Biggest Pet Peeve



  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    Oh, and skinny women who always say things like 'I feel so fat' all the time.....when they are probably at the low end of their BMI range, if not below.

    THIS!!! Especially if it's a friend that knows that you are the one trying hard to lose weight. Nothing worse than someone very thin telling you they are "so fat" while looking you up and down and comparing. So ignorant....
  • helpmelose2011
    helpmelose2011 Posts: 125 Member
    BTW.... I haven't lost any lately cause I'm Pregnant, and I'm not currently trying to lose weight. BUT when my baby gets here, I AM going to lose all the weight that I gain!

  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you are sooooooooooo right

    Mines generally people that chose bits of fact and misinterpret it to continue eating badly . Then question a lack of achievement

    There loss, but they are often so vociferousness at defending their misinterpretation.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Mine is that now every piece of food i look at is a number and I mentally calculate the calorie totals all day long. I almost told a girl (slim, fit, bicyclist) that her protein bar she was about to get was over 400 calories and a ton of sugar. Then I mentally slap myself and remember that i'm way over weight and she would probably look at me like I have two heads if I told her that. Plus, that's really annoying too, when people bigger then you try to give you fitness advice.

    I did this once - about Chick fil a ... that girl was RUDE back, lectured me, and never spoke to me. So I had to apologize. I bet she never ate that meal again, though.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
  • I agree with a lot of the things that were said.

    I've never had much to loose so when people ask why I am trying to loose the answer has been because I want to be healthier. They say if I loose to much I'll be to skinny too but thats also because I 'carry my weight well'... That annoys me. Just cause I carry it well doesn't mean its not effecting me. I am not a vain person I don't want to loose weight to fit into a certain size. I just want to feel better.

    Ever since I started this journey I've been a much happier person.
  • tracym17
    tracym17 Posts: 68 Member
    People who ask me what I did to lose weight, and then they seem disappointed I did it by moving my @ss and eating healthier. They are like 'Oh.....'.

    Seriously? Did they expect me to say I have been slowly having the fat sucked off? I WISH!!


    It's like they're waiting for me to reveal some kind of miracle way to lose weight.
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    What are your biggest pet peeves when it comes to diet/exercise?

    Mine is "don't worry, muscle weighs more than fat."

    Generally this will go as follows:
    Friend 1: Help! I have gained 3 lbs this week. I don't understand.

    Friend 2: (trying to make you feel better) "Don't worry. Muscle weighs more than fat. Its probably all muscle.".

    No. Nope. Nu-uh. Sorry. ..well maybe..yeah..No. It is not muscle...and even if it were muscle the scale wouldn't reflect it.

    1) A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. A pound is a pound. However, muscle is leaner than fat. So if you really did, miraculously and against all logic, exchange 3 lbs of fat for 3 lbs of muscle you would look leaner. But it would not reflect on the scale.
    ^^^^ This. When I told my dad and stepmom about my protein shakes and my wanting to lose weight & slim down their response was this. And then they proceeded to tell me protein powder is what they give their longhorns to bulk them up. :grumble: They could not understand that I am wanting to lose the fat and build muscle in a way that I will still weigh less. They still tell me I am too skinny (down to about 152 now) and that muscle weighs more than fat. They like to tell me protein is only good for building muscle so its stupid for me to have a protein shake for breakfast and expect to lose weight. AH!!! Makes me want to pull out my hair!

    Edit for spelling
  • katara74
    katara74 Posts: 64 Member
    My pet peeve is co-workers that know that you are trying to eat healthier but continuously "push" baked goods that they've baked over the weekend, cookies, donuts, anything sweet in your face. I politely turn them down but if you know that I am trying to be more health conscious dont leave items on my desk when I'm refilling my water bottle.
  • Love it :)
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    Pet Peeve:
    1. Being asked "how much longer am i going to do this"or how much more are you going to lose? - myob, when i reach my goal, i will surely let you know. thank you:)

    2. Friends/ Coworkers saying I wish i could lose weight like you did -- You CAN. It isn't rocket science. exercise and eat right and repeat.

    3. being judged by everyone when I eat my healthy food. I do not judge you when you eat cake or pizza so please don't judge me when I eat Egg whites or whey protein.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    My pet peeve is co-workers that know that you are trying to eat healthier but continuously "push" baked goods that they've baked over the weekend, cookies, donuts, anything sweet in your face. I politely turn them down but if you know that I am trying to be more health conscious dont leave items on my desk when I'm refilling my water bottle.

