Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152

    Let's get our game plan together so we meet our weekly goals come Monday!
    Joy, Monday is weigh-in, isn't it? Or is it a different day? Now I have confused myself and toooo lazy to go back and read to find out. I WILL WAIT FOR YOU to tell me cause that is the friend I am.... lazy:bigsmile:
  • HAMBONE....YES it is on Monday! BE HERE! :bigsmile:

    RES --- can't remember if I said Congrats to you or not for your scale moving......so CONGRATS!! :flowerforyou:

    Just back from Walmart. Bought plenty of on plan foods for the weekend to keep me going!! Hubby is wanting to go to our little bitty town's NEW and ONLY Japanses restaurant this weekend. URghhhh! I know they have scallops, shrimp and such and they cook on grill in front of you....and I love that kind of stuff...and I can easily say NO to the noodles, rice and such. But what about the sodium?? Wouldn't that just kill me???

    I wanna be ready on MONDAY!!! :wink:
  • Hi everybody...just a quick note.....I just tried to send an email to LeanLioness and it wouldn't go thru. when I searched for her profile, it told me she has deactivated her account, so I guess she decided to leave the site and our thread. Unfortunate for us, because she had a lot to offer in the world of low carb-ers. We'll miss you Lioness! :flowerforyou:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    That's too bad - she had a lot of great information and was supportive of all of us. If you come back to read anything, Lioness, know you will be missed!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey guys - this is a bit off topic, but my toddler burned the tips of 3 of his fingers on my hair dryer (his big accomplishment today was figuring out how to get the bathroom door open...) They are all red and shiny and he's in a lot of pain. :frown: I've given him baby Tylenol, soaked it in cool water and put teeny band aids loosely over each finger. He's also had two Popsicles because mommy is a sucker for an uncomfortable baby. :ohwell: Is there anything else I can do for him to make him feel better, oh experienced mommies??

    Also - Lioness is gone? What a shame. :frown:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hannah - you need to call the doc's office - being red and "shiny" they may be 2nd degree burns, and will require maybe some Silvadene ointment on them, which you can only get with a prescription.

    My DD did something similar when she was 1-1/2 - she pulled my curling iron off the sink by the cord and grabbed it by the barrel - and her hand looked like you're describing. She actually had a small area of 3rd degree, and the rest were all 2nd degree. They prescribed Silvadene ointment, and gave me some special wrappings to use......
  • Hannah....I'm with Res...I'd call the doc too.

    Res....which music/podcast did you go with?? I have my new shoes, new cute little socks and podcasts ready to go on Monday...I'm excited...of course NONE of those new things are gonna help my old lady knees!! :noway: :bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I downloaded the gonicole one for week one and the ones from DJSteve. Wasn't hugely hip on the Ullrey ones, though I'll have to listen to more of them. What I like about the DJSteve ones - he actually considers BPM, beat per minute - which will be good for the running portion - easier to stay consistent when walking/running if the beat stays consistent, y'know?

    I got new socks, my shoes are ready, and so is my MP3. I even found my upper arm "holster" for my MP3 player! I'm excited too! Are you going to be doing mornings afternoons or evenings? I'll be doing early early mornings, like 5 a.m. or I"ll never get it done.....
  • RES......I also bought an arm holster for my Ipod...LOL!! We're ready to go! Sure hope these knees will do what I want them to do!!! I d/l the GoNicole Podcast too.....will be getting them all to last the whole time...or as long as my knees will last. LOL I didn't like the Ullrey ones at all, and I can't remember the DJStever and what I liked or didn't like about those...will check again. :bigsmile:
  • Beachcomer
    Beachcomer Posts: 122 Member
    Hello Duddettes,
    I have some saved meals and I'm having trouble pulling them back up to attach to a meal. I'll be checking to see if anyone can help.
  • beach, I wish i knew how to help but, i dont ! Someone is sure to know though :)

    I just got some advice from a friend of mine who is a diabetic, her nutritionist said if you walk for 10 minutes (in place or anyway you want) after you eat then you will burn carbs. The nutritionist says there is something about the way the legs move that enhance the burn of carbs. I am not sure about this but i thought i'd pass it on ..................i am gona try it if nothing else it is a bit more exercise!!!!

    Today was a bad day for me so I need to really try harder. I am so happy I have you all, to keep me from falling all the way off the wagon! Thanks bunches :flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone. I haven't posted in a VERY long time, but have been lurking and trying to stay on top of it all. It's difficult for me to find the time to post, but just know I am thinking of you all and wishing everyone success.

    I seem to go in spurts of being on track........something 'happens' or I get crazy-busy.......and I lose my pace. Or get frustrated and depressed. Or just plain in an I-don't-care mode. I'm working on all these things and hoping to be on track with you all on Monday. Did pretty darn good yesterday and plan on staying good right through the weekend........:smile:

    So.......hopefully I will be able to pop by and post more often. You all sound so wonderful, helpful, supportive, and fun.

