5'2-5'3 girls!!!!



  • mollydubs
    mollydubs Posts: 205 Member
    age 25

    sw 120 in am/123-124 at night
    cw 114 in the am/116 at night
    gw 112? I have no idea. Whatever feels right. I mostly just want to look athletic.

    I'm a vegetarian that eats some fish (maybe once a week) so that makes things just a bit different. I recently changed my diet around to a very planned, protein focused diet. That being said, I eat 1000-1200ish calories a day. Under 1200 only on the days when I really can't fit any more in. I simply cannot eat my exercise calories it seems. Silly filling protein!

    I exercise 6 days a week or so. no more than 30-60 min of cardio unless I'm feeling especially insane (went from not being able to run a mile my whole life to running 11 miles the other day in about 6 months! yay!) and, since my recent diet change, I've tried to incorporate more weight training. Seems to be working.
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    AGE: 34
    Ok, I am acually 5'1. But I hope I'm still welcom

    Highest Weight: 145
    Current Weight: 142
    Goal Weight: 110
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 105

    Hi ladies, Iv'e been a member of MFP since 2010. I am posting my before and after pictures.

    The last picture was taken a few days before my wedding on Feb 2011. After that everything went great except my weight. I gave birth last Dec 2011. During my delivery, I was 152 lbs. I went down to 136 after that. But suddenly the pounds came back. Below is my latest picture with my baby. He's 3 months now. SO after three months, it's now time to get out of this couch and start getting healthy again.

    So wish me luck ladies.
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    I just found out I am 5'3, sounds silly but I always thought I was 5'5 .... I guess I just have a loud personality:P

    SW: 170
    CW: 158
    GW: 130

    I lost about 12-15 lbs (fluctuating always) on MFP since January, but I have been plateauing..ALOT. The scale is my worse enemy. I started off eating 1200 cals, then have bumped it up hoping it will help my plateau, it hasn't so far. My eating is pretty clean with exception of granola bars and 100 cal snacks (they are so convenient for a student!)I workout 6 days a week doing a combination of HIIT, Tabata and heavy lifting (its an athletic conditioning program). I recently got an HRM for my birthday so I know exactly what I burn per workout, I usually eat my exercise calories, but in light of my current lack of weight loss I have been considering only eating half. Any suggestions are more then welcome!!


    ps. You guys rock! Congrats on the weight loss and BEST OF LUCK EVERYONE!
  • jennibell81
    Hello, I'm 30 yrs old , married and have a son who will be turning 9yrs old in a few weeks! I have 60lbs to lose but if I can lose more than great!!! I've been on MFP for a little over a week now. Looking forward for a new me and meeting some really great friends!! :smile:

    HT: 5'0"
    SW: 195lbs
    CW: 191lbs
    GW: 135lbs
  • lillydlc
    lillydlc Posts: 162 Member
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    I am 31
    SW: 177
    CW: 120
    GW: 108-110

    I am set at 1200 cal and I usually eat my exercise calories back, unless I have a huge amount in one day and am not hungry. I was usually 135 at my "normal" weight in high school and pre-kids, but I have proven that it wasn't my "healthy" weight. My ultimate goal used to be 130 and now it is 110.

    How long did it take for you to lose the weight you have lost? I am also 5'2", my starting weight was 179. So far it has taken me about 2 1/2 months to get down to 159 pounds. I'm just wondering because you started out with similar stats to mine.
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member

    SW 155
    CW 126
    GW 115-120

    I started out eating 1450 calories plus most of my exercise calories. The smaller I get the more I eat. I am now eating around 1700 on non-workout days and 2000-2100 on workout days. Cardio as a 15 minute warm-up before New rules of lifting program and then cardio immediately following it for however long I am motivated (usually about 10-50minutes). I average around 4 days of working out a week.

    I am trying to eat between 1400-1800 calories a day depending on my workout for the day, but my progress seems to be slowing down. I am doing the P90X program, so I am strength training 3 days a week, 1 day of Yoga, and 2 days cardio. How long did it take for you to drop your weight? I'm curious because you have a similar build, and I like that you are eating so much and still losing.
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    I am a smidge over 5'3.5

    Sw: 156
    tw: 124
    Goal weight is :112-117
    I am doing P90X at the moment. not at all really worried about calories but i ususally take in 1630 to maintain. I just want to get toned up and stop being worried about the scale
  • EllenBe
    EllenBe Posts: 31
    Hi everyone! This is my first post! Congrats to everyone doing so well!

