Are you becoming a fitness nerd/boring your friends?



  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    I feel like all I talk about is food, dieting, and fitness. I've tried to tone it down a little, I am even trying to input my calories as much as possible before I go out to eat (if it's a restaurant I am familiar with and I know what I will order.) I guess I don't want my personal journey to be off putting to someone else. I know what I feel like when I am around people who are obsessed with one thing and never shut up about it.

    What do you do?

    I joined Daily Mile :)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I was, until I noticed no one cared so I stopped. My boyfriend even puts down the phone whenever I start mentioning calories or protein. No point bothering others with what I'm doing for myself.
  • janmar57
    janmar57 Posts: 13
    i have told people about this site because i think it is so good.i hate listening to people talking about dieting all the time.the trouble with dieting is all you think about is what you can eat.i know people who can tell you the weight watchers points for any food you can mention i find that a bit sad and annoying.i just talk about it if i am asked then try to move the conversation on to something else.:laugh:
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I used to talk about it a bit with work friends and kinda got the feeling it wasn't appreciated so I stopped and kept it to myself... Not long after though a few of them saw the progress I was making and decided to get on board and now we discuss it quite a bit :)

    Oh! And they've joined the site as well but don't think they've gotten into the community side of things. *yet*
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I talk about it with my sister, we've always been that way though, we are each others coaches!! Sometimes I go a little overboard and get excited and ramble on to anyone who will listen! (That's usually when I've reached some kind of milestone)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I don't mention it or say anything unless asked. I do post my daily workout log from my Cardio Trainer app on FB. no ones complained. If they care they can block it like I do with all the Spamville games. I used to log my calories right then and there when I go out with friends but I have gotten pretty good of estimating so I just do the quick add calories or I research on the restaurants website and log in advance before meeting up with them.

    I do offer unsolicited talk and advice to 1 close friend but he asked me to.
    It's usually my left foot with a dose of LET'S GO YOU LAZY BUM, up his *kitten* and drag him to the YMCA with me 3x a week.
  • GoalSixPack
    I'm a stay ot home mom so the only things I really do all day are clean, count calories, and workout. So I never have ANYTHING interesting to say unless it's about getting stains out of clothes or getting fit so I talk about fitness/nutrition all the time, because my other option is to talk about cleaning the toilet. ;) lol.

    Lol, I'm a stay at home dad and I do the same. This is great :-)
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    I think the wife is losing it with me, she might kill me soon if i don't shut up about it.
  • marc777
    marc777 Posts: 5 Member
    If I am not crazy about it then I feel i cant make any ground! My wife is getting into it now also which is good. At work, my friend and I who are both shooting for 8% body fat are constantly talking about our macros, calories, protein...etc It drives our co-workers crazy, but I see all of them wanting to change and not doing anything about it!
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    I hope I'm not too bad, people are really noticing the weight loss so are asking me about it. If they do, I tell them, but don't really go into detail unless they are very interested. I think I've inspired a few folks with my success as everyone seems to be losing weight and getting fit now, so normally have an outlet!! :)

    Being a lawyer, you soon find other things to talk about and to divert the question with an off the cuff quip as people often ask what I do then you see their eyes glaze over within seconds when you start explaining... :D so I don't talk to people about that either any more!!