What would you change your name to if you could?



  • well my name is Renee but I was suppose to be Leah I have always like Leah and would have had that name except my moms bff named her daughter Leah Marie .. or Ryanne.. Ilike boy names for girls but with girl spellings..
  • Tes70
    Tes70 Posts: 2
    Seriously...I think Charlotte, I've always liked that name. I like my middle name Elaine so Charlotte Elaine. Tammie is just plain. :happy:
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm fine with Alyssa as my first name, but my middle name (Kay) I've always thought was boring.

    But I honestly can't think of anything better for a middle name, though lol
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Max Power or Lance Uppercut if we are talking fictional names :)
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    First Middle Last Legen Waitforit Dary... for those of you who are How I met your mother fans.
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member
    i would like to change my name to willow after my favourite female character in buffy the vampire slayer :happy:
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Aqua Unique Kitty Kat Nelson
  • mdailey93
    mdailey93 Posts: 95
    I hated my name when I was a little kid, cuz I thought it was an old persons name (I was named after my grandma). Now that I'm older, I honestly love it. I think it fits me well. It's Molly by the way.
  • djlindstrom
    I am another middle name user, but that was the way I was raised. My middle name is Joanne, I would have preferred Joanna... but it's a moot point now as I go by Jo. I like my name that way.
  • mdailey93
    mdailey93 Posts: 95
    If I had to change it, I would probably change it to Jane, or Mariposa, but that's what I want to name my daughters.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    My name is okay... a little unique, but I was given the masculine spelling of it (oy vey, ... dumb parents!).

    My screen name, however, is what I prefer. It's why I use it.
  • blv0267
    blv0267 Posts: 150 Member
    I like my name as well and it fits me pretty well....Gayle.

    If I had to make a change, I would change to Lily. I wanted to name my daughter Lily but it didn't go with the last name and she would have been teased for her entire life....so I compromised and went with Gillian (pronounced "jillian").
  • jayne_mel
    jayne_mel Posts: 173 Member
    If I had to change it, I would probably change it to Jane, or Mariposa, but that's what I want to name my daughters.

    I'm obviously a Jayne. Don't really like it.
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    I would change my first name if it wasn't also my mom's and my grandmother's and my great-grandmother's first names as well. I'd probably just drop it all together and make my maiden name my middle name.

    My middle name is never pronounced properly (doesn't bother me that much), but I wouldn't change it, but I never use it.


    Which is why I'm PDG, because my other grandma used to call me Catarina Patas De Gallina.

    Usually I go by Cathy, sometimes Cat (my bestie calls me Cathilda).

    Anyone going by either of those names or any variation thereof is crazy. Trust me. We all know this and we all get along. :drinker:
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    My name is pretty awesome- Jovito

    But if I were to change I would go with- Rufio.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Would not change it at all. I love my name. Rilea (eg. Riley after my grandpa).
  • psychopiglet
    psychopiglet Posts: 130 Member
    In the UK you can change your name online at http://www.deedpoll.org.uk/

    Since I found that out I have often found myself on there considering changing my name to something else or maybe adding a mad middle name!

    My first name is Martine, and I don't like that very much. Most people forget it and call me Martina, I don't even bother correcting them anymore. So I have considered changing my name to that before since it's what most people call me anyway.
  • Rusjo
    Rusjo Posts: 31 Member
    I like my name now, but as a kid I wanted a more feminine name, like Maja or Madeleine. I never wanted a name that doesn't start with M, though, since my dad, mom and sister has names beginning with M, it's sort of our thing. Now I think my name is short and precise, without being connected to any particular personality traits, if that makes sense. The only thing I would change is how it's pronounced in English. Mona becomes Moan-a, which is annoying. But with the Norwegian pronounciation it becomes Moo-na, don't know if that's any better. But my sister is even more unlucky, "Maren" completely falls apart in English.
    My pet peeve when it comes to names is using y in names, other than as the last letter. It just looks so misspelled to me, it's probably related to how I can tell how a word is spelled by picturing it or writing it down.
  • cavemancop
    cavemancop Posts: 42 Member
    Chuck F'ing Norris
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    My name is Cecilia and I love it...But I get called Cely.....pronounced Sealy......My paternal grandmother named me....My second name is Agnes, after one of the same grandmothers aunt's....