    Just watch out for Sassy.........she's a trip.........LOL
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member

    i find that once u search them like u would with individual foods, they pop up in the list. so once u can remember their names u shud be able to find them. thats how mine show up lol

    good luck:flowerforyou:

    i started cutting down to 20-30g carbs yesterday (from 40-50g i had gone down to monday to thurs).......made it thru my workout ok, but fell asleep so early last nite...it was great! :embarassed: lol.... i was just really tired from a hard week and not so fatigued from the less carbs as i thought i wud be:happy: im hoping to keep up the lower amounts thru the next week and cut down to 20g the following week. Good news is this time last month i was in the 100's g range so gradual seems to work for my body and mind lolol :laugh:
    im finding it hard to satisfy what is still left of my sweet tooth but hav started creating protein smoothies to my liking lol.... i just feel like they are wasting my daily carb intake (8g each) :ohwell:
    i wanna try the atkins snacks that are mostly 2 net grams per serving. . has anyone tried the atkins snack bars and found one not too "fake" sweet or cardboard tasting??? thanks!!

    thanks everyone for the support and motivation!! dont giv in to the weekend madness!!!!!:happy:
    keep up the great work folks:flowerforyou:
    happy weekend!!!
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Good Morning All!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day so far!!

    Just a quick post this morning to say HI and see how everyone was doing!

    Today is day 4 for me and I'm starting to feel wonderful! Those first few days of cutting out the junk and getting the withdrawls were tough, even more so this time around. But looking back at my menus and seeing the carb counts from before sure showed me how much cr@p I was eating. UGH!!

    I'm off to for a run soon then have some major housework to get done!!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!!

    P.S. Don't forget your water.... ;-)
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hey, everybody!

    Saturday night, had a very productive work outside day - DH and I helped my dad put up a fence at his church - digging post holes by hand and also - 50 lb bags of Quikcrete - hefting them from about thigh level up to shoulder and carrying them around. Got quite a workout! Fence looks nice, though!

    I went over my allotted calories tonight - DH grilled some lovely ribeyes (he's the grilling God) - and I kinda went wild w/ the steak. We only eat red meat maybe once a month - it was a wonderful treat!

    No big plans for tomorrow, probably cleaning house and laundry and transcription work. Y'all have a super Sunday!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    This is a great group!!! Reading your posts is always good for me. You inspire me when things are going well for you and when you're struggling then I don't feel so alone.

    Don't mean to be a downer...but I had a medical test done this past Monday and have to wait until this upcoming Monday for the results...it's been a long week. I'm scared, a little depressed and spent way too much time researching it online when I could have been exercising and doing my food diary.
    Today I finally got myself to exercise (4.4 on the elliptical) for the first time this week, just finished doing my food diary for the first time this week, and now I'm fresh from the shower. So, I decided...I'm RESTARTING MY DAY (even though it's 7pm!). Good morning, everyone!
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    ASDFJKL: Way to go on changing your attitude - that's the first step towards manifesting change for yourself! I've got my fingers crossed that your test comes back okay - and I'll be thinking of you. Way to get yourself back on track.
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    hey everyone!!

    not sure i'll be able to get on 2mro so decided to post tonight:happy:

    i got experimental and baked a version of the brownies leanlioness gave us - mine i call chocolate bread:laugh: i had to get substitutes for some of the ingredients including wheat flour instead of almond.... sigh* but they taste great so i can only imagine how the almond flour would be!!!! totally recommend!!!! i recalculated my version and still low carb/low cal so not too disappointed lol they were so rich and filling i only had to eat one! i was shocked:embarassed: LOL!! all day i'd been dreaming about how good they would be & how i'd b able to hav more than one! lol....so, even eating one., im still under my total carbs for today and i feel great! gradual reduction is the way to go:wink: need to load up on some water before too late tho b/c was under my goal glasses - only had 13 :frown: lol

    has anyone ever tried the sorbee sugar free milk chocolate?? i decided to take the chance and by a bar. IT IS JUST AS GOOD AS THE REAL THING! that WILL be my new sweet fix! only down side- 13g fat for 1/2 bar.....:grumble: 0 net carbs and 0 sugar, made with splenda. i have the worst sweet tooth and until the cravings are completely gone WOOHOO:laugh: thats what i will have.... lol

    asdfjkl .... sorry to hear about all that! yes, we are a great group here and you've come to the right place!!! yay for you on gettting ur day started right:wink::smile: i hope all goes well with ur tests! i'm sure everything will turn out fine and we'll be here to encourage you thru it :flowerforyou:

    everyone dont giv in to those weekend cravings!!
  • Hey everyone!!! I am so sad Linoness left us:cry: ! she had so many great idea's!!! Hope she comes back!!!
    Where do you get that that sobee chocolate bar? I have found that the FUZE SLENDERIZE drinks are so delicious and have 2 carbs per serving and 10 calories! I barely found 0ut about those so if there are other things out there please let me know and tell me where you usally find them :tongue:

    asd, hang in there were here for you and all will well! You did a great day today so think positive !!:bigsmile:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am still here and my account is active.!!!

    Birthday was Friday and anniversary was yesterday.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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