WARNING: scanning food with the Iphone



  • taliesyn_
    taliesyn_ Posts: 219 Member
    you can scan barcode of food into MFP iphone app? does this work in UK? also what happens if its a packet of something and you only had half or quarter wouldn't scanning the barcode just log the full amount?

    I am unaware of where all it is available at but you scan the item then put in the portion of the serving you have eaten..
    Yes, it works in UK - I use it :smile:
  • Mel15sa35
    Mel15sa35 Posts: 35
    you can scan barcode of food into MFP iphone app? does this work in UK? also what happens if its a packet of something and you only had half or quarter wouldn't scanning the barcode just log the full amount?

    Not sure about use in the UK, but you can adjust the amount once you scan the item.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Don't update your food diary while driving! It's important but not urgent :-)
    Hahaha you're are so correct, it will wait, you are not likely to forget. At least pull over or wait until you're at a red light. :)

    ok so in my defense, I was in the store parking lot still when i did this BUT you are absolutely correct.. no texting and driving or in my case "scanning"
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    Last night I scanned a can of soup and it came up as an orange! lol

  • chelltune
    chelltune Posts: 17
    you can scan barcode of food into MFP iphone app? does this work in UK? also what happens if its a packet of something and you only had half or quarter wouldn't scanning the barcode just log the full amount?

    You scan it then it gives an option to change the quantity.

    I've noticed that Vitality yoghurts are wrong. It states however many calories for the 125g pot but the cals are actually for 100g. This makes it 25% low.
  • I once scanned Doritos and it came up as a slice of apple. *sigh* If only...

    And, I know it's already been said, but please, oh PLEASE don't use your phone while driving. PLEASE!!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Also, you kind of have to question... if it's coming up as different stuff when you scan it, are the stores scanning it correctly, then? Did you pay for their pickles, or for the buns? Did you pay for the V8, or the Minute Maid drink?


    Good Question, check those receipts.

    LOL great question..I never even thought of that:)
  • crash2012
    crash2012 Posts: 1 Member
    it's easy to change the size of the portion right in the app -- just click on the number of servings to change it -- all the fractions are there plus you can double, triple, etc. the size. I use it all the time and haven't had any problems yet. I do doublecheck the entries, though!
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Who does the pairing of foods to barcodes?

    I have also had times when wrong things come up (hotdogs instead of shredded cheddar, gross :laugh: ) but when I went to edit it, it didn't let me actually edit the barcode information, it just told me to choose another item, same with if you scan something that the barcode isn't in the system.
  • BRISAjustAltered
    BRISAjustAltered Posts: 260 Member
    Don't update your food diary while driving! It's important but not urgent :-)

    Right!!! LOL That's what I thought!

    Yeah, it happens but its not often.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Barcodes are not the same all the way around the world.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I had a similar incident with a small bottle of milk. I scanned it and it turned up some brand of butter instead. Thank goodness I was the passenger in the car and could manually search the milk on the app.
  • Acherona
    Acherona Posts: 134 Member
    I did something this morning and because the packaging was not striaght it read it as something else, as soon as i rubbed out the crinkles it was all good, but other then that mine as always come up what it is supposed to be, but thanks for the heads up x
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
  • I've only noticed a few, but I like that you can edit it if it's wrong!
  • michaelvhawk
    michaelvhawk Posts: 100 Member
    Yes every once in a great while something will scan incorrectly. By and large it is correct and by far the best feature of MFP. I absolutley love that I can scan the barcodes and be done very quickly. It takes a couple of seconds to verify that it is correct, but still saves you a ton of time from having to enter everything in manually.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    wow, I don't need rude laughing third degree comments about my scanning a can while moving in a store parking lot...the point was check your item after you scan and before you add... thanks everyone
  • Mbond74
    Mbond74 Posts: 56 Member
    Huh! I've never had that happen and I use the app quite often... Thanks for the warning though.
  • sedosher
    sedosher Posts: 142 Member
    Is there some trick to getting the scanner to work? I have use my phone to scan lots of other things before but I can't seem to get MFP to scan anything. It just keeps showing a red bar and everyone in a while it will partially turn green then go right back to red. I have tried holding the phone closer then further, etc but nothing seem to make it actually scan.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Is there some trick to getting the scanner to work? I have use my phone to scan lots of other things before but I can't seem to get MFP to scan anything. It just keeps showing a red bar and everyone in a while it will partially turn green then go right back to red. I have tried holding the phone closer then further, etc but nothing seem to make it actually scan.

    *make sure you are in a well lit area
    *when the red line shows up, hold the item and phone VERY STILL-sometimes, I have to put the item on the counter and then use both hands to hold the phone
    *the camera will focus (make sure the ENTIRE bar code can be seen on the phone screen, a bit farther away is better then closer) and the red line will turn partially green
    *the info will then show up