    I'm 5ft 2
    SW: 161
    CW: 147
    GW: 133
    UGW: 126

    I started in january and lost 11lbs but then I really plateaued at 150lbs. I was eating 1200cals a day and tried upping it a bit as everyone suggests, but there was no change, I even put back on 1lb. So I've now been eating around 1000 a day and have lost 3lbs. I exercise 6 days a week, playing sport twice a week and gym the other days and eat back the calories about half the time. I know everyone says you really shouldn't eat under 1200, and I've read lots of posts about it, but I've found it's the only way to get out of the plateau! Has anyone else had a similar experience? I was wondering as I'm short maybe I don't need to eat as many calories? I've also been focussing on the fat and making sure I'm under that, as in the past I've eaten 1200 a day but eaten bad foods with high fat content and didn't lose much.
  • esphixiet
    esphixiet Posts: 214 Member
    I'm 29, and 5'4"
    SW: 234.5
    CW: 213
    GW1: 199
    GW2: 50 lbs lost by July 10th (My 30th Birthday - a lofty goal, but not unattainable healthfully)
    Ultimate Goal: Who freaking knows (I was 145 at 18, and in peak physical fitness - I maintain the BMI is horse****).

    I'd be happy to add new friends who have similar stats or goals :)
  • Michelledru
    Michelledru Posts: 11 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 134
    Current Weight: 124
    Goal Weight: 112
    Calories: 1200/day (This is my aim but I don't feel the need to stick to it every single day. I sometimes I eat a lot more or a tiny bit less)
    Exercise: I have been doing the 30 Day Shred workout and intend to move onto the other Jillian Michaels DVDs I have once I'm finished.

    I sometimes eat all my exercise calories back and other times I only eat part back or none at all, it depends how I feel on the day. I do always aim to stay under my maintenance calories but I have had a couple of little blips.
  • JAGA81
    JAGA81 Posts: 2 Member
    Age: 30
    Height: Just shy of 5'2"
    SW: 240
    CW: 180
    GW: I'd be happy at anywhere between 110-120
    Calories: Between 1100-1200/day
    Exercise: Don't ask... :noway: My lack of exercise has kept my weight loss progession slow, but I'm just struggling to find a physical activity I find enjoyable. I absolutely despise the gym (I find it boring and tedious), so if anyone has any good suggestions on exercise that doesn't feel like exercise, I would love your input!!:smile:
  • tsitra1
    tsitra1 Posts: 2 Member
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 162
    CW: 158.5
    GW: 130-135

    I've got a medium build and want to be very fit and strong..so my gw is a little higher. I've done WW off and on and just started calorie counting. I always do well on WW if I'm not exercising..but I love to exercise. I'm going to be playing with my calorie intake (1200 right now) and seeing if I need to eat my back my calories.
  • brendacs21
    brendacs21 Posts: 180 Member
    32yo 5'2

    hw 187
    cw 159
    gw 130

    im doing weight watchers and eat 29 points a day(have no idea how many calories this is). i work out 5-6 days a week 40 mins cardio and 20 mins strength training. im medium build , apple shaped
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    19 yrs old, 5'3

    sw: 145
    cw: 138
    gw: 120

    Caloric Intake: 1000-1200

    Current Measurements: 36-27-38
    Goal Measurements: 36-24-36

    I don't exercise much.. I go for a walk everyday and basically book my butt around campus for about 30 mins a day.

    I really want to to look my gramma when she was younger... Because she looked like a pin up model.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    53 yo, 5'2"
    SW 124
    CW 106
    GW 100

    Any twins for me out there?

    I stick to about 1100/day and sometimes eat the ex cals back. I started in Nov of last year.

    SW 170
    CW 159
    GW 115-120

    I'm at 1400/day but I'm aiming at staying under 1300 since 1400 seem to much for me. Just got into running 2-4 miles 3 times a week. Started in January 2012.
  • SlimBananas
    SlimBananas Posts: 124 Member
    i'm 21yrs old and im 5'3
    sw: around 173
    cw: 165

    I'm currently trying to figure out a workout schedule but i do zumba (kinect) biggest loser (kinect) & go to the ymca and walks around my neighborhood. this has not been an easy journey for me. took me a long time to get past 167 and im still fighting cravings but hey at least im trying.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hi I'm 36 years old
    Starting weight about 3 years ago was 160 lbs

    I don't usually eat more than 1100 calories a day, but I'm not exercising as intensely these days. Of course Sunday nights are my celebration nights- complete with Ben and Jerry's! Is it Sunday yet :laugh:
  • jules_02
    jules_02 Posts: 46 Member
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