Weight loss w/o counting calories



  • bmac1996acc
    Check out Body For Life. No calorie counting, just portion sizes
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    I stopped counting calories. And I am losing still.
  • Kassieisproud
    Ive been thinking about doing the same but i tried for just half a day and almost went way over I Personally just am not ready yet but you can do like i did keep a mental note of what you eat one day and than go and put it all in at the end and see how you do
  • scrapnextras
    scrapnextras Posts: 6 Member
    I am quite sure that after counting calories for a while, you will become quite intuitive about food...what portion = x amount of calories, what food values it has. We all hope to lose and then go on to maintain, so letting go of the calorie count should be something we see in the future anyway. Once you've got the sense of balance and portion control, you will be able to let go. Consider the counting part as training for the maration of maintenence.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    If you have been eating healthy for a long time, you probably could continue to do so without logging. I could. I have dieted enough throughout my life I can almost add up the calories in my head for any recipe. I also cook most of my meals from scratch, so I know exactly what's in them. You probably know what foods are high in calories, fat, sugar, or sodium. It's when you start "I'll eat this just once" type of thing that will get you in trouble or letting your portions get bigger and thinking "well, it's just a little bigger than what I had before". If you aren't REALLY experienced, I wouldn't take the chance. As experienced as I am, I still like logging everything, then I can go back and pick a day's meals to have when I'm not feeling particularly creative.

    Whatever you decide to do, weigh yourself often and always be conscious of what you are eating. Good luck.

    ^^agreed^^. Really depends on your past experience with food, weight and fitness. MFP helps IMO.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I think of MFP as education about what's in everything and how much to eat in a given day. I hope it'll become intuitive. I miss not counting calories but as of now its really important for me, especially since I am constantly surprised by how many (or how few!) calories are in some of the stuff I eat
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    about ten years ago I lost 15 pounds by eating the same small breakfast (coffee, apple toaster strudel) under 300 cal, then lunch around 300 cal (cottage cheese and 2 pieces of fruit). No dinner. Plus. i signed up for the gym and did whatever I could for a couple of hours every day.(I was very inexperienced and did not know what it takes to really burn calories in exercise). So, in a couple of months I lost 15 pounds. I got them back over two years. But still, it was good!
  • donnakent
    My opinion as I tried this a while ago. It doesn't work. So good to have the pal to keep me focused and in control of my cravings. Is this the reason you started the pal as you couldn't lose weight by yourself or didn't trust yoursel? I think it would be good for you to remember why you went to the pal in the first place nd has it helped. I would rather go nuts with numbers rather than go nuts increasing my clothes size.
  • skinnyjeansdiva
    It's never worked for me for more than a week or so. After time my portions creep higher, I add more healthy snacks, etc. I can maintain without counting but I can't lose.

    A trick that works wonders for me is to break down my calories allowance by meal. I always aim for 200 calories at breakfast, 400 at lunch and so on... it means I only have to think about one meal at a time. Really helps keep it from being too consuming and complicated.

    Never looked at it that way to break it down. I will try it!!!!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I think portion control is one huge aspect in losing weight. If you know how to control your portions you have it made. You can really eat whatever you want if it is in moderation.

    For example....I used to drink everyday, pretty heavily. I cut it down to just weekends and lost a lot of weight. Now I want to lose the last 20 lbs, and drinking like an animal 2 times a week isn't doing it for me. I dropped it down to one and cut out hard liquor and half the beer. I'm back to being a loser :)
  • johnderrilll
    you just have to be VERY mind full and honest with your self if you are going to do this. plus how will you know if u have a deficit or you are not eating enough with this? this site has taught me a lot allready.