Mommy question??



  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    It depends--within reason of course--on what the other girls are doing. It can make your daughter feel like the ugly duckling if she is the only one not wearing a bit of lipstick or mascara. As a mom of 4 ( 2 girls) I do object to pushing kids into adult stuff too early. What can they do to make them feel "grown-up" if they do it all at 7 or 8? Hope that is helpful.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    15 - 16... but that is not gonna stop them, they walk out withup make up and come back with makeup. My daughter has been using it since she was 13, it was best to see how much she was wearing when she was leaving the house.
  • missykm7
    missykm7 Posts: 42
    I let my 13 year old wear concealer (for blemishes), lip gloss, and mascara. She just got interested in wearing it over the past couple of months.
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    I teach my 12 year old about make-up now and I'll let her wear a bit when she shows a real interest and can be responsible to remove it at the end of the day.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    mine started with light stuff,,,ie lipgloss, pink eye shadow at 13. She moved to real makeup at about 15. Now, at almost 17, she looks like a clown....IMO. LOL
  • TiredOfBeingFAT130
    I think it depends...
    I rarely wear makeup... I might put it on once a week, if that. My Mom never really had a set age with us. I think I started wearing it when I asked to which wasn't until 8th grade I believe.
    If she wants a light dusting of something, I would say middle school is fine. My Mom always taught me that makeup is best when it looks natural and I will try to teach that to her too.
  • NittanyLion95
    My mom let me when I was 14...but she reserved the right to make me wash it off if I looked like a clown lol:) I think I will prob take the same route with my daughter

    Same here. I wasn't allowed til 13 but she would make me tone down or wash my face if I wore too much. I wasn't allowed nail polish either (but that was a school policy as well). I think playing with it is okay...she sees you doing it, so of course she's going to have a desire to try it...if you keep it a secret then it's just going to be a bigger draw.
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    My daughter does competitions so has to wear full blown make-up when she's on stage. The minute she comes off I immediately start scrubbing her face to get it off. She hates the process of removing it so I'm hoping it will deter her from wanting to wear it in the everyday. She knows I don't like how much they have to wear and she sees me wear absolutely none. I'm hoping she will realize she's beautiful without and not wear any.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    They are going to do it whether you let them or not. The key is to know that, and approch it with love and understanding from their point of view, not yours. Especially, if you wear make up.

    thats what I worry about

    Why do you worry? That's how it is. No one "lets" their kids do anything. My parents had zero say in my life, they just thought they did. I did whatever the hell I wanted, as soon as they were out of view. LOL>

    It's nothing to worry about. It's how kids are. Just know that, and approach your style of parenting with that in mind. this means, saying no is not an option. That's my parenting opinion.

    Let me clarify a little bit, unless it is dangerous or life threatening, don't sweat it.

    Example: When I was a kid, growing my hair long was absolutely forbidden. I did it anyway, and I was constantly berated at home for it. One day, my grandmother came by and asked me if I wanted to go to the "store" with her. I said sure. I guess "store" was the code word for barber shop. I went along with it, but didn't like it. This was all so stupid. And, it made me even more rebelious.

    On the other hand, turn to today. My son is 9 and says he wants to grow his hair out. His mom and I both said "Awesome. Which ever way you want to wear it. It's your hair." He doesn't think of it as a rebelious thing, it's just simply how we wants to wear it. I'm not going to disallow it for any reason. It's not dangerous, it doesn't hurt anyone, and there's nothing wrong with it.

    You kind of have to step back and put things into perspective and pick your battles with your kids. And, in my case, it's really just when things are dangerous or hurt others.

    We had to have a talk with my daughter because she was mean to a kid at school and said hurtful thing and his feelings were hurt. That is NOT allowed. And will not be tolerated. But, if she wants to die her hair blue or wear make-up, I could not care any less.
  • TheMissingSock
    My stepdaughter has been allowed to wear makeup since her 11th birthday. Let me explain the why and how:

    A good friend of mine is a professional makeup artist. She went to the store with me and helped me pick out neutral shades of eyeshadow, lip gloss and brown/black mascara. My friend also did a makeup demonstration for my stepdaughter and her 3 closest friends, as kind of a "makeup birthday party".
    She was taught the correct way to apply her makeup as well as taking care of her skin and her makeup. I didn't want her to just start wearing blue eyeshadow and looking like a clown.

