April fool's day challenge



  • diane68
    diane68 Posts: 43 Member
    Okay 3rd week for me and lost another pound
    CW - 163

    I've lost 4 pounds so far and hoped to get to 157 by 1 April . Mmmm gonna be tough but will give it my best!!

    Good luck everyone.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,076 Member
    Oops, weighed in on Thursday, but forgot to post.

    3/4/12 = SW 147
    3/8/12 = 147
    3/15/12 = CW 147
    GW for this challenge 146 . (I know that doesn't seem like much, but I want to be able to keep it there, once I get there for a couple weeks. First I have to get there... I seem to be stuck at 147, so if it is just 1 lb. I will be happy).

    And, now.... I have injury and can't even go for a short walk. Argghh!
  • msmorgiep
    Yes Please! 240.4 today 3/17 goal 230 4/1
  • janmar57
    janmar57 Posts: 13
    count me in
    CW 162
    fools day 152
  • the_energy
    Checking in today at 276 :) doubt ill reach 264 by 1st but giving it a damn good try!!!!
  • britneyblonde
    britneyblonde Posts: 92 Member
    GW for April fools = 147lbs
    SW = 157lbs

    26th Feb = 155lbs
    4th March = 153lbs
    11th March = 152lbs (not the best loss but at least its going in the right direction)
    18th March = 150lbs
    25th March =
    1st April =
  • diane68
    diane68 Posts: 43 Member
    Okay 4th weigh in for me and lost 3 pounds. The most I've ever lost in one week ( not sure how though - but I'll take it!!)

    SW 167
    CW 160
    TW 157 by 1 April

    Good luck everyone.
  • teimo
    teimo Posts: 44
    Hell yeah... I'm up for that... excellent challenge!!
    i'm currently 162.8 and would like to be160 (or less if possible!)
  • kati37
    kati37 Posts: 61
    lost four pounds!!!! So motivating.... Thanks everyone for your support!! Good luck to you all!:happy:

    Not sure why my little thing that shows weight loss isn't working... :grumble:
    3/1 lost 4lbs
    3/8 I had no loss no gain!!!
    3/15 lost 2 lbs
    3/22 lost 3 lbs
    I know my little thing says I have only lost 1lb, but I wasn;t very committed when I first started and gained 5lbs so I guess my ticker doesn't show anything til I have lost below my original log in weight!! Good luck everyone!! I have 4 more pound to go til I meet my April 1st goal!!
    For all of you diet soda drinkers, I have been drinking water and coffee unsweetened tea for over a week and I attribute getting rid of the pop to my weightloss this time!!!!! Good luck to everyone!!!!!
  • MortHD
    MortHD Posts: 1

    For all of you diet soda drinkers, I have been drinking water and coffee unsweetened tea for over a week and I attribute getting rid of the pop to my weightloss this time!!!!! Good luck to everyone!!!!!

    And cutting carbonated drinks just makes (me atleast) feel awesome. I personally replaced it with green tea and about twice as much water as I normally drank.

    Current 196.4
    April 1st: 180 (or even lower if doable)
  • bonita120lb
    Current: 156
    Goal by April 1: 145
  • emalbright
    emalbright Posts: 46 Member
    Started at 171.2
    This morning I was at 167.8
    Very happy with my progress, thus far!
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    I'm in!

    Current weight: 179
    Goal for April 1 : 170

    May be a little unrealistic, but I'm just coming off of a plateau, and am being optimistic!

    3-22-12 178 lbs
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    3/22 Weigh-in
    SW: 259.5
    CW: 254
  • laurieagain09
    laurieagain09 Posts: 183 Member
    It's thursday!

    SW- 152
    CW- 145
    GW- 143 :)
  • JersryGirl31
    I'm in. CW= 162

    GW= 155
    2/23 162
    3/22 155
    4/1 ?
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    beginning weight: 153.4#
    last weigh-in: 149.6#
    Current weight: 148.2#
    Goal weight: 145#

    Started TOM today too. :sad:
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    Current weight:266
    Weight by april 1: 258
  • chadpack
    chadpack Posts: 3
    Late start but i would give it a shot

    Today 260
    April 1st 250
  • cathylord
    cathylord Posts: 115 Member
    Weighed in today and I have already reached my goal of 195.
    So now I am hOping to be at 194 by the end of the challenge.