Yes I peak at your food diary and must ask you...



  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I have zero clue what items are selected to be tracked on the website. I only use the app on my phone and it shows me every single nutrient breakdown for each item and the entire day. So I look at everything.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Just playing devil's advocate here, but why are you judging peoples' sugar intake when you don't even have your own diary public?

    Why do you think I am "judging".. I am asking about it so I may gain some perspective on my OWN macros monitored.. I learned my lesson.. to just ask my MFP friends from now on.. the message board people can misinterpret everything.. Some of you were very intelligent and honest and made me think of things in a different way which is why I posted this topic.. and I thank THEM for that.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Because I haven't found sugar to make a difference in my weight loss or my overall health (based on bloodwork and how I feel). I do tons of long endurance-type cardio, and to be honest - my best workouts are often fueled by jellybeans. :-)

    ^^^This.. Replacing jellybeans with gummybears.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Just playing devil's advocate here, but why are you judging peoples' sugar intake when you don't even have your own diary public?

    Why do you think I am "judging".. I am asking about it so I may gain some perspective on my OWN macros monitored.. I learned my lesson.. to just ask my MFP friends from now on.. the message board people can misinterpret everything.. Some of you were very intelligent and honest and made me think of things in a different way which is why I posted this topic.. and I thank THEM for that.

    OP, just trying to be helpful here -- if you want to start a general, discussion thread, it might help to phrase it as 'I was wondering about the pros and cons of tracking your sugars. Any comments?' instead of 'Why don't you track your sugars?' -- the second one sounds vaguely accusatory, even though that's not what you meant.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    Because I think it's silly that a kiwi, a banana, and a sweet potato will put me 'over' on sugar. And, I just really don't care.

    This, totally!
  • TamsinEllis
    TamsinEllis Posts: 293
    I used to track my sugar, but always came in under (other then when I ate a lot of fruit but I don't tend to count that). Now I eat better in general and whilst I do still have a few processed foods (fish cakes/chicken kievs) they are things I ate when I tracked my sugar anyway so I don't worry about tracking sugar (plus I eat a lot of fruit so my sugar is always high anyway from natural sugars), I'm more concerned about fiber now. I do however often click on full report just to check how much sugar I consumed if I think I'm having a crazy sugar filled day.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Just playing devil's advocate here, but why are you judging peoples' sugar intake when you don't even have your own diary public?

    Why do you think I am "judging".. I am asking about it so I may gain some perspective on my OWN macros monitored.. I learned my lesson.. to just ask my MFP friends from now on.. the message board people can misinterpret everything.. Some of you were very intelligent and honest and made me think of things in a different way which is why I posted this topic.. and I thank THEM for that.

    OP, just trying to be helpful here -- if you want to start a general, discussion thread, it might help to phrase it as 'I was wondering about the pros and cons of tracking your sugars. Any comments?' instead of 'Why don't you track your sugars?' -- the second one sounds vaguely accusatory, even though that's not what you meant.

    YES! you are right! Point well taken.. : ) didn't intend on it coming across that way..
  • moonsforeyes
    because it is impossible to go under for me. One banana and a Chobani yogurt and I'm over.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    Because I think it's silly that a kiwi, a banana, and a sweet potato will put me 'over' on sugar. And, I just really don't care.


    I tried but was constantly going over. So I said screw it. Doesn't seem like it slowed me down that much. If I lost at a fast pace Iwould be worried. :D
  • QuixoticPanda
    QuixoticPanda Posts: 40 Member
    I list it on mine! :)
  • Mandarz
    Mandarz Posts: 50 Member
    because even without eating any processed foods, or having sugar in my coffee, i was over the sugar amounts by lunch- EVERY DAY
    this is eating a balanced breakfast for example; oatmeal with banana and strawberry and chia, an apple and adams peanutbutter as a snack, vegetable curry with rice for lunch-

    MFP does not have a way to distinguish between added sugars and natural sugars, an apple and a carrot can put you over easy.. so i just dont track it anymore.
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Cuz sugar is not the devil unless you're diabetic or have other medical condition which requires control of sugar intake.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member
    I don't eat a lot of processed foods and I eat a lot of fruit. Plus I enjoy my dark chocolate square and jelly beans as a treat. I don't abuse it so I feel it's not worth keeping track of. Sodium however is something I am very concerned with.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I'm with a lot of the previous posters... Most days, I try to get my sugar from natural sources if possible. The only time I really pay attention to the number is on bad days where I KNOW I've done horribly. Sugar hasn't really made a difference in my weight loss; SODIUM has. :'(
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Cuz sugar is not the devil unless you're diabetic or have other medical condition which requires control of sugar intake.

  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Sugar is one of the hardest things to stay under for me. Not because I eat a lot of sweets, but because if I have a banana and an orange in a day it puts me over.
  • twinsies041
    I always go over on sugar but that's because I eat a serving of greek yogurt and a handful of blackberries and I'm over!
  • trinitymel1982
    I am more interested in the amount of iron I am taking in...... and although I love sugar I don't eat much of it as it is my downfall. Once I start I can't stop.
    this :)
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I swap things round a lot, sometimes I watch it but I found when I was doing it would put me off eating fruit as I would be obsessed with staying under and that would be the thing to take me over especially now I barely drink any tea with milk.

    Just had a quick look at the past week for sugar, most days I'm under although one day I was over because of chocolate :sad: but another day I was really over mainly down to soya milk, yoghurt, apple, and a banana - now I'm wondering if I should be watching that too.

    I just don't know with fruit, 3 pieces can take you over, I used to eat a lot more than I do now and fruit is good for you but seeing your sugar in the red can have a negative effect on how you view it.