

  • Ten10
    Ten10 Posts: 223 Member
    I love Zumba I am unsure of how much weight I have lost with it but I am seeing more definition in my abs and thighs.
  • lfcartz
    lfcartz Posts: 20
    I love Zumba and have just started doing it at the gym. Was using the DVDs at home but doing it on carpeting made my knees too sore. I usually do it twice a week. Just starting to get in shape but I can tell it makes my core feel tighter.
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    I go twice a week...LOVE IT!!! But Im not able to get there more than that...Im debating on getting Zumba 2 for the it worth it? I think part of why I love it is the music (well I know that part) and also the group setting...Im afraid me alone in my living room will not cut it...any thoughts??? Oh, and Im not losing lbs..but some inches...and people are noticing!! (more than I am seeing it)
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    LOVE ZUMBA!!!! Went to first actual class a few months ago. That was great!! It is really hard to find the time to go to class for me so also have a DVD and the Wii game!! I love how high the calorie burn is and it is so fun I could do it all day long!!!!!!
  • Ddubb94
    Ddubb94 Posts: 25
    Yes, addicted to Zumba! It's refreshing to find a form of exercise that I look for forward to doing. I lost about 20 lbs within the first 2 months of Zumba classes (twice a week) - combined with a body toning class twice a week. I am now taking Zumba four days a week for the next 3 weeks. I look forward to seeing the results!
  • prettythinlove
    prettythinlove Posts: 127 Member
    The thing I love most about Zumba is you don't even notice you are burning so many calories! It's just fun. Especially laughing at myself, it's about the only workout I do that I smile haha.

    We should make a Zumba group! :-)
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I love zumba!! I have the dvd set and it's great! I can see the toning in my belly/hips area. I don't really have any weight to lose so I can't testify to that but it's working well so far with toning!
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hi there, went from a student to an instructor and lost 71 lbs. I love it and it really helped put me on the path to a healthy lifestyle :)
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    Wow, I've always wanted to try Zumba. I did last Saturday and had a BLAST. I will be off to Zumba class in an hour.
  • irisheyes226
    irisheyes226 Posts: 27 Member
    I've been taking Zumba classes for a month now and I love it! I go twice a week!
  • Ddubb94
    Ddubb94 Posts: 25
    That is awesome.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    Hello Zumbamanaics, love,love,love it! I was a student 4 years and have been an instructor just over a year now!
    Its not exercise it feels like a party. Gotta teach at 10 am. Zumba love:)
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Hi, I love Zumba!! I go to classes 2x a week.

    I've been going since October last year but only started sorting out my eating habits in January.
  • SinCity2003
    SinCity2003 Posts: 163 Member
    I have Zumba for the Wii, and while I quickly learned there is not one drop of Latin blood in my body (I have no coordination), I love it. I just ordered the Zumba Exhilerate set and can't wait for it to get here on March 26th. My husband, who has no interest whatsoever in exercising or dancing, has said he will do it with me to keep me motivated, so it ought to be a fun experience!
  • tjortegon
    tjortegon Posts: 26
    I go twice a week...LOVE IT!!! But Im not able to get there more than that...Im debating on getting Zumba 2 for the it worth it? I think part of why I love it is the music (well I know that part) and also the group setting...Im afraid me alone in my living room will not cut it...any thoughts??? Oh, and Im not losing lbs..but some inches...and people are noticing!! (more than I am seeing it)

    Nice!! I recommend the Zumba wii if you can't get to a class... something is better than nothing... Your doing good keep it going and you will see your body make more changes... :)
  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    Not losing a lot of lbs but definitely inches and I feel AMAZING!!
  • gobifree59
    gobifree59 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 58 and tried Zumba for the first time in Jan. We have a Zumba Gold class for the over 50's group!! It still moves at a fast pace, but not as fast as the regular Zumba class. I am also uncoordinated but love to dance and have learned the routines quickly. I haven't lost weight yet but am losing inches and I love it!! Try it at any age!!
  • candysheree81
    I love Zumba but haven't done it in a while or consistently. I just started tracking my calories on Tuesday still trying to lose baby weight which my daughter is now 6! I plan to start back with my Zumba dvds on Monday. I know I will be successful with these two combinations!
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    zumba Zumba ZUMBA!!!!!!! I love zumba! I once told my friend I am not going to let zumba consume my life! Well it has!!! I have been doing zumba since Jan '09 & I became an instructor in May '10 I do 6 classes 5 days a week. I teach 3 & attend my besties classes as well.
    When I first started the weight fell off. I lost close to 40 lbs doing zumba & I've plateaued so now I've added two days of strength training to jolt the body into losing again.
  • amaricia
    amaricia Posts: 2
    im starting zumba today!