Breakfast at work suggestions?

I work in an office and I start work too early for me to make a healthy breakfast at home (I guess I could get up earlier, but that's not going to happen). I usually have breakfast after I've been at work for an hour or two, and most of the time, it's just a high fibre granola bar or oatmeal with fresh fruit. However, I've been reading about how granola bars are basically just cookies that are repackaged to look healthy. BUMMER!

I need some suggestions for easy, healthy breakfast foods that I can make the night before or bring to work and leave in my desk. Sometimes I bring an apple, pear, or grapefruit, but it's not very satisfying! Anyone have any tips?


  • Well I've been doing 1 or 2 boiled eggs, which aren't too satisfying either but it usually does the job until lunch time
  • buffybabe
    buffybabe Posts: 180 Member
    Thomas bagel thins with a wedge of light laughing cow cream cheese...yummy :-)
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    You can microwave eggs as well, put it in a small container.....maybe pack you food the night before, then you don't have to worry about it. I bring 1 cup of cereal, a 4 oz. container of cottage cheese and a banana for breakfast...which I eat at work :) Takes about 35 seconds to pack.
  • Papa_Swearingen
    Papa_Swearingen Posts: 139 Member
    I do hard-boiled eggs also. I actually find them really filling. I like them cut up on wheat bread with lite mayo, cayenne pepper and salt. For something sweet I would go for greek yogurt.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    1/2 cup eggwhites with some reduced fat mozzerella and a dab of taco sauce. I microwave it. doesn't taste too bad. I have also tried Morningstar veggie saugage patties which are very tasty.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    1/2 cup greek yogurt plain,
    1/8 cup dry oats
    Chopped fruit of your choice 1/2 cup
    and if need be, a small amount of sweetner.
    OMG it's so filling! I have found dry oats to be some of the best filler ever.
    I make pizza crust with it and 1 slice is always enough.
  • candybubbles
    candybubbles Posts: 5 Member
    The D-lights the turkey sausage with egg whites and cheese on a muffin and only 250 in colories :)
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Eggs in a mug you can add veggies meat etc, mix and cook in a mug for 2 mins

    yogurt with berries

    smoothies- you can make the night before. I use 1/2 cup kefir (liquid yogurt) 1 6oz container plain greek yogurt and 1 cup frozen berries yummy!
  • GeoJenna223
    GeoJenna223 Posts: 68 Member
    Shared from a forum in MFP

    Egg muffins:

    10 large eggs
    1 cup milk (i used 2% to keep the eggs creamy and fluffy)
    -chopped veggies of your choice, about 2 cups worth. I used:
    1 whole orange bell pepper
    1/2 large zucchini
    1/2 portobello mushroom cap
    1 cup frozen chopped spinach
    3 slices thick-cut ham lunchmeat
    1/2-1 cup low fat part skim mozzarella cheese, shredded

    -chop all of your veggies pretty small and fry them on the stove with cooking spray until soft/tender to your liking. chop the lunchmeat into small squares (~1/4 inch)
    -preheat oven to 325 degrees and spray a 12 muffin pan with cooking spray really well
    -in a large mixing bowl crack your 10 eggs and add the 1 cup milk and whisk until really well blended so that the yolks/whites/milk are all combined.
    -add veggies, lunchmeat and cheese to egg mixture and mix/ fold in with a spoon until evenly distributed through eggs.
    - using a ladle fill each muffin cup to the top with egg mixture (i had to also use 1 ramekin and ended up with 13 muffins in the end)
    -bake at 325 degrees 20-25 minutes, until eggs are cooked thoroughly (they'll rise up a little and the top won't be shiny anymore, will also be lightly browned.

    -cool completely then individually wrap in saran wrap and store in a ziplock bag or tupperware container in the freezer. Take out a few at a time to keep in the fridge to heat up in the morning for a quick and easy breakfast!

    makes 12-13 muffins, when prepared as above with 2%milk each of them is 90 calories, 3 carbs and 5 fats pair a couple of these in the morning with whole wheat toast and you've got quite a hearty breakfast!
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    I work in an office setting. I've been eating oatmeal along with my co-workers. I keep the instant oatmeal bags at work. Mix the baggie with water and microwave it. I also use a bottle of 8oz almond milk. One usually last me the entire week. Just a splash of it and I'm good to go.
  • We don't get to sit down to eat at work so everything I take has to be easy. For breakfast I take a pouch of Emerald Breakfast on the go nut and oatmeal mix. It is very filling and I can eat it on the run.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Here's what I typically bring for breakfast for my office, not all on the same day mind you...I try to switch it up.

    2 hard boiled eggs as already suggested ;)
    Yogurt with fresh fruit
    Turkey bacon (it microwaves very well)
    whole wheat pita pocket with low sugar peanut butter
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    You can make eggs the night before, my hubby does that and then just reheats in the microwave at work. Or even those low-sugar Quaker oat meal packs, mix with water, microwave and eat.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    You can microwave eggs as well, put it in a small container.....maybe pack you food the night before, then you don't have to worry about it. I bring 1 cup of cereal, a 4 oz. container of cottage cheese and a banana for breakfast...which I eat at work :) Takes about 35 seconds to pack.

    or get a Microwave Egg Poacher, Mmmmmmm!!!!!!!
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    I am the same way, I start work at 7am so I can't eat until around 830. I have a strict regimen too!

    6oz Dannon light & Fit yogurt and a few heaping spoon fulls of frozen (thawed) mixed berries. I get the great value brand which contains strawberries, blue/black and raspberries!

    This almost always keeps me full until lunch, if not, I throw in a banana.
  • hi3cho
    hi3cho Posts: 26 Member
    Do you have a microwave at work? I usually have 1/2 cup plain old fashioned oats, add a packet of splenda and a little milk after cooked and then I also have a protein shake (powder/water) I try to eat as soon as I get to work.
  • coke281
    coke281 Posts: 21
    breakfast just add skim milk or fat free milk...but boyyyyy do they clean your stomach!!
  • dschavers
    dschavers Posts: 55 Member
    I also go to work early and have to eat there a lot of the time. Try a protein bar and fruit or nuts.
  • KimH313
    KimH313 Posts: 162
    I usually do a Thomas' Bagel Thin (110 Calories) and a 1/3 less fat Philadelphia cream cheese (80 Calories) OR a piece of light wheat bread toasted with banana, and I usually do a low calorie peanut butter. good luck!
  • pinkpandangel105
    pinkpandangel105 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom so I don't have the same problem, but you could take yogurt and some granola. Or if you have a good blender you could do a smoothie with frozen fruit before leaving. Just toss in whatever frozen fruit you like add milk, yogurt, and juice and blend til smooth.