    Now that it's been almost a year, she only wears mascara and occasionally wears eyeshadow. She knows that she is too young for eyeliner and some of the other things that go along with wearing makeup.
  • RH_Brazell
    RH_Brazell Posts: 339
    My stepdaughter has been allowed to wear makeup since her 11th birthday. Let me explain the why and how:

    A good friend of mine is a professional makeup artist. She went to the store with me and helped me pick out neutral shades of eyeshadow, lip gloss and brown/black mascara. My friend also did a makeup demonstration for my stepdaughter and her 3 closest friends, as kind of a "makeup birthday party".
    She was taught the correct way to apply her makeup as well as taking care of her skin and her makeup. I didn't want her to just start wearing blue eyeshadow and looking like a clown.

    Now that it's been almost a year, she only wears mascara and occasionally wears eyeshadow. She knows that she is too young for eyeliner and some of the other things that go along with wearing makeup.

    that is how I want to start her out very simple
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    I don't wear make up except eye liner which is very rare so I am hoping my girls are like momma and don't wanna wear make up. I want my girls to not be afraid of their natural beauty. When I met my husband in 2006...I had no make up on and he was hooked *giggle*
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I started wearing makeup at age 13. I also had an older sister that was 4 years ahead of me and taught me how to put it on without looking like trash. Stick to the basics, lip gloss, cover up if she has a few blemishes and some mascara to make her look like she isn't sleeping..
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    My daughter is 13, grade 6 and she wears make-up very occasionally. When she first started to show interest in wearing it I took the time to buy her her own make-up (so she wouldn't try to use mine or someone else and risk getting pink-eye or worse). I also discussed what is an acceptable amount to wear during school hours and say Friday Night Dances at the school. So far it's really been a non-issue in my household.

    I also had an older sister (9 years older) who took the time to give me tips....I remember ((((laughing)))) my sister said "blue eye shadow is for hookers" and while I liked blue eye shadow at the time I knew I wouldn't get free make-up from my big sister if I didn't comply LOL
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    At what age do you feel is appropriate for girls to start wearing make-up???

    Like just introducing them to make up..the simple stuff not nothing extreme
    SUGGESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let make-up be a reward for other good hygene -- like brushing teeth 2x a day without being asked and brushing nots out of their hair. I tell my daughter that putting on lipstick without brushing your teeth is like putting lipstick on a pig...not that I am calling anyone a pig LMAO
  • MomDaze3
    MomDaze3 Posts: 24
    I have a 12 yr old. She has practiced makeup at home only. That way she'll have an understanding when she's older. I do let her have the sparkly clear lip gloss since she is turning 13 soon. My thoughts are steps and stages. When she's 15 I'd rather her have just eye liner and concealer however that stage might come before I want it to. In her time she'll be ready for more. Right now I try focusing on her keeping her skin clean and protected. It makes her feel grown up a bit and will help her when the time for make up comes. It doesn't help that I sell skin care and color. :ohwell:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I think junior high is acceptable. I wouldn't encourage it, but if my daughter asked to wear makeup, I would let her.

    I personally didn't give two s**ts if I wore makeup up until college.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i was 13. i will probably allow my girls to start wearing minor makeup, lip gloss, maybe a little bit of pale eye shadow on special occasions, around 13 as well. but nothing heavy.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    I was 12 when i started wearing make up. it was just simple stuff like powder, lipgloss, and mascara. I didn't get into eyeshadow or anything until i was probably 15 or 16. Most of the girls i went to school with were wearing full face make up before i even started wearing make up. Depending on maturity, i'd probably let my daughter start around the time I did.
  • blueandigo
    blueandigo Posts: 296
    When you're ready to be a grandmother.