Do you have a phobia?



  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I don't like the dentist. I don't go unless there's something seriously wrong... I know it's foolish but I grew up in the generation where the 'murder house' hurt like hell and now my teeth are vulnerable even having them cleaned hurts enormously.
    lol, MURDER HOUSE, I like that.
  • pinkpandangel105
    pinkpandangel105 Posts: 38 Member
    Blood and needles. Actually pushed past it this week and tried to donate blood and they messed up and HUGE bruise. Going to try again though.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    ~ Unchlorinated (I probably totally made that word up) bodies of water (Lakes, Ponds, Ocean). I will not swim in them, and will only walk into the "surf" of an ocean, nothing above my ankles. Fish live there, and it creeps me out.

    ~ Dying. I can work myself into a panic attack if I think about it.

    ~ Electricity. I am afraid of getting electrocuted.
  • pinkpandangel105
    pinkpandangel105 Posts: 38 Member
    Another isn't really a phobia but it terrifies me is watching like end of the world movies. I start to think about my son dying and I start to freak and cry. I don't worry so much about any other family dying but my son. I lost my first child shortly after birth and I think that's part of it
  • RuthRuby
    RuthRuby Posts: 31
    E.T. :"(
  • kwaddell1987
    kwaddell1987 Posts: 70 Member
    :happy: A dirty house, im such a clean freak, when i get home from working 12hrs, i literally cannot sleep unless my house is clean, yes i know im weird
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I love this thread. Some of it is making me laugh out loud.

    Not one but TWO people with mustard phobias? Seriously! (not judging, just amused at the likelihood of 2 cases).

    I am always terrified of spiders. But in terms of phobia, enclosed spaces - not elevators, but i could NEVER go in a cave. And when i am in a bad space emotionally, i have terrible problems with claustrophobia which extends to rooms with no windows, and even to not being able to open my eyes.

    I had a bedroom with a European style blind on the outside of the only window. The blind broke in the down position. For months the thought of being sedated for surgery just gave me panic attacks at night (i had no plans for surgery but still thought about it). Then i started to be afraid even to close my eyes to go to sleep. Finally, after propping the blind up on a chair just to get some light in just so i could sleep nights, i had to go crazy on my landlord to get the darned blind fixed!
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    I think my only actual phobia is anything that can cause a sense of being trapped. This extends from the usual small closed space, to remote wilderness, to deep water, to toilets with those sliding locks (i go through phases where I can't lock them). The other day I had all sorts of dreams about being trapped in a million different scenarios because in real life I had been lying in bed in pain, had taken painkillers, and they had not helped - which created a sense that I was 'trapped' with the pain.

    I think it is some variation on my grandmother's agoraphobia, because I do got through phases where i get 'stuck' in my room due to... all sorts of things.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    It's not a phobia, but dirty fingernails...uuuggghhh yuck just imagine what's under there.....
  • yeahfatty
    yeahfatty Posts: 228 Member
    seaweed... & sharks even in pools .. i imagine that they have like a shark gate underweater .. which they open when i'm in the water .. ridiculous but i can't seem to convince my mind otherwise.
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    Spiders. Although I try not to kill them, I will try to get them back outside. For all of my goodness to them, two of those mother effers have landed in my cleavage. I freaked out with one and took off my shirt and didn't see it on me, I looked at my shirt and it crawled right out. The thing about the spiders here in England (and Europe in general) is that they are harmless but HUGE! Let me give you guys an idea of what I deal with....



    When I let it back outside, it spread out to as big at the container trying to get away. I usually find them on my stairs during the harvest season. Everyone thinks that they come in because it's getting colder outside. Nope. They are sent out of the fields by tractors and I live right next to a stinking field. :-)

    I also hate flying. I need meds to fly otherwise I chew lots of gum and talk to myself during turbulence. It's funny to laugh about how crazy I am after we land safely!
  • Blood, injections. I tend to faint if it's bad enough.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    So many spider phobias! I feel so bad for people who have this phobia, because they are so common. I love spiders and think they are beautiful (that said, it's my husband that has to come and catch them to put outside).

    I really really hate glass elevators. I used to have a recurring dream of being in a glass elevator that kept rising faster and faster, and there was never a way to get out of it. This also means cable cars- and where I live, there are tons of them, so I go on them all the time. It's quite inconvenient, but I'm getting better! I used to cry on cable cars, now I can sometimes* enjoy them.

    Another is blood injections/having blood drawn- but this is because I have really really weak veins and am always treated like a pincusion whenever it has to happen- so I now get really anxious before I have to do it.
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    Megalophobia. I thought I was crazy because I nearly pass out when I see those big white windmills, but it actually has a name and it's a real fear.

    Literally means fear of large objects, like cruise ships, the Statue of Liberty, etc. Not buildings, strangely, for me. It manifests differently in different people.

    I honestly think my dog has this fear. I don't mean to laugh but I just picture my dog whimpering and yelping when she sees large machinery. I feel awful for her but it is as sight to see.

    I am terrified of spiders (I was bit on the face by a brown recluse in '07 and it has hightened my fear). Clowns scare the crap out of me and as of late I have become afraid of being haunted. I blame paranormal 3. The first two didn't care me, but holy crap that third one did me in. Also terrified of showering in the dark. (power goes out and you will see a naked woman run out of bathroom super fast).
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    flying **** that stings, and maybe im a little claustrophobic
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    Also terrified of showering in the dark. (power goes out and you will see a naked woman run out of bathroom super fast).

    I hate closing my eyes and getting this feeling (or even with my eyes closed, I get those shadows like someone just stepped in the shower with me) that someone is right there. My husband actually did this to me. Stepped in the shower with me when I had my eyes closed and I saw it get darker so I naturally opened up my eyes to look and there he was. I let out the biggest scream (I also tend to instinctively hit) and the look on his face as he recoiled in horror..... HAHAHAHAHAHHA! I will never forget it!
  • munkeyfunk
    munkeyfunk Posts: 141 Member
    lol, should have killed it with your boobs LMAO
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    LMAO @masterchef. That is hilarious. I hate washing my face in the shower for that reason. I also am terrified of opening the shower curtain and someone be there and me not hear them come in. I typically have clear shower curtains or glass doors. I am staying with my mother and she has super dark curtains. I wish this fear would cease.
  • Bellini500
    Bellini500 Posts: 60 Member
    Wood, specifically rough (not varnished) wood. The thought of it makes me feel sick. I bless the person who invented non-wooden kitchen spoons and spatulas :-D
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    i'm scared of heights. I'm also TERRIFIED to die. I know you won't know when it happens. But the thought of not seeing or being around my family and friends and just done. Scares me.

    THIS, I think about not being in this world anymore, I come really close to a panic attack.

    Crowded places...I need to have my space.