30 Day Shred



  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    My first day on level 2. Lots of planks, and it feels like more of a challenge than level one! Bring it on jillian!
  • jfcameron23
    jfcameron23 Posts: 44 Member
    Tomorrow is my last day of level 1. I take Wednesday as a rest day and I do Zumba on Thursday. I am looking forward to level 2!
  • i'm perfectly happy at level 1 - i can see on my fitbit activity how i've progressed, because 10 of my 28 minutes (as opposed to 0 day 1 and 4 day 5) show up at very active. i know i'm working harder through the exercises, and that's what makes me try again the next day.
  • Started Level 2 last night... ouchyyy it kicked my butt. I took 2 days off because I wasn't feeling well, BIG MISTAKE lol. I had to stop multiple times, but I could do all the exercises this time (last time I tried to do Level 2 I couldn't do the walk out push ups).

    Where is everyone? Not many people have been posting! We can DO THIS!
  • I'll be starting the 30DS soon! Will post more stats tomorrow. SW is 156, I'm 5'4"
  • On Day 4 Level 2 today... So far it's still kicking my butt everyday. But I think that might be because I'm sick this week too. I seem to be getting out of breath so easily on this level. I can't wait til I can get through the whole 20 mins without stopping 5 times lol!
  • Myselvein2012
    Myselvein2012 Posts: 37 Member
    Started level 2 today. I could do most but it was harder than level 1. But I remember that I got much better as level 1 progressed. We can do this.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Already doing 30 DS. Level 2 day one today. I love it. Boy do I feel leaner. Good luck to all. Don't get discouraged each day it gets a little easier.
  • Swiebe74
    Swiebe74 Posts: 1
    what is the 30 day shred
  • warnerl1
    warnerl1 Posts: 25
    Started level 1 today. I couldn't believe how difficult it was lol the cardio wasn't bad but the abs and strength killed me!
  • Toniithia
    Toniithia Posts: 50 Member
    I just started today, and I'm at 193, every other time I've done it, I stopped half way through because I didn't think I could do anymore, today I finished it,

    only because I pushed myself, I'll be doing it tommorow, again but I have a feeling I am going to be extremely sore, :P
  • Toniithia
    Toniithia Posts: 50 Member
    I did day 5 today. Seems to be getting a little easier and I'm not cussing at Jillian quite so much. I did take yesterday off... Anyone else having a rest day?

    today was my first day,,, i can relate, i was cussing her out like she could actually hear me ahahah.
  • fiona2013
    fiona2013 Posts: 2 Member
    This is a very good exercise and I have been doing it for some time now. I like to do levels 1 to 3 in a week but on separate days (monday, wednesday and friday). It seems to help me a lot. I would like to know under what category of exercise can we add this exercise to in myfitnesspal? Normally, I put it under cardio, circuit training but I am just wondering if that is correct.

    I started using this application on my phone in Feb 2012 and I have lost 3.9 kilograms so far!

    Good luck to everyone and keep it up! It pays in the end when you start fitting nicely into your clothes!
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    I had to take a week off after hurting my knee. I'm not back on day 1 level 1 and its so disappointing :(

    And now for some reason my ankles are really really killing me on the jumping jacks and skip rope.
  • Level 2 Day 6 today. Does anyone else have a rough time at the end with chair squats and V lifts ( or whatever they're called)... by the time I get to that point, I can hardly do squats, and my arms are dying lol. But I can feel the difference in my abs and thighs already. Still getting out of breath, but not nearly as much as a few days ago.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am going to be doing it today (day 2 of level 2, day 7 overall).....current weight at 200. no measurements yet.
  • Level 2 Day 7 today. I can't believe I've almost gone a whole level with no rest days. That's saying something on how much I've improved so far lol.
    I'm excited to measure myself at the end... I can already see improvements!
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    Any results yet guys? I need some motivation!
  • Down 3 pounds and I didn't start until the 16th (oops...work got crazy and 16 hour days did not facilitate 30 Day Shred work outs!) - and its the only change I have added since I started MFP :)

    How goes your Shred?
  • Nicole921
    Nicole921 Posts: 57 Member
    Well, my tv died in my bedroom so I haven't been able to do 30DS much. Only a couple days a week. I have been doing C25K three days a week. I've lost 3 lbs and a total of 5 inches. I just moved up to level 2 this week.
    How's everyone else doing?