Eww... You need to fix that.



  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I wish I was more assertive. I get pissed about things happening to me, but never seem to have a voice to stand up for myself when it counts the most or I get completely emotional and cry, bleh.

    My husband, omg, I wish he was more proactive. If I need something done in the house I have to tell him, he doesn't look around and say, oh this needs to be fixed or that needs to be picked up. But after 18 years I'm pretty sure that's not going to change :)
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I've always wanted to lose one of my hands in a tragic accident somewhere in a remote jungle. I'd be whisked away by helicopter to a secret research facility that was coincidentally in the area. They would fit me up with the most awesome robot hand ever invented. It would shoot lasers, open beers, and automatically flip off people who drive like a**holes.

    That would make me happy.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I wish I was more confident, a lot more confident, I also wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. This might be for the benefit for other people but it would be nice if I didn't get so angry and aggressive so quickly.
  • LifeLongJourney
    I wish I was more assertive.
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    I wish my husband & I both had more patience. Our 3 year old really pushes our buttons somedays and it would be nice to take a deep breath and remember she's only 3, instead of getting mad or frustrated. Also just more patience with each other. There are days we jump all over the other for no real reason.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    i wish i was not so shy. here, on the internets, i am outgoing, cause you can't see me, we're not face to face.but in real life, i am painfully shy. as in, we have lived in the same place for 2 1/2 years and i have only recently been able to speak to the neighbors, i fight the urge to run inside every time. i can barely speak to my new manager unless to communicate a problem or discuss work stuff (i'm a supervisor), and he has to initiate conversation. by 'new' i mean we've been working together a year and a half. people think i'm snooty or rude or that i think i'm above them, but really, i'm just afraid of them. i cannot make eye contact with anyone save for my family and closest friends. if someone tries to look me in the eye i will look away. it's debilitating, really. i can't manage a simple hello to some people.
  • stormy_eyez742
    stormy_eyez742 Posts: 37 Member
    There are several things I'd like to change but I will start with some plastic surgery...The *girls* need to re-climb the mountain instead of repelling (quickly!) down my melted washboard belly..Classy, eh? Yeah, that's how I feel. I think that hurts my self esteem worse than anything else. Behaviorally, I would change my need to control everything and realize just because others may do something differently doesn't mean it's *worse* or wrong...

    As for my husband, there isn't much I would change. I'd like for him to be a bit more proactive in helping with household/handy man type chores. Also to take a bit more pride in his appearance. Either way, I love him just the way he is and he's amazing.