    Haters gonna hate.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I hate when people ask me advice and then don't listen at all! Or just make excuses. Why ask me real advice if you're just going to tune out? grrrr:explode:
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Pet Peeve:
    1. Being asked "how much longer am i going to do this"or how much more are you going to lose? - myob, when i reach my goal, i will surely let you know. thank you:)

    2. Friends/ Coworkers saying I wish i could lose weight like you did -- You CAN. It isn't rocket science. exercise and eat right and repeat.

    3. being judged by everyone when I eat my healthy food. I do not judge you when you eat cake or pizza so please don't judge me when I eat Egg whites or whey protein.

    This. Or when people say, you don't need to exercise today, you did that yesterday. :huh: wtf?

    When Im eating my fruit at work and people have to make a comment on it. "oh you're on a diet?" "That is sooo healthy" "thats what I SHOULD be eating." So go buy some and eat it. Sheesh.
  • esteelewis
    esteelewis Posts: 96 Member
    I hate when people ask me advice and then don't listen at all! Or just make excuses. Why ask me real advice if you're just going to tune out? grrrr:explode:

    I could not agree more! Its because people want a quick fix. They don't want to hear exercise/eating right. They want to be able to eat whatever they want and still lose weight. I actually ran into a lady at the store who saw me in my gym clothes. She started talking to me and I mentioned I was losing weight. She asked how and I told her eating healthy food, staying at 1500-1600 calories and working out 5-6 times a week. She said oh I couldn't do that. I am too busy and have kids. I was thinking yep, you are right. You can't because you aren't ready.

    I am busy too. I am a new attorney. I understand stress, I understand long hours at the job. Do you know how I combat that..I workout at 5AM so I can't make an excuse at night. It is just an excuse. (granted I spent my entire life, until recently, making the same excuses...)
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Oh, and skinny women who always say things like 'I feel so fat' all the time.....when they are probably at the low end of their BMI range, if not below.

    That shouldn't be a pet peeve. People with low self-esteem shouldn't be dismissed like that, whether they're skinny or fat! Maybe they have a little to lose, in which case, they may feel fat, and if they don't have any to lose, maybe they should be encouraged to realise that. Just a thought.

    I never thought of it t hat way before :\
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    When my well meaning friends tell me I'm not fat. Um... I weighed 268 lbs. Yes! I was fat!!

    Diet pills. On the packaging it says, "with a healthy diet and exercise". Really??? So why do I need your diet pill???
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    ... I am an instant gratification person (most people who are overweight ARE and that's how we end up overweight - we choose the instant joy of fattening/fast food over choosing and preparing healthy meals)
    My pet peeve is the "desire for instant gratification makes you fat/fat people just lack will power" assumption/insult/slur. Just because you're an "instant gratification person" and you're overweight doesn't mean everyone else is just like you.

    Dude, I was raised in a religion where you sit quietly in a room for 60 minutes to see whether or not you get any Inspiration from God. That's vastly oversimplifying the theology of it; but my point is that when, from the age of 12, you can sit calmly for an hour during which almost nothing happens, you are *not* an instant gratification person.

    When I was a Teaching Assisitant during graduate school (itself definitely not an instant gratification proposition), I once spilled a test tube full of molten lead onto my bare forearm. Yes, it hurt like hell. I held my arm under cold running water long to stop any continuing tissue damage, rolled down my shirtsleeves to cover the burn, and finished teaching two more hours of lab class. I'm telling you here and now, that's not something a person without any willpower is going to do.

    Some of the reasons why I'm overweight are:
    - genetics (every woman I know of on my mom's side of the family is overweight or obese),
    - a mild early chilhood brain trauma that makes me suck at most sports & other forms of athletics,
    - an extremely painful illness that plagued my early adulthood,
    - and the perhaps-related not-quite-so-painful illness that has completely disabled me in middle age.

    Yes, that's a lot of crap to go through (and yes, I've gone through all of it). When you've gone through something similar, then you can tell me that a "have no willpower" and am an "instant gratification person." But not before.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member

    Thank you & I can understand that! I just wish my mother would see what she is killing herself & try to make some changes. I've tried every gentle push that I can but she won't budge :(

    I learned the hard way...and still learn it...if someone is not ready to change they will not change. Something literally has to "click". I have yo-yo dieted my entire life. It was always with half a heart because I knew I should. But the true desire wasn't there. It wasn't until recently that it finally clicked for me. Now there is no stopping me until I hit 160 :) I really hope it clicks for your mother soon.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    My pet peeve is co-workers that know that you are trying to eat healthier but continuously "push" baked goods that they've baked over the weekend, cookies, donuts, anything sweet in your face. I politely turn them down but if you know that I am trying to be more health conscious dont leave items on my desk when I'm refilling my water bottle.

    Haters gonna hate.

    Yes, this!!!!! They are trying so hard!