the entirety of my c25k workout...literally? I had my ipod on as HIGH as I could get it to go and i could STILL hear every work of her convo....then later she got in the sauna and across the sauna her ipod was so loud it hurt MY ears.
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    I say "muscle weighes more than fat" alllll the time. I don't like that people pick at that. Obviously when you say that, and you're talking about on a specific person's body, the "per a unit of volume" is kind of implied. No one would ever actually think that a pound of muscle is more than a pound of fat. If you had a backpack filled with feathers and another filled with rocks, you wouldn't say that the one with rocks is "more dense" than the one with feathers (you'd just sound snooty - and that's coming from a science nerd), you'd just say it' weighs less, the "per a unit of volume" is implied!!

    I would like to "thumbs up" this several times over. "Muscle weighs more than fat" is a technically correct statement, implying that volume is the measurement. Replying with "a pound is a pound" is "correcting" something that isn't incorrect. GRRRAAAHHH.

    It is correct... right. But the problem is that it is always in response to a wait gain.
    "help I have gained 3 lbs." response "dont worry you have just gained muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat." That is an incorrect statement.
    Now...if it went "help I have dropped a pant size but the scale hasn't budged" it may be appropriate to say this...since the muscle density would not affect the scale. Just how the person looks.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    oh yeah I get that ALL the time. Because I am very obese people (family especially) expect me to drop 10 lbs a week. Hell biggest loser contestants do it. So "only 1 lb!" or "2 lbs" something must have gone wrong. I must not be eating healthy or exercising.

    Oh thank you. This one frustrates me. When I watch Biggest Loser and they lose one pound or two and they're all devastated that just pissed me off. A loss is a loss!!!!

    Outside of the TV land a .5 to 1.5 lb loss is fantastic!!!! What the heck is wrong with people?
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is that I am very new on here (day #4) and I spend a lot of time in the online community looking at posts and everyone has a different idea about what to do. Im more confused than before I started :p
    I think all I am going to do is be sure between food and exercise I am burning more than I am consuming and keeping it simple.

    Honestly...there's a couple of reasons that everyone has different ideas. First, some people buy into the quackey stuff about weight loss...but the bigger reason is that it's not always as simple as calories in vs. calories out...different people lose weight different ways. Calories in vs. calories out is the basis, but some people wont lose a lot if they only walk...some people shed the weight just by walking....some people can eat all the carbs and sodium they want, some people lose better without carbs. Some people can eat all the processed frozen packaged food they want and shed like crazy, some people rely on fresh produce and fruits and veggies...its a personal thing. it takes some playing with and experimenting the best bet is to make small changes in your lifestyle...start by eating healthy and working out, and see what type of stuff works for you
  • KayKayLester
    When people cheat with diet pills and loose more weight then people who try to loose weight naturally.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    People who insist owning a HRM is essential to losing weight, and that they are exact measurements of calories burned. I'll say it again...come see me in my cute new summer dress and platform heels, and I'll show you weight loss can happen without a HRM.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    I might get out of hand right here. My biggest pet peeve? Starvation. I hate seeing people who look like good friends, you know you have in common with, you look at their food diary (to see if they're a good choice of a friend or not). And their daily goal: 500-700 calories.
    Me: (-_-")
    Why are you on a FITNESS site, if you're STARVING yourself? Last time I checked FITNESS was HEALTHY and STARVING was DEADLY.
    That rhymes...kind of.
    Especially the recovering ones. If you're trying to gain weight, there are options that say "Gain 1 pound" or something like that. But if you're recovering and trying to LOSE weight, why are you trying to lose weight? You're gonna be right where you were in the first place! No disrespect for these kind of people, but really? Did all that starving kill off brain cells? Would you rather be fit AND lean or dead? And starving?
  • indianzfan
    My co-workers who bring in all their junk food to the office when they start to diet. Throw it out!!. I don't buy that junk for my home. I don't need to see it at the office. Even better, some of my co-workers bring in home made baked goods on a regular basis. The best part is that they sometimes make stuff they don't like (cake with coconut frosting) so they won't eat it when they are dieting. WTF is that about? Why would you purposely make baked goods the sabotage others. In fact, the company I work for is promoting a healthy lifestyle with contests.

    My other pet peeve is the people that say "you have to treat yourself". That means a giant piece of dessert that the other co-worker brought in every other day. Yikes!
  • Corrie_Lynn
    Corrie_Lynn Posts: 53 Member
    My mom, who asks me what went wrong when I tell her I lost two pounds in a week.

    ''What?? Only two pounds? What happened?''

    Go. Away.

    Oh my word! Anyone who said that to me would get smacked upside the head! Why can't people just be encouraging?